Chapter 397 - Incursion(Part 9)

Oh, no... 

Ciel stumbled back with a sharp gasp, clutching around her chest with a look of agony on her face. As she'd closed in on her opponent, right before she drove her wind blade through the alien's head, she was pierced with one of those long, insect-like legs that form when the aliens turn purple. 

She let out a pained wheeze as she pulled it out of her chest and fell back, coughing out blood as her opponent lifelessly collapsed onto the floor, blood pouring out of her pierced head. 

" seems we have another draw. Both fighters are-...," Began the ref. 

"N-no...! I'm...I'm not gonna lose...!" Suddenly gasped Ciel, as she shakily got back onto her feet, her eyes dim as blood poured down her torso, barely conscious, "L-look, I-I...I'm still standing, damn it...!"

"Ciel, no...," Whispered Kilella with an anguished look on her face, as the rest of us stared in horror as her blood pooled around her feet, slowly expanding around her.