Pinky Promise



It was at that time that the girl nodded her head at him and a smile formed on his lips. There was undeniable progress and he felt proud.

"Okay, after we get the ice-cream and biscuits, we would go look for your parents. Do you know where they are?"

She shook her head this time, making Xander wonder if she knew how to talk at all.

"Do you know how to… No, can't you reply to me with your mouth and not your head? Tell me your name, please."


"Oh Lisa, nice name. So, why haven't you been speaking since?"

"Mother said not to talk to strangers."

That was it…

Jade could no longer hold it in and let out her laughter. This had only irked her lover boyfriend but he shrugged it off and smiled at the little girl.

"That is very good, your mother is right. Let us go get your ice-cream then we can tell mummy you did well. Is that okay?"
