Little Dragon



Lisa's mother was still in a daze as she stared at the complimentary card. 'My daughter was with him all along! Glorious God!'

"Mum, what is wrong? Did uncle give you the wrong number?" Lisa's mother could clearly see the concern written all over her daughter's face and when she did not respond, little Lisa's facial expression dropped.

This was because the little girl really enjoyed her time with the couple and would be sad if she couldn't meet them again.

"No sweetie. That uncle just now is Xander Warner. The owner of Warner Corporations."

Her words were a bit too much for the kid and she looked confused. DSo her mother decided to break it down further. "You know Warner's Park?"

"The very expensive one that you said we couldn't afford?"

"Yes. That one. His company owns it."

"If uncle owns it, does that mean I can go in the future?" Her eyes were now filled with expectation and newfound hope at the news.