First Love's Story



"Arrghh! Jay!"

"Calm down." Jay persuaded her. He knew how she felt but he also knew that if she does not become true to herself, it would affect her in the future.

He had liked Jenny when they were younger and lost to Sky but he never let his jealousy and anger take over and now all three of them are great friends.

He does not feel anything of such when he looks at them again so he was a living testimony that she would come out of this hurt and scale through.

Although he knew the way he handled his wasn't the right way as he turned into womanizing but he was too hurt to want to love anyone again and just had flings here and there.

From his experience, he knew that wasn't life as he admired what Sky and Jenny had. Well they all did admire it, even Xander who was thought off as cold and incapable of loving someone.

It was the kind of thing their kind dreamed and wished for but it was rare and sacred.