Friendly dinner


I muttered a curse.

I looked at the time and pumped my legs to run faster. Rose had already called and I was nowhere near where we were supposed to meet.

Hanabi lady received a call and had to go back in an instant. I was meaning to tell Rose about it. But at the last minute, I changed my mind and decided to make myself look presentable as well before updating her of Hanabi's whereabouts.

I held onto my phone and re-dialled Rose's number. Now, she was the one who was not picking up.

I muttered another curse upon arriving at our meeting place and I don't see any trace of Rose nor of her friend.

Running a hand across my hair, I mentally cursed myself. I was such an idiot. I felt like a real idiot.

I should have at least called her. I should have…

I stared off at the distance spotting a familiar face from afar. I have no idea why she started to run towards me. But as she did so, I felt like the time had slowed down. There was a certain look of worry plastered on her face and I somehow felt guilty that it was most likely my fault that got her worried.

When Rose finally got to me, she caught her breath searching me all over.

"You're fine," she said.

I scratched the back of my head, looking at her sheepishly. It seemed that she had spent the last few minutes trying to search for me, a few beads of sweat had formed on her forehead. It reminded me of the first time we had met.

"I'm sorry. I know I should have called," Rose raised her hand, halting me from finishing. I found that she was now glaring towards me, her other hand pressing her phone on her ears.

"I found him. Get back here," I could only speculate that the person on the other end of the line was probably her friend. I watched her watch me, her eyes never leaving mine even after she had ended the quick call with her friend.

"Have you lost your mind?" I opened my mouth to say something. However, I had to shut it close once again. I had no defense.

In all honesty, what I did was stupid. I clasped both of my hands and then closed my eyes and lowered my head.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry,"

I allowed a few minutes of silence to pass before reopening my eyes and stared right back at Rose.

Yet, it seemed that my effort of trying to apologize only made matters worse as Rose was no longer glaring at me. Her hands were folded across her chest. She held my gaze, unblinking. Her expression was deadly serious.

I gulped. I have never found anyone scarier than Rose right this instance, my heart was pounding so hard against my chest, I was imagining my mother standing in front of me instead of Rose and I was bracing myself for the punishment she had decided to use.

"Where's Hanabi?"

"She had to go back. She sends her apologies and gratitude," I stated, briefly recalling the quick last minute short exchange with her before watching her car leave and disappear along the busy street.

It seemed that she had wanted to stay and actually join us for dinner. Yet, I was aware that Takahashi Ryuji was probably the one who called for her and she had no choice but to oblige.

I could only imagine the guts it took for her to do what she was doing. I still don't trust her. But if she had, indeed, gone behind this Ryuji guy's back, she might as well have sold herself to the death reaper.

"She got called back?" the look on Rose's face was now indescribable. I shrugged.

"Yes? Probably." I said, eyeing her. "Why, should I have stopped her? Was there something important that you needed to tell her?"

I watched Rose as she seemed to be deep in thought. A few minutes later, her friend had finally joined us. It only then occurred to me that they had both dressed up and yet I sent them on the run trying to locate where I was.

I appreciated the gesture. But the bigger part of me was really guilty for having the two ladies on a running spree while wearing a nice attire when I could have saved them all the trouble by giving them a heads up instead.

"Please allow me to kill him, Rose," it was Rose's friend turn to glare at me, her eyes boring into me like she was already piecing several daggers right through.

Rose shook her head.

"Not now, Prim," Rose stated, finally giving her friend a name. I would have continued to call her as Rose's friend had she not mentioned her name just now. When I thought about it, Rose never mentioned her friend's name until now.

It was a little odd. But, then, at the moment, I was the guilty one and so, I cannot turn this around and ask her about that or at least point it out. Right now, I had to play my cards right to earn their forgiveness and seeing how Rose was still looking at me with those eyes of hers, I was nowhere near from earning it.

"After we take down Takahashi, I won't stop you from getting even with Kevin. Trust me, I am also itching to do so,"

I cleared my throat.

"I uh, sure. Sometime, somewhere in the future," I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

Taking a quick glance at my watch, I smiled ruefully at the two and bowed my head several times with me repeating the 'I'm sorry' chant.



I was relieved.

I was relieved that Kevin turned out fine. But I was also frustrated that he had us worried for nothing.

To add, I found myself swimming in sweat once again. The bath I had earlier on felt like I had taken it a decade ago already.

I swear I had badly wanted to strangle Kevin upon seeing him. It appeared that he got changed too which was probably the reason why he was late. But, he could have at least called. Or sent a text. He had quite a lot of opportunity to do so when Hanabi left and before he went on his merry way to get changed.

Sadly, I had to reign in my desire to take it out on him. We needed him. And if his little crew would find out that Mary and I gutted him alive, they will never forgive us.

"Apology accepted," I stated, noticing people giving us odd looks as Kevin continued the bowing and chanting of how sorry he was.

Catching his gaze once more, I kept the serious look I had plastered on my face.

"For now," I added, narrowing my eyes towards Kevin.

"Yes, for now. Duly noted,"