Friendly dinner point 2


"Good etiquette, Margie, is part of a woman's charm," My mother's voice echoed inside my head. It has been quite a long time since I have stepped foot in a fancy restaurant. If I had to be honest, I did not even miss it.

But, memories of my family resurfaced and I had to shake off the images that started to play across my head. I can't afford to cry right now. People would stare and most likely, Kevin might think that the gesture had touched me so much, I ended up crying.

Nope, I won't give him that pleasure. He was, indeed, yet to be forgiven. The worry that he had caused me and Mary was not to be easily forgotten. If it had only been me, sure, I would let it go. He was safe after all. However, even Mary had to stop herself from panicking realizing what we might have done.

In the end, he turned out fine. The bottom line though is that he should have at least let me know. He had my contact information. He could have. But instead, he didn't and I don't think he had enough excuse to cover it.

Hence, he brought us to this fancy restaurant.

I'm quite aware that he was still feeling guilty. Kevin can't seem to hold my gaze while we waited for the food to arrive.

A few more minutes and Kevin excused himself. Mary then leaned in and whispered in my ears.

"I feel like a third wheel. Should I leave you two?" I glared towards her while she snickered.

Upon Kevin's return, Mary raised her brows towards me, smirking. I played it cool and decided to remove the silence that has been hanging between the three of us.

I cleared my throat, catching Kevin's attention in an instant.

"So, what made you change your mind? I'm curious,"

Kevin cleared his throat as well. He held my gaze before speaking.

"I have no idea what transpired between you and this Ryuji guy. But, whatever it was, no one deserves to undergo what you have. I want to help if that's the least I could do to aid you in getting your life back,"

I stared at Kevin. Right at this moment, I have no words. My brain seemed to have lost the capability to form any coherent response.

"I know how it feels, Rose. I know how you are feeling. You lost the people you love and you were unable to stop it. Your loss had left your world in chaos. A part of you died at that instant and you knew, there was no going back for you. Your heart is filled with vengeance. You are hungry and thirsting to seek justice for what had happened. And you have that chance. You just need the right people to back you up,"

Right at that moment, my entire perspective of Kevin was changed. I saw him in a different light and he was no longer just the leader of Rhythm.

I was still left speechless and gratefully the food had finally arrived. Yet, I can't seem to take my eyes away from Kevin.

Mary then cleared her throat.

"Yum!" she exclaimed. I briefly glanced her way and found that she was already smirking. I had wanted to refute what she was thinking. However, I was stuck in my place and I had to hold my tongue or Kevin will catch on and figure out what was transpiring between me and Mary. That would be too embarrassing.

Finally finding my voice, I turned towards the array of food at the table and forced my lips to part into a smile for Kevin's sake.

"Bon appetite!" I said, faking enthusiasm.



The moment I had stepped out of my car, I knew that there was something wrong. But, it was too late for me to go back. Paul, together with some of Takahashi's men had me surrounded.

I tried to rationalize. What happened? What or who gave me away?

Nothing seems to come to my mind. No one knew what I was doing aside from the Serranos. However, I was confident that those people would never rant me out. I was their only ticket to finding out where Mary Serrano was and how she was faring.

With that thought in mind, I was left to wonder how I was caught. I stared at Paul. It must have been him. I shouldn't have underestimated him. He was probably the one who figured out what I was trying to do.

I have heard that he has a way with people. What I did not know was that he seemed to have a way of finding out people's secrets as well.

"What's going on Paul?" I watched as the man shrugged nonchalantly.

"I have no idea, Hana. Why don't you tell me?"

I contemplated about what to say next, forcing my brain to work with me and try to turn things around in my favor.

But luck was not with me as Takahashi Ryuji had chosen that moment to come, his expression stoic as he paused a few inches away from where I was standing. He clucked his tongue, shaking his head, his eyes looking at me.

I raised my chin.

"Hana. Do you even know what you have done?"

"As far as I'm concerned, I have done nothing wrong,"

"Nothing?" Takahashi let out a sarcastic laugh. I clenched my hands into fists.

"You are so good at bluffing, Hana. I admire that,"

I scoffed.

"Really? Should I be touched?"

"Dono yō ni shitsubō," Takahashi stated, clucking his tongue once more as he came closer.

"You see, Hana. I do not take people going behind my back lightly. However," he paused, stopping right in front of me. He traced a hand on my cheeks. I tried not to flinch nor slap his hand away, knowing full well that it would only infuriate him even further.

"For you, I can make an exception,"

"What do you want?"

Takahashi smiled, that smile that doesn't really touch the eyes.

'You know what I want, Hana. If you want your life to be spared, you know what to do."