

The screams coming from Mary Serrano made me clench my hands into fists. It was my fault. She was being tortured in the other room and I could imagine just how it was going. My back was still aching from the beating I had to endure.

I hugged my knees closer to my chest. The cold tiled-floor of the empty room was biting through my skin. It was part of the punishment though. I had no right to complain. Takahashi spared my life. I was relieved but that did not mean that what I had done to Margaux Cortez and Mary Serrano was excusable.

I had no choice though. I had no choice. I would be useless if I had chosen to keep quiet and let Takahashi kill me. However, I was aware that Margaux Cortez was probably thinking of me as a traitor. I had betrayed her before she and I could even establish that kind of relationship.