Gotta Get Those Blood Spirits

Green Light cascaded down lighting depths hidden for decades. The junk hill eclipsed the elder spawns light shielding me from the yellow eye. Not for long. The light spread like a sinister sunrise. At the rate it grew it would soon tower over the hill.

From a fall, I twisted on my back and pushed aura through my wings. My plan was to glide on my back and give myself the freedom to attack. The force yanked me like a boat pulled a skier. For a few seconds I was disoriented. Between the fingers of my left hand, I saw the gobling zombie jutting from the steel eagles back.

Terrible green tentacles knit through the gobling's flesh. They tugged at the creature taking him deeper into the steel eagle's body. Black pustules covered the back of the eagle where the gobling sunk. Parts of the eagle infected the gobling. It had the eagle's eyes and grew tinysilver feathers on its chest.. It was a soft target.

"Black Lightning Javelin," I called the name of the spell. The object swirled out of my aura before launching from my palm. There was no time for the eagle to change directions. The javelin pierced the gobling's chest. That was just the doorway I needed to let the rot of darkness in.

The eagle came in close its beak ready to rip me apart. I took hold of my mace and smashed the eagle's head. It sounded like the rung bell. The next few hits drew blood and feathers fell away. Still the eagle didn't give up. Its beak was opened, and it was gaining.

I pointed my hand at its open mouth and fired. Javelin after javelin sunk into the monster's head rotting away at it. It slowed and I shifted my wing spinning to the left of the diving eagle. The bird continued on its path blind to my maneuver.


Quest Completed: Thin Herd II Kill 50 Zombies 5 Special zombies 1 Fusion Zombie

Rewarded: +5INT

Intelligence 80


Level Up

Level Up

All HP and AP restored

Jacob lvl10 Black Sol Imp

AP 3138

Junk exploded from the impact. In the middle of the crater lied a torn-up silver corpse full of broken bones and melted flesh. I raised up the black stone and felt something rush out of the eagle and into the stone.

BS: 3000

Mace Upgrades:

Freeze I: +10% to cause Frozen status

Cost: 1000

Stun I: +10% to cause stunned status

Cost: 1000

Burn I: +10% to cause burned status

Cost: 1000BS

Infest I: +10% BS drop

Cost: 1000

From what I could tell these options worked on a skill tree. Once I purchased one the others would lock. Then the next branches of the skill tree would open. This was a generic weapon. My goal was to slay Dol. The Elder Spawn was a short-term event. I needed some real weapons. The only way to do that was BS. Infest was my best choice.

BS 2000

Infest II: +20% BS drop

Cost: 2000BS

Blood Rage I: +5% to cause enemies to Frenzy when enemy is below 10% health. Enemies in frenzy generate +1BS/s

Cost: 5000

Blood Bomb I: Push Bloody spirits into enemies until they explode. 1HP = 10BS. HP and BS must be equal to cause target to explode.

Cost: 5000

Blood Shield I: 5% of BS becomes a shield

Cost: 5000

I purchased Infest again.

BS 0

Infest III: +30% BS drop

After infusing my mace with BS it glowed a sinister red. I could feel a hunger from it akin to my own. It wanted to hunt and gather more BS. I leapt into the sky and flew to the nearest group of zomibes.

After upgrading my mace, I approached the road to the town of tensmith. The road was cut into the mountain of junk and lead further down the hill. It wound its way down into the darkness. Through the downward road the zombies had plundered other gobling villages. I wouldn't know the true devastation caused by the Elder Spawn or the reason why it was summoned until I met Gwen again.

I waded into the battle against the Elder Spawn in earnest. Every kill would bring me closer to ending this blight and gathering the strength I needed to fight Dol. The blessed ones hadn't fought me since the initial encounter. They seemed happy enough to throw their meat against me.

Piles of corpses stacked against my feet torn apart by my mace. In the dark three sets of yellow eyes watched me. I heard the soft pad of wolven paws heavier than before. The creature in the dark was larger than its kin. I'd never seen a Plebe wolven.

Cerberus lvl25

A three headed wolven leapt from the crowd growling and hungry for my flesh. I used my mace as it was meant to be used. One gobling ran at me with a dagger in each hand. My mace had a longer reach. I swung down and caved in from its skull to sternum. When I lifted my mace, the corpse clung to it. Taking the mace in hand, I swung it horizontally. Green body parts exploded while my mace cleaved through the seemingly endless zombies.

The three headed wolven charged at me and I fired two javelins into its side. I bit with three heads snapping inches from my face. They were only stopped when I hit the middle one. Demonic steel shattered wolven teeth and turned its dog snout into hamburger meat. I raised my hand and fired off more javelins.

My body was covered in needles. A few knives stuck out of my chest and one was buried to the hilt in my thigh. I killed them by the dozens. Still they were chipping away at me. My blood fell and my life was slow to recover. More gobling zombies poured down from the hill. Their numbers seemed endless.

I saw one of the zombies collect the corpses. Many of the zombies hadn't resembled goblings for a while. They often had arms legs and tentacles.

They were recycling their numbers. No matter how much I smashed them, the elder spawn seemed capable of rebuilding them. I needed some fire spells.

I checked my BS.

BS 100k

Blood Rage I

Cost: 5,000

Blood Rage II

Cost: 10,000

Blood Rage III: +15% to cause enemies to Frenzy when enemy is below 10% health. Enemies in frenzy generate +3BS/s. Doesn't work on Boss, mid boss, or unique enemies.

Cost 15,000

BS 70k

Frenzy's Eye I: 1% chance to turn enemies' frenzy upon seeing an ally frenzy.

Cost: 10,000

Overload I: +5BS/s when enemies frenzy.

Cost: 10,000

Contagion I: +5% chance for frenzied enemies to spread frenzy.

Cost: 10,000

BS 0

Jacob's weapon: Mace

Abilities: Infest III, Blood Rage III, Frenzy's Eye I, Overload II, Contagion II

Blood dripped from my mace. When it touched the ground, it crackled like hot grease. I could feel my weapon growing in power at an insane rate. It didn't hit harder or increase my strength. Turning enemy zombies against each other was a power all its own.

I began my path up the road towards the gate to the town. Red light possessed the eyes of a wovlen and it turned on the other zombies. While it fought, I felt the black apple in my pocket vibrate. The Blood Spirits were rising. I wondered what else my skill tree could do. What would I do with my crossbow, or sword? This made everything more difficult and interesting. This huge advantage made me think.

What about Dol and Gwen?" Gwen created this event and Dol defeated her still. These weapons were my trump card but were they good enough. I needed a ton of enemies to fuel them. Or did I just need a lot of frenzied creatures. My black apple was filling while if watched the zombies fight each other.

BS 30k

Contagion III: +15% chance for frenzied enemies to spread frenzy.

BS 0

I caved in another zombie's chest and watched it go into frenzy. The yellow eye in its chest turned red like my mace. It struck another zombie, and I watched another yellow eye turn red. I flapped my wings and flew above the battle. This battle was just far enough from the Elder Spawn to slow the beast's reaction.

They tore each other apart and my BS grew. The frenzied didn't attack each other. This was the best way to end the zombie army. What else did this skill tree have in it? Frenzy was the ultimate tool against a zombie army.

BS 50k

Mad Army I: Enemies you've frenzied don't attack you. +1BS/s per frenzied. +5% to frenzied stats.

Cost: 25k

Kamikaze I: Frenzied explode upon death spreading infected blood. +1BS/s per frenzied. Explosive DMG equals 5% HP.

Cost: 25k

Infection Rate I: +5% to all infection chances. +1BS/s per frenzied. +10% CON of frenzied.

Cost: 25k

Jacob's weapon: Mace

Abilities: Infest III, Blood Rage III, Frenzy's Eye I, Overload II, Contagion II, Mad Army I, Kamikaze I

If I wasn't against a zombie army this would be so much more difficult. Explosions rocked the battlefield and more frenzied joined the ranks. Soon, I'd fill out this skill tree and move on to others. The frenzied were the best kind of tool. They built up BS passively and infected others. By exploding they wore away at the enemy's numbers. The downside was the weapon itself. It wasn't growing any stronger. Maybe other trees would increase its strength but for now it was just a handy weapon.

What was I going to do with it after this? The mace was great against armies. It was worthless for PVP.

A green blur appeared, and I was faced to face with the blessed one that beat me earlier. She was dressed in armor and looked serious. This was exactly the mace's problem. It wouldn't match up against this enemy. If I was lucky, she was up for talking.


Quest: Survive Rematch and/or Defeat Blessed one

Reward: +10AGL +10 END

Bonus Reward: +10CON +10PER