CHAPTER 46: Chaos

' Well, well. How should I answer? ' I thought and I looked at others. They looked at me with interesting eyes.

" Well let's talk about that later. I will tell all of you about myself. Right now, we have a job to do " I told them with a serious tone. I tried to act like the real protagonist. Having a mysterious vibe and on top of that, you are Shota.

" Ok. Then later " Saeko replied to me soft tone. She reduced one of her gears. Unlike other members, Saeko is more difficult to conquer even I uses my Shota's ability.

" It is fine. You can tell this Onee chan anytime " Mayumi entered our gaze's glaring contest.

I loved that part of her. Mayumi knew how to cut the conversation and how to enter.

" Ok. Mayumi Onee chan " I replied her and held her hand.

" What should we do? " Tsunade asked us with an interesting smile.

" Should not we go to the adventure Guild that usually appears in the fantasy genre?"Momo told with a nervous smile.

" Ok. Let's go " Hestia made a gesture where pointing out a direction like she knew this place very well.

" Umm, Hestia-san do you know where it exists? " Mayumi asked her with a polite tone. Mayumi talked very politely expect from me and Momo. In front of me, Mayumi tried to a manner like the real sister in front of me and she also treated Momo like a kouhai. Mayumi is really a bit distance to other members especially toward Saeko because their personalities are apart from my points of view.

Mayumi is a kind of person who used peaceful method and conquers your heart a bit by bit. Mayumi will try to hide her disgraceful appearance and will always stop you from the darkness.

Saeko is a kind of person who wanted to resort violence in every case and she will torture you or show her true nature, she will fall darkness together with you. But she will treat very cold toward someone who she did not like.

" How can I know? Let's ask locals " Hestia told with a smug face.

The town people staring at us but none of us didn't mind their stares.

Hestia went nearby local and Hestia has a peaceful aura, unlike certain useless goddess. You will feel ' No no ' in front of that useless goddess.

" Ahem, You, Can I ask you a question? " Hestia told with a little aggressive tone.

" Wh.a. t do you want to ask? " that local replied a little shaky tone.

" Do you know, where adventure guild exist? " Hestia asked that local like a high profile pathetic God.

" There. Go straight and you will see the big building " the local told Hestia while pointing out to a certain direction. That local hand is shaking.

' No no. Something doesn't feel right. Almost all of them are big buildings ' I screamed inside. Besides the local person is looking at Saeko like ' Step on me '.

This town is prosperous and buildings are unique in their ways. The town vibe gave you a pleasant feeling, unlike people who are staring at us like preys and predators' eyes.

' My body is at risk ' my whole shivered predators' eyes descent upon me.People are surrounding us like trying to recruit their Cults. We all wore really unique clothing's and the girls are beautiful.

" Ara Ara, What should we do? " Mayumi asked while she put her hand on her cheek.

" Ohhhhh. Someone call doctor " I heard a voice from the crowd.

" Thank you," Hestia replied to him with a smile.

" Let's go, We need to find a place to sleep," Hestia told and she led the way. It looked like she understood that man said.

" You all stop there " I heard a familiar voice and I tried to ignore that sound but Hestia looked at that owner's voice.

" What do you want? Don't you see we are busy " Hestia replied to her and continued her walk? I felt like we are going to enter in some troublesome shit.

" Don't ignore me. Look at me. Mmmmm " I heard a voice this time with a cry. A certain useless goddess started to cry in the middle of the road.

"Who is crying? " I heard a voice from the stalls.

" Ohh! It is from Kazuma's party " I heard another voice.

" Ohh. That Kazuma who stole female adventures' panties and sold at the black market "

" Yep. That Kazuma who defeated Demon Lord's general but destroyed half of the wall "

" Is not the worst? "

" The worst "

' I see. Kazuma really gets the worse life than I thought ' I prayed for Kazuma.

The certain useless goddess cried about one minute.

" What do you want? " Hestia replied to her with an annoyed tone.

" Now now, you entered my sacred town and even try to seduce my future worshippers " Aqua immediately stood up and told with a smug face. Even though some tear is still left in her face.

"Umm. Are you Baka? No, you are definitely baka " Hestia told with an agitated tone.

" I am not like you fourth rated goddess. I don't need a few worshippers to keep my Divine Power. " Hestia replied to her with a smug face.

" Kazuma Kazuma, She called me fourth rated goddess. Tell her about my greatness " Aqua started to cry while pulling Kazuma's clothes.

Hestia looked at her ' I win ' expression with a double smugness in her face.

" Hai, Kazuma desu, " Kazuma told while standing like a statue.

" Hahaha. Free feel to worship me. I will teach you how to get worshippers. Hahaha " Hestia told while laughing.

" Kazuma Kazuma, tell her. How awesome I am? Mmmmm, Tell her " Aqua pulled Kazuma's clothes while kneeling. Her big tears flowed like a river.

" Hai , Kazuma desu "

" Neeeee , Tell her "

" Hahaha, I win. "


First, let me apologize guys. No more Mass Realse guys. I fell into Rabbit Hole called 'HoloLive ' in these past days. Now I am with Hachamachama in this Rabbit Hole. Besides I am now writing my own novel ' Mob Character in Cultivation World '. I received the Contract invitation even though my novel's word has around 14k. I am thinking ' Should I accept or not? ' I also want to focus on that book.

But I will whip my ass and try to upload two to three chapter per day in this fanfic because I promises you guys. I am going to fight with my Evilself who likes to watch 'HoloLive 25 hours per day.

From your dear lazyass Writer.