CHAPTER 47 : In Loop

" Hahaha, I win. " Hestia told as she laughed like a certain young master. Her big breasts went upside down and male onlookers looked with perverted eyes that can pierce through Heaven.

" Kazuma, Kazuma, Tell her. Ammm" A useless goddess sobbing like a newborn baby.

" Hai, Kazuma desu " Kazuma"s exe already stopped working. He is repeating like a robot.

' It looks like Two Aqua is Kazuma's limit ' I thought.

' Really, Weak disgusted me. ' I tried to pose like a certain character. Kazuma already felt aura like a useless goddess from Hestia.

When I looked closely those two. Hestia definitely gave aura like a certain useless goddess. Kazuma is sensitive to those chaotic aura and his exe is already shut down.

" Kazuma, You are stink. I want to shower Showerrrrrr.......... " A bomber shouted while hugging Kazuma's back like a monkey. A bomber hit every node and her tone trying to kick the old men's ass.

A bomber is also in the loop. Both bomber and a normal panties' thief bodies are covered with Toad's perfume.

I stood further away from them and watching a comedy opera with a smile. I felt like my mental got a several buffs after meeting Kazuma's party. Right now I am enjoying the show.

" This is fine. This is also fine. Ahhhhhhh " I heard a certain useless masochist crusader. Her voice alone can talk that she is high now.

Male onlookers didn't dare to walk near her because of her smell and her body is shivering like a fish on land.

" Should not we already stop this? It has been around an hour since this started " Momo asked with an anxious tone. Her voice is shaking like she is seeing something she should not.

" Mamama, Just watch from the sidelines like you don't know them. Besides it is pretty interesting" Saeko replied with a crazy smile.

" I also think that it is pretty interesting. " Mayumi also replied with a smile. Her smile looked natural compared to someone.

" But we need to find a place to stay..." Momo asked them with a a bit anxious tone

"Sometimes, you need to relax yourself. An occasion like this is very rare. You don't need to worry about anything. " Mayumi lectures Momo like a true senior. Saeko also nodded.

" Occasion like this? two idiots fighting in the middle of the road " Momo replied and trying to adapt the air.

" I never thought that Hestia is that interesting " Saeko replied with a sarcastic tone.

" hahaha," Mayumi laughed like a super young lady that filled with elegant.

' I felt like something is losing inside me ' I thought.

Their limited vocabularies and conversations are in the loop. A certain Panties' thief is also standing like statues. Two Aqua's auras are too much for a young panties' thief.

' It looks like this is my job to stop this Chaos. Damm it looks like more difficult than defeating the Demon Lord ' I thought. You can feel Chaos that surrounding them. That is why no one tried to stop them. You can go crazy when you entered their marked area.

' can not I ignore them and defeat Demon Lord? ' I thought. That is a really good idea but I felt like it is going to meaningless. I felt like the certain something teleported this world. It is probably trying to say ' Enjoy this world '. I might not come again this world and I didn't want to leave any regrets.

So I braced myself with a great will. I looked at the clowns.

' If I don't stop them, no one will stop ' I thought.

" Ahem. We need to stop them or they will go the next day like that. Momo, Asks Darkness where their place exist? " I started to act like the charming main character and ordered with my shota's voice.

" Saeko Onee chan. Please go with Momo. If Darkness does not answer, just glare her like you are trying to kill her whole family" Saeko nodded me and she went to the darkness with Momo. Her hands held katana tightly.

" Mayumi Onee chan, let's stop them " I pointed toward the Clowns.

I wondered that Aqua didn't get tired because she has been crying one hour straight.

" What should we do? " Mayumi asked me with a soft tone.

" Simple. We are going to stop them with force. Talks will not only Nowhere so we will use fits to get the peace " I threw my punch into the air and my voice is really cute.

" Damm, You are cute. Let Onee chan hug you " Mayumi told and lifted my body. Hugged me into her bosom.

Her soft breasts saying ' Notice Me, Senpai ' and her good body smell that awakening me my inner demon.

" Your smell is really good, Onee chan " I put my hand around her neck.

" Fufufu. Of course, " Mayumi giggled with breathtaking laughed that can purify the a million Evil ghost.

She kissed my cheek and I kissed her back. We went to the clowns while she is hugging me.

" You lowly goddess dare to breathe me with the same ground, Hahahaha " I heard Hestia's voice with a laugh.

" Mayumi Onee chan, use your magic and freeze them. I will take care of Hestia one chan " I told Mayumi and Mayumi put me on the ground.

I knew that Hestia can use her divine power because this is not her own world anymore. But I also knew that she will activate only in a desperate situation. Her Divine Power is sealed so I am going to make her asleep.

That's why I am going to stop this Opera with my fits.

Mayumi took out her CAD and psion covered her body. Hestia noticed and her face became ' What are you doing ?'.

Mayumi casted magic and froze the three clowns instantly. I bet three of them did not notice. Mayumi only restrained their movements and added another layer between their skins and ice layer, not to catch the cold that much.

' Oh! That is amazing ' I watched her psi on the wave. I felt like another dimension opened and that pison cane from that dimensions.

' Damm. It is really amazing. ' I thought again.


I forgot to mention yesterday. I know most of you guys came here for title ( A Netori ).

This arc will not include any Netori part because this arc is more like character building and others.