He raised his lantern to the very last cell as he came upon it. The wind rushed in threw the window forcefully blowing out the latern. "Damn...." escaped from lionel's lips as he pushed the cell door open. the clouds had clouded the moon and with no light and Lionel was left fumbled around in his pocket for another match. he had only taken about two steps into the cell when he triped over an uneven spot in the ground with a "gack!" and colided with the wall. finally finding a match was he able to light the lantern to see he had ended up over by Quenya who looked completely unamused. "I told you I would come back to see you tonight" he said rubbing the back of his head awkardly.
"oh! I brought you something!" he said quickly bringing out a napkin that had been filled with things from the mess hall. she quietly peared down at him and looked back at the food evedient in her eyes that she was absolutely starving. realizing she would not be able to eat on her own Lionel got up from the floor and walked over to her to try and pass her the food. He wanted to know more about her. Why was she here? what could she have done? he thought as he reached out some of the food to feed her. Quenya looked at him suspiciously and after a few minutes decided to take a small bite. He struggled to reach the height where she was suspended from the chains, and she eyed him cautiously as she slowly chewed on the food. "Why did you come back?" She asked in between bites. He had now stretched on his tip toes struggling to reach her and said. He faltered a moment caught off guard by her words losing his balance and falling into her legs that dangled in front of him.
Quenya's eyes went wide and her face completely flushed as he fell into her undressed body. Completely shocked by the interaction she immediately kicked both legs forward throwing Lionel from her. "IM SORRY! IM SORRY!" He yelled stumbling back with crimson slowly creeping up his face. "All men are here for one thing…" she huffed and didn't dare look in his direction. What on earth does this boy want?! She screamed at herself internally. By this point now all she wanted was for him to leave.
Lionel looked up from his place on the floor and then to where the food was now scattered. He could not hide the sorrow written all over his face from the scattered food. She immediately regretted her reaction and looked at him to apologize when she hard the familiar clank of armor coming down the stairs. He face paled and darted straight to him. "You need to hurry and leave." She said urgently. Lionel looked at her confused, apparently he couldn't hear the armor coming down to her cell. "You need to leave NOW!" She said a little more pleasingly. "What do y…" before he could finish his sentence he then heard the armor that had gotten down to the bottom of the stairs. It was to late for him to leave now. "HIDE!!!" She bellowed as she watched him try to scatter the food sprawled at her feet,"it's to late to worry about the crumbs hurry up and HIDE NOW!" She did her best to urge him to go. But there was no where to hide in the cell. "Shhiiittt…." Lionel cursed under his breath trying to find anything to hide under,behind, or plainly disappear into.
By the time the clanking stopped in front of the cell only Quenya was left hanging by her chains. "Who were you talking to?!" Bellowed the armor making her flinch so hard you could hear the loud pat of her back hitting the wall behind her. "Obviously no one…" she responded as the cell creaked open. A loud crack was audible from where Lionel had hidden himself and shortly after that was a loud cry from Quenya. He had no choice but to stay there hidden behind the lose stone slab.