Chapter 1: The Bird Of Red Flames


The cries of other children outside caused me to glance out my casement, before returning my gaze to my book. The girls in the fields beyond the fence of my backyard were weaving flower crowns together, with bright smiles spread across their faces. Although this did not interest me, my eyes did not leave their mirthful figures.

The rich shades of their dresses popped against the scenery outside- the colors of blush pink, pastel blue, yellow like amber- they all popped over the tranquil woods. However, for some odd reason, it made the scene all the ever so more beautiful, the vivacious girls outside made me sigh, my chin resting on my palm, staring blankly outside at them as they giggled gleefully.

The giggling could be distinctly heard from my room, where I stayed in seclusion. The mellifluous chirps of birds outside my casement made a  smile spread across my lips ever so slightly. A squirrel scurried from the soft blades of grass, up the trunk of the cherry tree my family grew outside; where a thousand blushing petals would be on their branches, sometimes swaying to the gentle breezes outside. The wind chimes we have on the back porch would clink against each other like glasses during a toast, yet unlike so, they continued until the light winds would stop, then they would be still as stone.

"Miho," my mother called out, "Come join us!"

I turned my head from the casement to my book, at the piece of paper sketched with a tree I'd see in my backyard. Alive, sturdy with large branches full of life. Ren had given this to me when we first met. He told me I could keep it since I revealed in reading, so I did. Since that day, I've kept it in every book I've decided to read. His art brings a flutter in my chest as though millions of hugs were squeezing my heart. But, I simply chose to ignore it for now.

In my brown shorts, blue short-sleeved shirt and bare feet, I saw my family standing by the front door. "We're going on a walk outside," my mother told me, giving me a light smile. "So get some shoes on, honey. We might even go eat out afterward if you're good!"

My father stood by her side. When we locked eyes, he gave me a grin. "C'mon, pumpkin," he said, "Let's go." I nodded in response, my lips curling into a slight smile, even when I saw Kou tapping his feet impatiently beside our father, rolling his eyes.

I grabbed my sandals, sat down before slipping on my blue sandals for the family walk. When I came to my feet again, I saw my mother in her yellow dress as bright as an autumn moon during nighttime. Her hazel eyes are generally brown as mine, but with a flicker of green in the center of them. Her skin was as fair as milk, her silhouette slender as a lath; her legs long, untouched by any injury. I sometimes envied my mother for the flawless beauty she had inherited.

My mother offered me her hand, which I accepted, our fingers intertwining together. My small, pudgy hand felt cold compared to hers.

"Jiro," my mother said to my father, who turned his eyes from the trail ahead to my mother. "Tomorrow, Miho will be graduating from the academy, to become a Genin." My older brother Kou was already Chunin, although he appeared happy for me nonetheless as he smiled.

"You'll pass, sis," Kou told me and ruffled my short brown hair. "I may not tell the future, but I know you'll pass the exam." When he released his hand from my hair, I gave a meek smile and nodded.

I took some time to take in my surroundings. The pines grew taller around us, their tops appearing to reach the clouds; verdant light played with the sunlight that smiled down upon my family. There would be trunks set aside in the woods here and there, with moss thriving around it with wild mushrooms to keep it company. The birds sang mellifluously as we strode through the thick terrain, my mind falling deeper in love with the scenery around me. We even came across a creek. The waters rush by so beautifully, made by the light above, as the waters swished and rushed past rocks and fish that swam with it, fins flopping out of the water.

"I've always loved it here," my mother said, her eyes gazing ahead.  "Your Grandmother would take your aunt and me here all of the time. Now, I can take you all here, too." My mother turned her eyes back to Kou and me, her wistful hazel eyes so bright and beautiful.

"Someday, Miho, you'll be a mother too. I just know it, and when you are, you can take your children here as well." I cast my gaze down to my feet, my belly rumbling for supper. I'm always hungry these days and I've been growing heavier. My mother could tell, as she told the group along to walk on.

My breathing grew labored by the minute, Kou could tell as he pats my shoulder. "It's alright sis, we'll be home soon," he whispered to me. He was a heartthrob at the Academy as a Genin, unlike me, he is benevolent and amiable. He should have my eyes. The Kojima gift. I don't deserve it, nor do I want it. My hand in my mother's now tightened in hers, making her squeeze a little for encouragement. She leaned down, where her lips reached near my earlobe.

"You're doing good," she said, "Just keep it up."

My stomach churned and quenched in pain, the hunger eating me up. Out of breath and my small shoulders heaving, I continued to push through with my family. My legs felt like thick lead as we went forward through the trail. The terrain, the undeniably lovely flowers currently sidetracked me from the pain in my body, a smile finding its way to my lips. My tight grip on my mother's hand lessened and I found myself walking ahead on my own, slowly drifting away.

All of my worries washed away like my thoughts were being pushed off into the sea. My breathing over the course of a couple of minutes slowed; less rapid and quick, now more collected and calmer than before. My lungs felt fresh, alive again as they used to be as a little girl, where I'd run around in these woods with my brother, Kou. In these woods, I'd collect smooth stones and tall sticks and call them treasures. Cool stone hunting.

In a resolute and solid voice, I came up to my mother and said, "I want to be in shape again, Ma." I swear, my mother's smile had never been brighter or more overjoyed than today. I saw Kou grin a little and tug me into a hug and my father smiled and said, "I'm glad to hear. That means we can tell your Uncle Keiji to help you."

I nodded in my brothers' arms until he let me go with a smile. We continued to hike on the trail until my mother deemed it time to head back home. I set it in stone as necessary to change; to become the me I want to be. The me I strive for.


We went out to a family-owned restaurant, and I ordered myself makizushi with a small cup of green tea. My brother ordered a small bowl of miso soup; my mother ordered what I was having and my father ordered donburi. We all chatted about our week, how it went and what work we had to do until all of our meals arrived.

"Kou," asked mother, "How has Chunin been?"

My brother took a quick sip of his small green tea before replying, "It's been alright. I mean, the missions are similar to Genin ones. It's just as boring as before. I'm aiming for ANBU in the future." Kou appeared serious about his dream.

Our cousin,Kojima Nori, is already part of the Hidden Leaf ANBU. Nori's brother, Kojima Akio is part of the interrogation department under the command of Morino Ibiki. Because of this, Kou feels pressure to live up to these big expectations. I didn't want to live up any of it...

Although now I'm doubting what I want or feel.

Now, I don't know if I do or not. "Miho, you've barely touched your makizushi," my mother told me, "Are you alright?" I nodded in response and took a sip of my green tea, the strong flavor had a bitter aftertaste linger on my tongue as a result.

"I'm fine," I replied timidly, "Just not hungry today. The tea filled me up, Ma." My father gave me a worried filled look; however, I nodded and told the waitress to bring them a box for my meal. Kou didn't show it in his actions, but for some odd reason, his eyes were narrowing in concern. We headed back home, my hands on the box tightening as my stomach quenched in hunger that ate at my conscious. I'm not hungry.

I'm not hungry... it's just an illusion. Not hungry- I...

My eyes squinted from the pain in my stomach, as my body felt weak as a twig that could be snapped at any moment. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. 'In through your nose, out through your mouth', I told myself. I did so slowly until I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I turned to find it was Kou, with a serious look.

"Don't," he told me, "You'll eat tonight. I won't let you do what you're about to do." My mouth hung open like a breathless fish, about to speak, when he walked off, not giving me a chance to.

For the night ahead, my dreams were really unnerving. A bird with wings of fire soared out of a body of flames, its golden eyes glaring into mine, and I wanted to scream. But, I didn't. My body stayed still as stone, my eyes wide as plates.

It screeched onto the ash black ground. The noise was deafening, ringing in my ears echoed in my head even when I'd covered my ears. Although I slowly dropped my hands to my sides when I saw red, etched in tomes. It was a foreign, ancient sort of language, that I didn't know of. I could feel a surge of air fill my lungs, as I breathed in. I felt like my body had grown.

A wave of light flooded over me, causing my body to tingle. 'You are the first in centuries to be a powerful enough vessel for me. I remember the last who carried me and they nearly went insane.' It's tongue rolled from the unfamiliar tongue, it's language unknown yet known to me. It sounded familiar.

"Wha- What happened to them?" I asked the creature meekly. The giant bird took one step, making the ground quake, rocks jumping from fear of the firebird. 'He hung himself from the voices he imagined in his head from me.' Its voice was deep and guttural voice had a shiver crawl out my spine, despite the intense heat around me, the air felt thick and cold. "Voices?" The question came without a second thought, making the firebird narrow its golden eyes at me, a flicker of red in its center. 'Yes. Voices.' It confirmed flatly to me.

I was afraid to ask another question, but the curiosity grew like a virus and I asked, "Do you know what the voices would say, or if I should become a ninja? Like Ma, Pa and Kou want me to?" The firebird leaned its giant head towards me, making me stumble on my feet to get away from it. 'You look pudgy and weak. You, being a ninja for them? That amuses me, girl. And no, I don't remember what they would say. I never bothered listening to him cry about them.' I lowered my head, with tears threatening to spill from my dark eyes.

The firebird guffawed as I did. 'You have my eyes, so there may be a chance for you. If you cry, I won't allow you my training.' My eyes filled with shock and tears looked up at the creature with widened eyes like two full moons. "Y- You'd do that?" The firebird opens its wings of fire, it's golden eyes burning into mine. 'I do as I please. You are my vessel, if you die, another could access my power. I won't allow it as long as I live. So, yes, I will train you.' The amount of glee and hope I felt overwhelmed my heart as the creature in front of me, with its wings spread apart screeched; it's deafening voice making me not cower, but stand my heart smiles. Never before had I felt so emboldened.

So hopeful to change for the better than tonight.

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So, readers, how did I do?

Let me know in the comments how I did and what you think of Miho. Do you like her or not? Do you hate a character yet? Who is Ren, right? Will she pass to Genin or fail the exam?

How do you think Miho will handle the firebird and the training it (he/she) offers her?

What will happen to Miho?