Chapter 2: Time For Graduation


When the morning light breached my room, my heart was swelling in glee. My pudgy fingers now curled into my palms, as I took a deep breath in my bed. I flipped over the covers now, my body practically bouncing out of bed from confidence. A new day has risen and for the first time in so long, I felt prepared for the final exam.

The aroma of baked bread, honey cakes from our motherland, Kūgakūre, a land vast, full of various hazardous habitats of our country. The common fauna in Kūgakūre being the honey bees, making the delicious breakfast meal of honey cakes. My mother makes many meals from recipes from our motherland. She told Kou and me that someday, she would take us to our motherland to visit our ancient clan grounds there.

My father fanned out his newspaper before he stole a quick sip from his coffee. "I have work in an hour, Jiro," my mother said, rushing as fast as a storm, her hands making the honey cakes like a whirlwind. The freshly baked vanilla cakes being pulled out of the oven; the honey being glazed on top; the powdered sugar sprinkled on top; to the cups of spiced lemon tea shipped from Kūgakure being poured into the porcelain cups. The steam dancing from the tiny cups. All of this, making my mouth water and my stomach grumble loudly.

Instead of taking one though, I grabbed two bananas (one for now and another for later), a cup of water and whole wheat cereal.

"You're not going to eat any honey cakes?" My mother asked, her voice thick in surprise. I nodded as I took in a spoonful of cereal.

I gulped and replied, "No, I said what I meant. I'm gonna be fit again." A smile reached my father's face behind his newspaper, and Kou pats my back with a bright smile.

"I'm proud of you, sis," said Kou. I nibbled on my banana before heading out. The exam is today, so I'm a little nervous.

"Miho," said a voice behind me. I turned my head to find it was Sasuke. We've been friends since the death of his clan. I was the only one to talk to him, listen to his story and sympathize with him. Even if he was a tad bit blunt at times, I still cared for him as my friend.

"Hi, Sasuke- kun," I replied, a small smile spread across my face. "How're you doing today?" I ask.

Sasuke shrugged, his stoic gaze glued ahead of the street. "Fine," he told me simply, then turned to me, "What about you?" I imitated him and struggled with my smile widening. "I'm just a little antsy," I told him honestly. He raised his eyebrows in sheer curiosity.

"Why? It's just a for the clone jutsu, Miho. It's going to be easy," Sasuke says collectedly.

I cast my gaze down to the brown, rocky street that never changed. "Because I'm afraid that people will... talk, again," I respond meekly.

Sasuke sighed, his onyx black eyes boring into mine as he held my shoulder with one hand. "I won't let them," he tells me, his lips pursed in a scowl. "I can promise you that, Miho." I nodded with a slight smile.

"Thank you, Sasuke- kun," I replied softly.

Sasuke nodded. "Hn, it's fine, Miho," he replied flatly, "Let's go inside." Taking a deep breath, I went inside by his side. The girls were chatting amongst themselves, while the boys joked around with each other. Naruto Uzumaki was nowhere to be seen... yet, of course, he wouldn't arrive without a grand entrance. That just would not be the Naruto Uzumaki we all know and love.

I sat next to Sasuke because he said he didn't want any of his 'fangirls' sitting beside him. He told me I'm his barrier to that. I was fine with that. I'm just glad I have him, Ren and Naruto as my best friends. Sakura and I are friends as well, but she doesn't like the fact I sit next to Sasuke.

"Hey Mi-chan," said a familiar voice. A hand covered my eyes, making me start giggling. He then asked, "Guess who?" I began to pretend to ponder. "Well, judging by your always sweating hands from drawing all the time, it has to be... oh, I don't know, Ren." The hand left my face and was replaced with a paper made rose. The petals were painted pink, with a glossy green stem and leaves. A smile found its way to my face from this. "It's beautiful, Ren," I breathed in awe, his art growing better and better each passing year.

I turned in on the bench to find Ren, his brown eyes looking into my hazel ones. Ren crawled over the desk above us to sit next to me, a foxy grin on his face. "Can't wait to graduate, huh?" I didn't feel confident I would, but I just nodded.

Sasuke didn't move his head; however, he glanced to his side and our eyes met. I instantly turned away, my cheeks hot from so much embarrassment. God, why did I do that? I'm so stupid... he doesn't like me like that! We're just friends. That's all. That's all we'll be. Besides, he doesn't want to be with someone as big and fat as me. Even if I change, he'll never like a girl like me ever. He'll likely be with Sakura. A beautiful and smart girl. I envy Sakura for her pretty face.

Green eyes.

Silky hair.

Pale skin.

Slim figure.

Honestly, she was stunning in my eyes. A girl many others want to be. I've heard rumors that she's self-conscious of her forehead, but in my opinion, it's silly for her to do so. In Kūgakūre, her wide forehead is desired, for it means that the person has a wise mind. It's a very popular trend, most ladies cut their bangs to seem as though they have a wide forehead. To seem or prove they're smart. That was in Kūgakūre. It is not the same here in Konogakūre. Big breasts seem to make a woman much more attractive.

It doesn't make sense to my brother, Kou, at all.

But, they've adjusted to the slightly odd culture of the Elemental Nations. I didn't have to since I was born here. Kou came here around seven years old. Six and a half, to be exact, but around seven. I found out of my 'gift' at seven years old.

Great times. "Iruka- Sensei! Let me go!" Cried a familiar, loud, voice. I turned my head up to find Naruto bound in a bundle of ropes. I facepalmed at this. "Naruto," I groaned on the desk, my head face down on my desk. The students in the class were giggling around us (not Sasuke) as Naruto now squirmed like a flopping fish in the binds that Iruka- sensei put him in. Likely for violating the Hokage monuments yet again. I could hear the scoff from Sasuke at my side. "Idiot," Sasuke muttered. Ren smiled sympathetically towards Naruto who was complaining as he struggled in the ropes. "Behave, Naruto," Iruka- Sensei told Naruto scoldingly. Naruto nodded eagerly, and Iruka- Sensei then sliced the binds off of Naruto.

After Iruka- Sensei spent a good ten minutes scolding Naruto, he was sent to his seat. Naruto slumped glumly in his seat until he saw Sakura and he perked up happily. Sakura was too busy to notice him as she swooned over Sasuke. I can't because I still want to be his friend and don't want to ruin our friendship over my odd feelings for him. So I remained quiet as a result.


The Hokage peered through the crystal globe as he and the new Sensei observed the soon- to- be Genin. "So, that's the last Uchiha?" Asked a man with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips, a grin spread across his lips. A woman with crimson red eyes watched, in agreement, also curious of the last Uchiha. A man with a mask covering most of his face observed the noisy blonde, then turned his head to the plump, heavy girl, Miho. He has seen her before. A shy, meek girl. No real talent or ambition. But her chakra was strange. That much he knew. Miho Kojima.

"Yes," confirmed the Hokage, smoke dancing from his wooden pipe as he spoke, "That's him, Uchiha Sasuke. He's the only one to survive the Massacre." The Sensei gazed into the crystal ball attentively, that is, until the silver-haired man asked, "What about the blonde with the nine tails and the Kojima girl?" They turned their heads to him, and the Hokage hummed and let out a puff of smoke. "Her family is not from Konogakūre. Her family is from Kūgakūre. I do not know much of her clan, but what I do know is that they were once very dangerous, until the Elemental Nations invaded their lands. As for Naruto... he has the Nine-Tails inside of him as a vessel." Silence came between all in the room.

The man with the cigarette gulped, the cigarette still hanging from his lips. "So, the Nine-Tails, huh," he said, looking into the crystal globe. The woman and he continued to chat as the man with silver hair observed the girl, who began to take out her notebook; full of notes, doodles on the side of the page and lessons over the past years from what he could tell. Names flew by, students pass or fail until the girl's name came and she went into the room to take the test.


"Kojima Miho!"

When my name came, my body stiffened up from nervousness. Sasuke gave me a reassuring nod as Ren offered to walk me to the door. I was glad he did, the nerves slightly going down but still taking eating me alive. My heartbeat rapidly out of my ribcage as I chewed on my bottom lip, my hands tapping my sides, scared of failing. I could hear a couple of students snickering behind my back, I could even hear some of what they were saying. It made my heart drop in pain.

"Piggy's gonna do the clone jutsu."

"Ew, more of her? That's disgusting."

"Hope she doesn't eat her headband."

"Piggy's gonna fail the exam again."

They all went silent for some reason, but found out when a voice said: "Did Sensei say you could speak while others are testing?" It was Sasuke and it made my heart lift in happiness. "Or are you that dumb?" Taking a deep breath, I went into the room, to find Iruka- Sensei sat behind a table with two other people as well. A separate table with the headbands making me gulp, afraid.

"Come in, Miho," said Iruka- Sensei, "Just Make three clones and you'll earn your headband." I nodded and closed my eyes. 'You'll pass this time' I told myself. 'For Sasuke. For Ren. For Naruto. For Ma, Pa and Kou!' I quickly did the hand signs and opened my eyes. "Kagebunshin no Jutsu!" I froze when I saw I made three clones.

Last time, I didn't make any. Last time, I failed.

This time, I passed. "Good job, Miho," Iruka- Sensei praised me with a smile. "You may take a headband. You are now Genin." A wide and bright smile overcame my face as I nearly began crying from happiness. Iruka- Sensei rose out of his chair, laughing heartily as I began crying so much, my eyes became puffed red and swollen.

"Awe, it's okay, Miho," said Iruka- Sensei softly.

The tears kept coming as I laughed. I laughed so much my stomach hurt and the smile I had never left my face. The other protractors smiled as I left the room. With the headband in my hand, I went up to Sasuke, still smiling brightly. "I did it," I told him, "I passed." He gave me a slight smile and poked my forehead with his pointer finger. I giggled a little from it. "What was that for?" I asked. He shook his head. "For being a dork, dork," he replied. I rolled my eyes at this until I saw Ren come out of the room too. He held up his headband to me from the front door.

I could hear the voices again: Piggy. Piggy. Piggy.

"Hey, guess what? I passed!" Ren cheered. I smiled and congratulated him on passing. Sasuke of course passed, but Naruto... he went outside where he swung gloomily on the swing outside of the Academy. Sasuke wanted to walk me home, while Ren went with his other friends to celebrate at a restaurant with their parents.

"Sasuke- kun," I said softly. He turned with his usual stoic look at me. "Can you wait a minute for me? I'm gonna do something real quick." He rolled his eyes at me, but nodded and said, "Fine, whatever. I'll be here. But not too long, or I'll go on without you." I nodded in response with a quick "thank you" before walking over to Naruto with a small smile. "Hey," I began, he peaked his head up to face me. "Hey," he said, all of his energy taken out of him- he put his mask away.

I kneeled in front of him, my stomach resting on my knees as I did. "I'm sorry, Naruto. I know you did your best. You'll get better and eventually, you will be Hokage as you always say you'll be. With the determination you have, it's impossible that you won't be. So, just do your best again. The worst thing you can do is give up." There were sad tears streaming down his face as I spoke. The amount of pain clear on his face as his lip began to quiver and his eyes were glossy with tears. God, it pained me so much to see him look so hurt. Like he was heartbroken.

Naruto sniffled and sobbed until no tears could come out of his eyes and I continued to kneel in front of him. I wanted to hug him, but I don't know if he'd want my comfort or not. So I just decided against it. "Thanks, Miho- chan," he said weakly, his voice soft and broken, "I haven't had anyone to talk to or anyone to cheer me up in a while." A small smile built onto my face until I was smiling warmly at him. "I'm your friend," I told him, opening my arms out to him. Maybe I can comfort him. I just have to try. "That's what I'm here for." Naruto accepted the hug and buried his face into my shoulder. His wet tears staining my green shirt, but I didn't really care.

He sniffled and took deep breaths, calming himself as the sun melted into the horizon behind us. The warm colors seeping down until the darkness came to play. "Oi, Miho!" A voice called out, "Let's go, it's getting dark!" I knew it was Sasuke by his voice. Naruto let me go, and he gave me one of his usual toothy grins. "I'll be okay, Miho- chan," he said, "It's late anyway. I'll see ya later!" I gave him a small smile before nodding. "Yeah," I replied, "Goodnight, Naruto."

Sasuke walked me to the front before waving me goodbye. A warm feeling crept to my cheeks as I headed inside. I hope I'm on the same team as Sasuke, Naruto or Ren. The teams will be set on Monday. This weekend Uncle Keiji wants to begin whipping me into shape. I can't wait, yet I am also anxious and nervous about it. I'm scared it will hurt. But it's Uncle Keiji. It can't be too bad.

The stars blinked in the dark skies before I headed to sleep. I could still hear the cries of the firebird creature. It's voice in my head. The sound of crackling fires soothing me to slumber.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Whew! Goodness, gracious! >_<

Whelp, guys, what did you think? Too OOC?

So Ren's a friend of Miho's, what kind of connection do they have? Will Sasuke ever find out her feeling for him? Will he ever like her?

What team will she be out on? Team seven?

What will happen to Miho next?