Reality Check

As the bell rang for the end of the period students started packing their books in bags and heading for the door.

"Can i have my schedule back"

I asked as i walked toward Olivia who was still standing in front of the class.

"Let me ask you something, Chris syco was it?"

Asked Olivia in response

"Yea what's up."

I said expecting that to be it.

"Where did you come from? Something about you just feels off like if you believe your dreaming it's strange."

She asked with such a serious tone. At first I was confused by her words but then a sudden shock went through my body.

Wait i feel strange.

What was i just saying?

Who are you?

Where am i, was that a dream?

Oh thats right, i was telling you how i got my powers.

"Yes, you were at the part where your teacher was asking where you came from"

-Man in blue coat(1)-

Oh, thats right but i can't seem to remember anymore.

What is this feeling?

"His body seems to be drifting in and out of a dream like consciousness, if this lasts any longer he might..."

-Woman in blue coat-

"The subjects vitals are dropping fast!!"

-Woman in bluecoat-

"What happened, PULL HIM OUT !"

-Man in blue coat(1)-

"Its too dangerous he might ..."

-Woman in blue coat-

What's all that noise, Your being so loud when Im trying to sleep.

"The subject is regaining consciousness"

-Man in blue coat(2)-

What the hell man! get that bright ass light out my face will you.

"Subject 003, Do you know where you are?"

-Man in blue coat(2)-

The Fuck is that supposed to mean? No i don't know where i am! Now you gonna turn that light off or you want me to do it for you?!

"Turn it off!"

-Man in blue coat(1)-

Thank you, Fuck that was bright.

"Subject 003, no sorry Chris you must still be a little disorientated would you please open your eyes."

-Man in blue coat(1)-

What my eyes are open! This small ass room. There are way too many people in here by the way and the guys with the CMP uniform. Wait ... Oh shit!

"Chris!! Chris!!"

-Man in blue coat(1)

"Were losing him!"

-Man in blue coat(2)

What's that beeping sound? Fuck am i dying?

I cant die i don't even remember who i am!


"Subject 003, Time is 00:37, date is June 29 year 3798, has lost all vitals"

-Man in blue coat(2)-

Damn so i died, then why can i still hear everything?

"Subject 003 has deceased, what should we do with the body?"

-Woman in blue coat-

"Angela Do as you wish, this is not a comand but a suggestion hold a proper funeral for your son. I'm sorry you had to witness this i know it must be hard."

Angela? Wait that name... mom? Why is she here, didn't that demon dog bastard kill her?

Wait what demon dog? Ugh my head, its all coming back to me now!!


"My son im so sorry, I didn't mean for this too happen. I just wanted you to live a good life."

-Angela Johnston also Chris's mom-

But im still alive mom!!!


My Fucking head what is this!!!