The One who Hunts Devils

Oow my head hurts so fucking much!

Wait, I'm not dead? It looks like im in the middle of no-where or like a giant desert.

Theres no one around atleast, and there is no way I'm going to die again.

I guess i could make a truck using my power.

-Stretches hand out then colorful oil like substances spray out into the form of a grey humvee-

I dont exactly have a license but how hard can it be to drive in the desert. I tried to make it look as close to a military vehicle as possible, hopefully this doesn't attract too much attention.

-Starts truck and drives for about 1 night and 2 days-

Damn where the hell am i going? If it wasn't for my powers i would have been dead by now from starvation. Oh it looks like there's people in the distance.

Its getting dark anyway so why not ill just go ask for directions.

-Drives toward a group of 2 bus like trucks and 3 pick up trucks with machine guns mounted in the back-

They're loaded i mean well i guess you cant be too safe.

-Stretches hand and oil substance's spray into the form of a black bullet proof armor-

Hmm its missing something... I like that demon dog mask that one bastard was wearing so i guess ill take that into consideration.

-puts on full armor suit then reaches out hand to spray oil into a black helmet with red glowing eye holes, fangs filling up its mouth with gas filters on either side and small horns coming out the forehead area.-

Looks close enough like a dragon to me! haha Now lets go ask for directions.

-Gets out of the truck and starts walking to the convoy-

"Who are you?"

-Man standing guard on mounted machine gun-

I just wanted to ask for directions.

-Chris raises hands to show he means no harm-

"Directions? The nearest town is the city of CMP but that's at least a 2 weeks travel toward that direction on foot"

-points toward a large mountain of sand in the far distance-

"But what's with the armor you one of those CMP mercenaries or something?"

Cmp mercenary? I didn't know such a thing existed...

"Well then if you're not one of them then we don't need to be scared!"


Oh my fuck and after I went through all that trouble of making the suit for protection it's the reason I'm getting into trouble. Well, can't be helped guess it's better to get used to firing guns now just in case anyway.

-oil forms a large black assault rifle in his hand with bright glowing red words on it reading, Devil Hunter-

I guess it's time to put in some work!!!

-Chris smiles and the dragon mouth on his helmet lets out smoke from the filters making it look as though he turned into a demon himself-

"What is that!!! Fuck shoot! SHOOT!!!"

-Man starts firing the machine gun at the sight of Chris Syco's fierce armors reaction to Chris laughing.-

[Chris jumps to the side evading the spray of bullets from the machine gun. He raises the barrel of his assault rifle and fires 3 rounds into the man shooting the gun.]

"Well, what the fuck are you all waiting for k-kill that bastard!"

-yells a man from inside one of the large trucks-

Damn, I just wanted directions, is it really necessary to send out so many guys. I mean seriously there's like 30 of you! Hahaha, well don't let me get bored then!

[Chris raises the barrel of his rifle and fires a shot at the man yelling in the bus. Several men in the same bus start firing shots out of large machine guns simultaneously.

Chris pushes a button on the left forearm of his suit and it starts to glow dark red as the hail of bullets starts to hit him. The men in the bus stop firing to check if Chris is dead.

Chris appears from the dust cloud that the hail of bullets caused, he shoots 12 shots and every man on the bus drops with a bullet in each of their heads.]

Haha this is fucking fun!!

Hey you over there in the second and third bus are you gonna come out or you all done already?

"We're sorry please dont kill us we beg you!"

Aw man now i kinda feel bad. Fuck alright i'll leave, the closest city is that way right?

-Chris points his gun in the direction of the large sand mountains-


Ok thanks alot.

-Raises hand and oil sprays out to make a large grey attack helicopter-

Well now i feel like i can make a decent name for myself i guess i'll stick to the dragon look.

-Raises hand again red and black oil sprays out making the helicopter look like it has large fangs on the front with black cockpit window.-

It's still missing something? Hmm, Oh i got it!

-Looks down at the rifle in his hand then looks at the helicopter with large red words that read-

-Devil Hunter-