
 I froze dead in my tracks as I heard her voice. "Where are you going?" Once again I had no idea how to respond. I was so lost and confused by the strange dreams I had been having. To top it off I wasn't sure if they were dreams or memories of my distant past. I struggled to get the words out but before I could answer Carol was in my face patting my arms and chest asking if I was hurt anywhere. I almost said that I was ok and just felt like running but suddenly she gripped my arm tightly and hushed me while pointing at a Police car that was slowly approaching.

The car drove directly toward Carol and me. An officer sitting in the passenger seat opened the door before the car had completely stopped and rushed around While yelling at Carol to put her hands up. Carol released my arm and complied, raising both her arms. Meanwhile, I just stood there confused at the sight. The officer driving stopped the car and aimed a rifle at Carol without exiting his vehicle, while the other moved in to detain her.

I had the urge to use my powers to form some kind of weapon to help but I stopped myself because I thought about the dream I had. Then suddenly the officer holding the rifle passed out, letting the rifle fall to the floor. As the rifle fell Carol grabbed the officer in front of us by the wrist pulling him in close to her while taking a few steps causing it to look like they were dancing. the sound of the rifle hitting the floor marked the end of their tango as Carol flipped the officer over her shoulder slamming his head directly on the rifle and knocking him unconscious.

I was dumbfounded, the last time I saw a scene like that was when I was dreaming of my mom saving me from those armored soldiers. Carol looked my way as soon as she was finished assaulting the police officer, with a smile on her face she said " I didn't spoil it right you remember now?" Confused and completely unaware of what was happening all I could muster up was one word, "Remember?"