Is this Real?

 I was not confused by Carol's fighting ability nor was I questioning why the officer suddenly passed out. I looked at her and questioned her identity. There was a brief silence which was broken by Carol's voice, "I know it's a lot to take in and you must be very confused. Can we go back home so I can explain in detail who we are and why you're here?" Home? I said in a questioning tone. "Yes, honey you might not be my son but we still have to act the part", Carol responded in a serious tone. At that moment My confusion dissipated leaving only my curiosity, so I obliged. 

 The drive home was quiet and my anxiety peaked. I couldn't stop thinking about the CMP base from my dreams. The Soldier in the dark blue uniform said I had accomplished what I was there for, maybe Carol knew something about that. I felt as though I was on my way to getting the answers I had been longing for since I woke up in that house. By the time we got to the driveway, I couldn't contain my thoughts any longer i yelled " Who are you, are you the reason my memories are all mixed up? Is this even real?". Carol raised her right hand and hushed me. "Let's go inside first, it's kind of a long story, Chris". I kept my thoughts to myself and followed her inside, she led me straight toward her room and then looked at me.

 "Inside this room, every question you have will be answered. Once you have what you've been wanting everything will flash into your head like a headache, I will explain that part once you're finished," Carol turned the knob and slowly opened the door. When I got inside the room it was dark, then Carol walked in after me and pulled on a string turning on a small red light hanging in the middle of the room.

There were no windows and the walls were completely covered in pictures of military bases and different military groups but one wall caught my attention instantly. It was a wall covered in pictures of me. I saw pictures of me in places I had only visited in my dreams. As I looked over the wall dedicated to myself, I came across a picture of me laying on an operation table meant for surgeries, I was wearing an oxygen mask and was holding a thumbs-up while being hugged by a woman in a blue doctor's coat. I was surprised to recognize the woman's eyes although she was wearing a blue mask on her face. "Mom?" Just as the word slipped from my mind, my head started pounding like a drum.