The Slip

The places name was Tareev international airport, it was the largest airport for hundreds of miles. It was so large that it was the perfect place to find an empty runway for a discreet takeoff. There were more than 30 rows of pavement scattered across the open land, you could see that several planes were just touching their wheels to the ground.

It was a little bit unsettling not seeing any outgoing planes but as long as we lift off quick there won't be any problems.

I made my way back to Carol so I could help carry myself to the runway. "How did it go see any clear spots?" She asked as soon as I got to the car. " Yeah, we should head over as fast as possible I have a bad feeling about this for some reason," I responded while lifting myself by the legs. We left the car and walked for about 5 minutes before reaching the mesh wire fence dividing us from our getaway route. I formed a pair of wire cutters that made quick work of the obstacle.

Once through the fence we set me on the floor and I raised my hand to form a black private jet. Takeoff was simple and easy, once in the sky Carol asked, " How the heck can you fly this thing? I don't wanna die because you run out of mana or something, you sure this is safe?" " Carol calm down please, I still don't even know where I'm supposed to be going," I responded while laughing. The atmosphere was good it felt like we had just got our hands on a big fish and we were off to gut it. " We are going back to the CMP base hidden in Fideiram, I'm sure you thought they were dreams but that's where you learned how to use your powers. I need to talk to the commander," she said in a serious tone. "No time for games. I understand, I don't think jokes are going to be funny for very long at the rate this is taking a turn anyways," I responded as I plotted the course. Let's go.