Chapter 11;

Time seems to drag on as the fire begins to die down, and the rain beats harder against the foundation. I turn my head toward Jasper as he stands and slides his pants back on, refueling the fire with more wood. Sitting up myself before grabbing the rolled blunts that Jasper had waiting. With the lighter sitting on the bedside table, I grab it and toss it to Jasper as he sits back down on the bed.

"Thanks." He says as he takes the lighter and one of the blunts, lighting it up and returning the lighter. I stand after lightning my own and walk to the doorway of the patio, watching the rain pour down as I take a long drag. The silk sheet presses against my body as the warmth from the fireplace hits my back.

This moment, all I need to keep going as Jasper walks up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"We'll find him. I promise." He says as he rest his head on my shoulder, looking out to the rain as well. Seeing smoke leave his mouth after he takes a drag from his own.

"I believe you." I tell him as I take a puff, letting the smoke sit in my lungs for a few seconds before exhaling.

"Good. Now, let's go lay down and get some sleep when we're done here."

Jasper takes my hand in his own as I bring the blunt to my lips, inhaling and exhaling quickly. We walk to the bed and sit down near the edge, letting the warmth of the fire embrace us both. By the time I knew it, both of blunts were gone and we were now sitting at the head of the bed, under the covers. My body lays slumped next to Jasper's as I begin to drift to sleep, hoping the words Jasper said were true. Coming from him, I believe every word.

The next morning comes around sooner than I felt it should. My body and mind more tired than I thought I was. Waking the next morning, I see Jasper still sleeping. Rising from the bed I reach for my shirt that is hanging on the back of the desk chair, bringing it over my head as I cover my chest. The fire had gone out sometime last night while we were sleeping, and the rain had lightened up a lot from the storm that had past over us.

I walk over to the patio door, looking out into the yard. Puddles now formed every few feet. Seeing a black spot on the ground, realizing Jasper had dropped my gun in the rain last night.

"Fuck.." I say before sliding on my jeans and shoes and heading out the bedroom door and down the stairs to retrieve my gun from outside. Closing the door behind me as I have my wet soaked gun in hand, I walk into the kitchen and find a rag on the counter. Hoping I could dry it as best I could before we get ready to leave when Jasper wakes up. I curse myself as I should have retrieved it last night instead of forgetting about it til morning.

I sigh as I place the rag on the counter, along with my gun as I walk back up the stairs to get my belongings ready to go. By the time Jasper wakes, I have gotten my bag back into the jeep, my gun in its holster on my hip and a blunt rolled and smoked. My phone now fully charged as I have tried to call my father again, but coming up short like I did the night before. My patience running thin as I press the end call button on my screen.

"Good morning." I hear from behind me as I stand near the balcony door, watching the rain turn to sprinkles and almost dispersing.

"Morning." I say, keeping my eyes on the horizon as the sun is well above the tree line. I cut my words short as I turn and see Jasper dressing for the day ahead, a soft smile on his lips.

"I'm ready when you are. I'll be down stairs." Is all I say, my voice evident that I was ready to depart from here and begin the journey again.

"Alright. I'll be a minute." I hear before walking out the bedroom door and to the stairs leading into the living room below. My eyes scanning over the old furniture as I make my way to the front door, peering out to the jeep.

"You ready?" Jasper's voice travels from the top of the stairs to where I stand by the front door.

"Yes." My hand feels for my gun in its holster, having refilled my ammo before hand. Reluctantly I had found a crowbar on the back porch earlier in the morning as I scavenged the home. I wanted nothing more to leave, to get to Lucas as quick as I could. Hoping our time spent will not linger as it had the previous night. With the time dragging on, eight o'clock in the morning. The morning dew and little rain that was lingering, bringing a natural sweet smell to my nose as I step out of the home.

With the jeep a few feet from the door, the walk is cut short as I take the keys out of my pocket. I recheck the back seat, our bags present and ready for the journey ahead, the crowbar laying across the seat just in reach of the front seat. I open the driver door, jumping into the front seat as I wait for Jasper to exit the home. His presence the only thing keeping me going at this point. I am thankful for him. If is was anyone else, I'm not sure if I would have made it this far.

"Let's go." Jaspers says rather softly, turning my head only slightly as I see him place his bag in the open back seat. He opens his door and hoist himself up and into the passenger seat. The time it should take, an hour tops to get to my father's plantation rings in my ears as I try to calculate it all in my head. It shouldn't be long now til I see Lucas again. Those bright blue eyes and tiny frame.

God, did I miss my son.

I slide the key in the engine, turning the ignition to bring the beast to life. Hearing the engine start up I put it in reverse, backing up just enough to turn the jeep around and then put it in drive. With my foot on the gas I speed up, no time to stop.

" gonna slow down?" I can feel Jasper looking at me as the gate comes into view, the click of his seat belt being heard.

"No need. Hold on." I say just before the jeep smashes through the metal gate. Scraps of metal flying as one part of the gate goes to the left, and the other to the right.

"Oh shit!" I hear Jasper chuckling from beside me. I let out a small laugh as I take a left on the road to get back to the highway. No stops. No distractions. Just the wheels on the asphalt and the wind sweeping back my hair.

"I loved that. But let's agree on not doing that again." He says as another chuckle emits from his lips.


I was done with the nonsense that kept me back. I was no longer looking to help anyone, or myself. Lucas needs me, as much as I need him.

I didn't let my mind waver away from the task at hand. Not this time around. I was no longer tired, or felt weak from exhaustion. My body now fueled with the idea that Lucas is alive. I'm alive; and I'm so close to getting him back.

Never again will he be away from me. Not for a second. Even if we do, when we reunite, he will never leave my sight. I vow to it. Making my self these small promises of hope as I reach the exit ramp to the Interstate.

From here, it should be about an hour til I reach the town limits of where my parents live. No more senseless stops along the way. The vehicle is fueled, just like my heavy heart.

The events of last night begin to play in my mind as I hit the gas, seeing a clear path ahead of us for miles. Nothing here to stop us. Nothing more to delay. I had given up, lost sight of what I was aiming for. If I give up, and Lucas is still alive he would never forgive me. Myself included. The thought of leaving him makes my heart sink into my chest. Leaving him alone here, was not an option. My throat begins to tighten at the thoughts of what may happen, or what may could.

He'd never make it by himself. Not in the slightest. I know my parents would do everything in their power to keep him safe. Just as I. But, they'd never leave him. How could I?

I curse myself at my mistakes of the previous day. Gripping the plastic cover of the wheel, I bite down on my bottom lip. Never again. The silence was deafening. Making my ears long for some sort of noise besides the wind and the sound of the engine. It made it seem as if time was standing still. Preferring anything over nothing.

But with great fortune, as time passes I see the exit sign that leads to the small town of which my parents both reside. My heart filling full again as I take a hard right onto the small road. Feeling as if butterflies were present in my stomach, I knew now it would only be minutes until I get to hold my son again.

"Is this it?" I hear from beside me, giving a small glance over to Jasper.

"Yes. Only a few more miles til we get there." The excitement clearly showing in my voice as a smile appears on my lips.

Jasper says no more, seeing my appearance and demeanor change as I press onto the gas a bit harder than before. Wanting to reduce the so very few miles that are standing between Lucas and I. I'm almost there. I'm so damn close.

My muscles tighten and my bones begin to scream from within my body as I drive around a few cars along the way as my son's face comes into my mind. I'm going to make it. The happiness evident as I take a right, inching closer and closer to the plantation.

"We're almost there." I say as my body leans forward against the wheel. My patience running thin as I can feel the minutes running by us, the miles stretching, but decreasing as the gas pedal is to the floor board.

"Well, slow down Clara. We don't need to have an accident. Not when we're this close." Jasper tries to lay his hand on my thigh, to my surprise I shoo his hand away as I move slightly in my seat. He retracts his hand and looks ahead of us, feeling his attitude change.

"I got this." I remind him as I take a sharp curve, slowing down only enough not to steer us off the road. My sights set as I see the familiar sign ahead, "Dusty's Diner. Two miles." My families plantation only a few miles away from the lone diner and the small town it resides in.

The moments stretch on it seems as we go through the town, not a living soul in sight. At least from what we can see anyways. The small general store looking abandoned and desecrated as I keep driving. The town looking more abandoned than it ever has before. The bar the last building to see til we reach my parents home, has a few vehicles out front, door closed.

I let out a frustrating sigh as I had hoped to see someone, anyone else. But I let it pass knowing my destination was a mere few miles to go. Not allowing anything to weigh me down, I tighten my jaw as I drive. Nothing left but to see Lucas, to find him and thank my parents for keeping him safe.

I can almost imagine the scene now playing in my head as I see the lone mailbox with the name "Price" written on the side in black paint. I take the designated right to reach the driveway. My excitement getting the better of me as I invision our sweet reunion. Them seeing the jeep pull up into the driveway, seeing me jump from the vehicle and run to the door. Taking Lucas into my embrace for as long as he'll let me.

"Clara. Watch out!" Jasper yells from beside me as I come to from my own thoughts, a fallen limb in our way as I hit the brake.

"Woah." I let out a sigh as I stop just before running into the limb, larger now than it looked before.

"You good?" Jasper asks as he turns to me, receiving a nod as I put it in reverse.

"Yeah, I didn't see it. Sorry. We'll get around it." I tell him as I put it in drive and steer around the limb that takes up most of the small paved road. The jeep hits the dirt on the sides, coming close to the trees that line that road. Barely making it by as I continue, the road turning into dirt as it stretches on.

The metal fence comes into view just a few feet ahead, Jasper already at the ready to get out to unlock it.

"The code is 3517." I tell him, knowing the lock was a pad lock set up by my father. He nods and hurries to the gate, putting in the code and pushing open the gate. Driving through, I wait just long enough for Jasper to get back in the jeep.

Taking off down the driveway, I keep my eyes open as I drive, seeing the plantation coming into view. The shrubs and plants lining the home, and my father's car parked in front of it. My mother's car residing beside my father's SUV, both looking untouched as I park beside them.

I put it in park, killing the engine before I open the door. Nothing. No birds chirping or no animals noises can be heard as I step out of the jeep. I survey the front of the plantation, seeing no movements whatsoever. Grabbing the crowbar from the back seat, I step away from the vehicle. Jasper comes to stand beside me as I scan over the property.

"Let's go knock." He says as he takes my hand in his, pulling me gently to the steps of the porch. I only nod as I follow beside him, retreating up the steps and onto the porch. Raising my hand I knock softly onto the door, waiting a moment to see if I can hear any movements from inside the home. Maybe even hear the pitter patter of feet.


Until we hear a soft scraping from the other side of the door. Like nails clawing against hardwood. My heart sinks into my chest, falling into my stomach as I take a step back.

"Clara." Jasper's voice is low as I let go of his hand, my eyes wide. I step back further, walking down the steps and begin to walk around the plantation.

"Clara. Where are you going?" He asks as he follows behind me, catching up to me as I round the house.

"Through the back." I say as my feet begin to walk faster, my pace quickening as I make it around to the backyard, climbing up the steps of the back porch with ease.

"Be careful." Jasper says from behind me as I reach for the door knob, turning it. It's locked. I hold my breath as I place the crowbar in between the wood and door, using all my strength to pry it open. Hearing it snap, the door swings open. The kitchen coming into view as I take a step in.

"Clara, wait. Be careful." Jasper tugs at my hand, but I pull away from his grasp.

"I can't wait any longer Jasper. He's here. Dead or alive, I'm done waiting." The words flow from my mouth before I register what I have said, but knowing I can't take them back now I proceed through the kitchen. Making my way around the island and through the wooden arch way that leads to a long hallway, I can feel my breath catching in my throat. The floor creaks under my feet as I walk down the long hallway.

As I make it to the end of the hallway, I spot a figure moving through a doorway in the living room to the den to the left of us. I clinch the crowbar in my hand as I walk across the living room, heading toward the den where the lone figure had gone. Upon approaching the den doorway, I see a woman with long light hair facing away from me. Her clothes looking raggedy and her skin pale.

"Mom?" I call out softly, feeling my eyes sting from the tears that now blur my vision. Although I knew those clothes and hair from a mile away, her familiar smell of roses mixing with the smell of rotten flesh.

As I say her name, she turns around not offering a moment of solitude before she begins to move my way.

"Mom.." A whimper leaves my throat as she reaches for me, bringing my crowbar up just in time to hold her away from me. "Mom stop!" I yell, trying to get her to stop her advancement to me, her now black eyes starring into mine. Her once bright blue orbs now gone, only to be replaced with nothingness. She moans and groans at me, snapping her teeth as I push her back, sending her stumbling over the coffee table.

"Mom! Please!" I plead with her, hoping somewhere inside she is still there. The pure soul that once was so gentle and loving. But all I witness now from her is a low growl as she somehow stands to her feet, not allowing a few seconds to tick by before she is running at me again.

With a subtle hesitation I raise the crowbar, letting her run into. Piercing her heart as she stands a few inches away. The crowbar the only thing keeping us apart. Her actions are slowed, but she doesn't stop the moans and trying to reach out to me.

"No.." I shake my head, trying to clear my throat as I pull the crow bar out of her chest. Only to raise it further and thrust it up under her chin and through her mouth. The only lethal way to make her stop. I succeed.

She becomes lifeless now, her movements coming to a halt as I look up to her. Her eyes widen open, looking down on me as if she can still see me. See the horrendous actions I have done. My breath catches in my throat as I pull the crowbar down, making her fall to the floor. Her body falls with a thud and the crowbar falls from my hands as I fall beside her.

"Mom.. Mom.." I begin to shake as I see her blood on my hands. My mother's blood. Forever stained into my skin. I killed my mother.

"Mom.. No.." My eyes stinging from the tears that have sprung to life, rolling over and down my cheeks. I try to wipe them away, only smearing the blood onto my cheeks.

"Clara.." I hear Jasper from behind me, his feet moving quickly against the hardwood floor and kneeling next to me.

"Oh god.." He whispers as he places his hand on my shoulder, turning me towards him as he takes me into his embraced. His large tan arms wrapping around me, enveloping me as I began to cry into his shoulder.

"Clara.. There's no one else here." He says after a moment of allowing me to weep against him, his shirt now soaked from my tears.

"Wh-what?" I almost mumble as I pull away slightly.

"Lucas or your father aren't here. I checked the rest of the house." He says as his brown eyes connect with my blue ones. I begin to shake my head as I try my best to stand on my feet, letting them lead me in any direction they see fit.

"Clara.. Where are you going?" I hear from behind me as I walk out of the den and to anywhere my legs would take me.

"He has to be here."

I say, my voice now strained as I walk up the stairs, going to the room that Lucas stays in while he is here. Pushing open the door, I see an empty room with only his unmade bed, a dresser, his TV and toys. My jaw tightens as I push past Jasper and walk towards my parents room, throwing open the door. Nothing. No one. Frustration and anger begin to settle as I check every nick and cranny of the house, my patience running thin as I burst open the front door.

"Clara! Where are you going?!" Jasper calls out from behind me as I descend the steps, walking onto the grass. I don't reply, my anger getting the better of me as I walk past the jeep and make my way into the yard.

"Clara stop!" Jasper raises his voice again as he finally catches up to me, spinning me around as his hand is on my shoulder.

"What Jasper! Lucas isn't here! I waited to long!" My knees begin to get weak, causing me to fall onto the grass as my eyes close. This is where it lies; all my mistakes I have made. All the people's lives I took, all to get here. To find nothing. I begin to scream, my fingers digging into the wet grass as I sit on my knees. The wet dirt below me coming into view as I open my eyes. There has to be more. There's always more.

I try to process what is happening, the realization that Lucas can't be gone. That's because he isn't. He's still here. Somewhere.

"The bunker!" I let out a near chuckle, as it finally hits me. Springing to my feet I wipe my blood and tear stained face.

"The what?" Jasper says as he stands, looking down at me as I begin to look around frantically.

"The damn bunker! Oh my god.." I begin to run back to the plantation, going to the left side of the house, and spotting the bunker door. Running as fast as my legs would take me, my knees hit the hard ground as I fall beside the bunker door. My fist come down and I begin to beat on the metal doors, screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Lucas! Lucas please!! It's mommy!" My voice cracking as I begin to beat against the cold metal of the bunker doors. "Please! Please! I'm here! Lucas! Mommy's here!" After what seems like an eternity, but only a few seconds in real time, I hear the latch being clicked and I move only a few inches away, seeing the doors open. My father pushes open the door, a wide smile on his face as he takes me into his arms.

"Mommy?!" I hear from down below us, letting my arms fall from the embrace of my father. Seeing the little blonde hair blue eyed boy I fell in love with all those years ago. The day of his birth, being the best damn day of my life. This coming a close second.

"Lucas!" I drop to my knees as he runs to me, closing the small distance between us. I feel him wrap his tiny arms around my neck as I pull him into a tight hug.

"Oh my god. My sweet baby." I begin to cry, whimpering as I hold him against me. Opening my eyes only for a moment to look to my father, thanking him silently as I hold my son.

"Mommy! I told pawpaw you'd come!" Lucas says as I pull away slightly, looking over his little face.

"Of course I was sweetie." I say as I take him into my arms again. "I promise, I will never leave you again. Do you hear me?" I tell him as I comb his hair back gently, thanking the stars and the heavens for reuniting us.

I promise him, and myself I will never leave him again.