Chapter 12;

Two months later;

Time has stood still, no hope in sight of life going back to the way it was before. Everyday we live not knowing if the once survivors we met are still alive, or if there are others out there.

I take it day by day, ever since Jasper left us a few weeks ago without any notice or acknowledgment. Having left in the middle of the night, no note left behind or anything. I figured he left to retrieve his family, to see if they are still alive. I just wish he would have told me. Given us some sort of explanation.

Lucas had grown a close bond with him, spending more time with him than I before he departed. Helping me to understand my love is infinite for the both of them, and that maybe this life wasn't as bad as I thought. But now with his absence, I would rather have it this way. Just Lucas, my father and I.

Lucas hasn't said much since Jasper's departure, keeping to himself for the most part of the day's. My heart aching more for Lucas than anyone else.

Tonight is just like any another as I check the perimeter of the plantation. Walking the fence line and keeping the infected at bay as the night lingers on. Having just ate dinner, my stomach full and my heart heavy, I pull out my blunt from my coat pocket, along with my lighter.

Dad has came to terms of mom dying, even with me being the one who killed her. I never will. He has forgiven me, cried with me and comforted me. Letting me know what I did, was something that had to be done. I told him of Jasper and I's journey, meeting the doctor at the CDC and what he told us. Having to tell someone other than my son. His age not very understanding of it all.

I light my blunt as I walk back to the small fire I had made a few hundred feet from the plantation, taking in a long drag as the smoke settles in my lungs. I exhale, letting the smoke rise into the night air. Standing for a moment, I look to our new home, seeing Lucas's light on and him in the window. Watching over me as he always does.

Stepping away from the fire, I walk to the fence line with my crowbar in hand. My choice of weapon on the dead. Wasting bullets was not an option, given luck that my gun was not damaged from the storm. My feet fall into step as I walk along the fence, hearing only the crickets and birds. The sound is soothing, knowing this is what life is now. Our life.

As I take another puff I hear the break of a twig to my left, somewhere over the fence. My feet stop as I look over to see where and who it may have came from. Nothing but darkness for miles. With the blunt in hand, I hear the crunching of leaves. I near the fence only slightly as I have my crow bar at the ready. Steadying myself as I see a figure coming into view a few feet away.

It didn't walk like the infected, no limp or moaning like the others. His pace was steady as he neared the fence. I crouch down behind the fence as I wait for it to draw nearer. I wait for it to lean against the fence before I spring up, catching it off guard. It screams, a deep familiar voice rings my ears.

"Clara?!" He yells, flicking on a flash light, and shines it directly at me.

"Jasper?!" My voice cracking as I block my face, the light shining in my eyes. He lowers the flashlight, letting my eyes adjust to see the silhouette of his face, his features coming into view. My blunt dropping to the ground by my feet from the freight. "What the hell are you doing?"

I hear him sigh. I sigh myself as I reach down to pick up the blunt.

"Clara, I'm sorry if I scared you." He starts, shining his light at my feet as I see the lit blunt, picking it up and bringing it to my lips to take a puff.

"It's fine. What the hell are you doing here? You left remember.." My tone changing as he begins to walk, assuming he is heading towards the gate a few feet away. I follow in pursuit on the other side of the fence.

"I know. I'm sorry. But there's something I need to tell you."

"What could that be?" I say as I inhale the smoke, letting it sit in my lungs before exhaling and allowing it to rise into the cool night air. Reaching the gate, I put in the code and begin to open it slightly for him to slip through.

"Clara, listen to me. I know you're upset with me, just to leave with no explanation whatsoever. But just listen to me, okay?" Jasper says as I close the gate behind him, beginning to walk away and head back to the fire.

"I'm all ears." I say as my feet lead me away from the spot he is standing. The sound of him following me echoing slightly.

"Clara, stop." He says as he grabs my shoulder, I turn around and face him.

"What? What could be so important that made you wanna come back?" My voice raises then falls as I look up at him.

"A cure for all this." He says, a small sigh leaving his lips.


"Yeah. Dr. Hodgins is still alive. And because of you, he found the right vaccine to make a cure."

My breathing halts as Jasper speaks, my eyes staring up at him blankly as I try to process what he said.

"What does that mean?" I ask as my blue hues trail over Jasper's figure.

"It means.. a chance at life."