vs Shock Collar (1)

*... Do they really think they're out of line of sight?*

Jisha counted at least 15 players attempting to sneak past her into the forest. Many of those players had tried to sneak behind trees or buildings, but she easily spotted them.

On top of that, there were a couple that were simply walking in the same direction as her.

*I assume that's for no reason at all. Probably just a coincidence. Maybe Lujen can join me on my stroll, too? We could have a nice cup of tea at a one of the restaurants in Inkling Village.*

Jisha tallied up the suspicious players she had seen.

*About 18 currently in the forest right now, and Lujen's tailing me. Hm...*

Though it wouldn't be impossible for her to take all of them out without the Nightwalker, it would be difficult. Jisha was only level 7 while the rest of the players were either level 1 or 2.

*Well, Lujen's 3, but I can save him for last.*

Though this sounded like a large level gap, in reality, the stat differences between low level players were fairly small. As one leveled up, base stats increased by a certain percentage. At the higher levels, this percentage would become enough to significantly impact base stats. However, right now, each level would only give you around 1 additional point in each base stat.

Her real advantages were that she had a better weapon and superior combat ability.

Jisha continued walking leisurely through the forest. After all, she was comfortable right now. She had just purchased some new ammo, a secondary weapon, and a larger map. On top of that, the frontier shop happened to have a couple snacks for travel as well, which was quite the bonus.

*19 enemies nearby? Who cares? Trekking to the nearest village has never felt more relaxing!*

And though Jisha had counted 19, she failed to notice one more that was following from much further behind.


*>Lujen: I'm still trailing her. She's probably 30 metron away from the formation. Is everything in place?*

*>Axis Jack: We're lying in wait.*

*>Lujen: Perfect. Once she walks into the encirclement, the ranged units will distract her while the melee units will close in from behind! We'll begin on my signal.*

So far, everything was proceeding smoothly. All that was left to be done was to put the final nail in the coffin.

*>Lujen: On my mark, a couple of the ranged units will reveal their positions. Make sure you have her attention!*

As the victim approached the center of the encirclement, Luden counted down in his head.

*25 metron...*

*20 metron...*

*15... ???*

But as she approached the 15 metron mark, something unexpected happened.

*That's... what is that?*

The player was holding an item that looked very similar to the Wooden Slingshot that was on sale at the auction. The only visible difference was its color. Rather than being wooden, it was a solid gold.


But by the time Luden processed this information, he noticed that the player had already fired the weapon!

*She was able to draw her weapon and fire it that quickly?*

*>Axis Jack: What just happened? How were we detected?? Everyone, rush her at once!*

Since Luden was unable to respond quickly enough, Axis Jack took the matter into his own hands. However, by the time Shock Collar stepped out from behind the trees, Luden noticed that two of them had already died...


*Pew, pew! Haha.*

One of Shock Collar's members had carelessly stuck their heads out from behind a tree resulting in their death. This sparked a chain reaction where all of them began to rush at her.

However, she wasn't concerned in the slightest.

This was simply target practice! To her, a range of ~15 metron was practically nothing... even with a rudimentary weapon like a slingshot. After all, she could even accurately strike a small target from this range with her throwing arm!





Even though it looked like Jisha had performed some sort of quickdraw with her slingshot, Lanjen would have been shocked to know that she wasn't taking this even remotely seriously. After 11 natural years of practicing firing a myriad of ranged weapons, operating one was like second nature to her.

To a Synergy newbie who was inexperienced in real combat, every languid action from a master appeared godlike.





With an attack speed of 0.5, Jisha fired ammo once every two seconds. And with her Golden Slingshot and newly purchased slingshot pellets, one-shotting a player became a simple task.

*They've really underestimated me. What a shame.*

Not one of the members of Shock Collar had purchased any armor. On top of that, Jisha struck their vital points from range with ease.

Meanwhile, Shock Collar's ranged attacks weren't a threat. They were simply too inaccurate. Even the ones that were directly heading at Jisha could be avoided with minimal movement. And of course, the melees were completely useless at the moment...

The slightly-above-100 HP of these low-leveled players never stood a chance!