Chapter 3 - WORRIED

Damn it!My day is going down right now.Because of her my day is distroy.Why?She wants all the attention to all the guy in this school and she wants to distroy my day?Aish,that girl.Even she is younger than me she treat me like she is the older.

Ahh,great.Now my head is hurt because of her.I was thinking so hard to her that my head start to hurt so much.Aish,this girl has provoking a pain in my head.

Right now I want to go home and get some sleeps.But I can't because I have to be to this jail....I mean highschool.Ugh,sometimes I hate school.

When I want to enter on the school I saw Jinyoung with a girl smiling and giggle.She looks more beautiful and I think that is not Sooyoung.Both of them are smiling at each other looking in their eyes deep.Jinyoung holds her hands like she is his girlfriend,but she is not,right?

I think she is young sister.I open a book to hide myself to not be seeing by the two of them.Jinyoung kiss her cheeks before he leave letting the girl with pink cheeks and a big smile.She is her brother,right?


Please tell me that they are not together.What,stop thinking about that.Jinyoung loves Sooyoung a lot.That girl she is definitely his sister and he is very protective,right?Aish,to much thinking.I have to stop to thinking to much.It's not by business.

I shake my head enter on the highschool because he is my last lessons and I will be going home.Right now I want to be at my home sleeping and eating what I want.

— —

Done!The school is over and I can go home.I exit the school looking on the sky.Is so beautiful.Some arms is on my shoulder make me to look at the person and saw Sana looking at me smiling sad.

"What happened,sweety?",I ask her being concerned

"Can....Can I sleep tonight at your house?",she ask me looking at another way

I know she is crying.Everytime she ask me this I know is something at he house.Her dad will come tonight drunk and start to hit her and her mother.I hate her father.Everytime he comes at their home he start to hit them so hard that Sana have sign on her body.

"Of course,Sana-ah",I say to her smiling ear to ear

She looks at me smiling a little.When she smile I smile too.When she is happy I am happy too.When she is sad I am sad too.I will do everything to her to be safe and happy.I have to do something with her father,but I don't know.

"Thank you,Eunha-ah",she says taking my arm on her arm start to walking to the school bus

"What about your mom?",I ask her concerned about her mother and she shrugged

She doesn't say anything.I know that she loves her mother,but I can't let her to be hit by her father.I will do everything to protect her and her mother with my all power even I am a child.

"Why don't you invite her at dinner and then you and her can sleep at our house?",I ask her shrugging not knowing what I say

"O-okay",she stutter looking at me smiling,but the looking at her lap

I sigh.I hate so much to see her like this.She is like my young sister and I hate to see her like that.It hurts me too and makes me to do anything and to make some wrong decisions,but I will do everything to protect them.

— —

"Mom,dad,I'm home",I yell when I enter on the house with Sana on my back

"Oh,honey,you.....",she speaks coming to the kitchen,but stop in the middle when she saw Sana."Oh,hi,dear",she speaks having a big smile on her face

"Hello,Mrs Kim",says Sana bowing at her with a small smile

"Aigoo,sweety,I told you many times to not call me that",my mom says to her pouting at her

I look at my mom confused.I didn't even know that she does aegyo.I know that she hates when I make aegyo,but when she makes aegyo she loves that.I roll my eyes annoyed by her aegyo.

"Mom,please don't do aegyo,EVER",I say popped the word "ever" sounds more like a yell

My mom rolls her eyes making me and Sana to laugh hard.My mom says to us to go in my room to rest because we are tired to that school.

"Aish,this girl",my mom mumble walking to the kitchen

"I heard you,mom!",I yell on the living room making her to laugh

I and Sana go to my room to make our homework.Even I don't feel good to make my homework I have to,right?All the time I was thinking to what she says Yoonbyul yesterday.She is so desperate to Jungkook to be her?She is so jealousy because he doesn't get her attention?

I chuckle myself at her weakness.Jungkook is her weakness and I will fight her there where she is weak.


— —

The dinner was so cool and beautiful.Sana and her mom have a good time with us.Everytime they come to our house I try to make them to feel good when they come to dinner.I know how they suffer when Mr. Kang come home.I know they suffer when he start to hit them with brutally.I hate to see them suffer and I will do everything to see them happy and safe.I want to see people I love to be safe and love.

"So,you and Namjoon?",I asked her smirking at her

"Nothing",she says having her head down."He is not looking at me",she speak looking at my eyes

I flinched her head making her to whine.She starts to whine at me when I flinched her head.

" 'He doesn't look at me'?",I asked her ironic and she shrugs."You've kidding me,right?When they come to our table he doesn't look another way,he stares at you all the time.He loves you,crazy women!",I spoke flinched her head again making her to whine again

"Ouch,it hurts!",she whine at me pouting

"I know",I chuckle making her to give me an angry face

"So,how it goes with Jungkook?",she asked me smirking at me

I stick out my tongue."I don't know what to do",I shrug hugging the pillow

"One day he will found it,you know that?",she says to me and I sigh

"I know",I mumble hating myself for what I did

I hope is not tomorrow.

Ahh,why I have to accept this?Why she can't ask another girl to make this?Every girl wants Jungkook to them,but she didn't ask them.She asked me.Why?Why me?What I have so different to other girls?

— —

"Good morning,Jungkook",I says to him coming to his locker

Another day to school.Another day to distract Jungkook to see Sooyoung and Jinyoung together.I saw them at Sooyoung so I have to distract him.I don't know how,but I will make this.

"Ah,you again?",he says annoyed by me

"Aww,you hurt me",I pout at him putting my hands on my heart

He rolls his eyes annoyed."What do you want to me?",he ask me leaning to my face being very close

I gulp not knowing.

I know I have to pretend that I am his friends,but I can't right now because he is to close to my face.I feel my face burn it like fire and my heart is beating fast.What the hell is happening with me?This is the first time when I feel like this.

"Is it bad to make friends?",I replied to him using the words that Namjoon says two days ago

He roll his eyes growl at me."Don't use Namjoon hyung words,okay?",he scoffed at me pushing me away two steps in back with his finger

"Aww,why you have to be that?",I say to him whining at him rolling his eyes."Meanie~",I pout making him to chuckle at my pout

I borrow my eyebrow up not knowing why he chuckle.I think he laugh of me that I pout.I am not that kind of the girl to pout or to make aegyo.I hate to make aegyo and I hate people who make aegyo.

"Yah,stop doing aegyo,it don't like",he says to me annoyed

"What a coincidence,me neither",I replied walk along with him to our class lessons

He turn his head at me with his face expressions shocked.Why he is so shocked?What I said what he makes to look at me like that?

"Really?",he asked me still shocked and I nod."Whoa~ I didn't know",he exclaim putting his hands on his pockets

"Me neither",I laugh hard hearing him laughing along with me

I look at him how he laugh with me and I will say that he is beautiful when he laugh.When he laugh I can see his bunny teeth that I like a lot.What?What the hell I says?I can't fall for him.I am not here to fall for me,but make him to fall for me.I ruffle my hair sighing.

"What's happened?",Jungkook asked me when he stop laughing

"Hm?",I asked him confused what he asked."Oh nothing",I assure him with a small smile looking another way not knowing what he asked me

"Okay",he says shrugs going together along to our class.

I look away.I can't even look at him.I thinking what I've done to him.I know that he doesn't found about this,but thinking when he will found makes me to feel sad and like I criminal.I feel betrayed.And I am the one who betrayed.

— —

"BOO",I yell at his back startle him

Jungkook started immediately making two steps in back having his hands on his heart scared to me.He sigh when he saw me and he flinched my head with his big fingers.

"Ouch,what's for that?",I ask him whined

"For scared me.Twice",he replied making me to growl

"It hurts!",I whine making him to roll his eyes

"I know",he scoffed at me

Me and Jungkook walk to the canteen to eat something.Right now is lunch and my stomach want food.When she wants food I need to give her food.When we both arrived to the canteen taking our food I see the boys standing at mine and Sana table.

I look for Sana searching for her,but she is nowhere.Where the hell she is?She doesn't let me alone with this boys.I can't barely think that to say to them.I can barely talk with Jungkook because I have to do that,but with the rest is hard.

When we sit down on the chair I look at Namjoon hand.He have a bandage on his hand that makes me worried.What the hell happened with him?Someone hurt him or what?

"What happened with your hand?",I ask Namjoon pointing to his hand curious to find the truth

"Hyung hurt himself",Jungkook answer at my question making me to borrow my eyebrow up confused what Jungkook says

"How?",I asked him trying not to burst into a laugh

"Ask him",he shrug eating his food

I look at him waiting for his answer.He looks at me with a sad smile ran his hand through his neck.He looks so adorable when he looks like a child when he distroy something.What the hell is happening with?I start to pity them?

"Don't ask!",he scratch his neck not looking at me

"Okay",I says letting him alone

I look up to see Sana walking to our table shaking with all her body.She looks to everyone scared to someone.Oh,Sana,what didn't you tell me that your dad hit you again last night?Her eyes are big scared to touch someone.She looks at me with sad eyes having tears on her cheeks.

I get up on the chair letting the boys confused why I stand up immediately.I ran to her dragging her outside to this school.I drag her to a bench to sit down.We sit down looking at her with a sad smile.All the day I try to make her to forget that her father hit her,but I couldn't.Someday I will making him to pay for what he did to her and her mother.

"Honey...",I whisper making her to drag me into a needed hug

I sigh ruffle my hair before I put my hands around her trying to calm her down.She starts to cry on my shirt.Oh,great,this was my favorite shirt,but I will let her to cry on shirt even I love this shirt.She pull away wipe her tears.

"Again,sweety?",I ask her with a sad smile only to see just a simple nod."Oh,someday I will make him to pay",I schold to her dad when I saw that he doesn't stop to hit them

"Please,don't do that",she begged me with teary eyes.

I sigh closing my eyes.I can't do that.When she ask me not to do that I will respect her decision.

"Fine!",I scoffed rolling my eyes

She giggles when she saw me pouting like a sad child.I smile ear to ear when I see that she smiles.When she is happy I am happy too.

— —

Finally I arrived at home tired because of school.I sit on the couch sighing.I close my eyes thinking what in pain Sana has when her dad coming home starting to hit them.

"Sweety,you come?",my mom yell to the kitchen coming to the living room with a smile

I open my eyes turns my head to her looking tired at her giving her a small smile.I not slightly rub my eyes because for some minutes I fall asleep.

"You okay?",she asked me sitting down beside me on the couch

"Yeah....",I mumble rub my neck

"What happen,hun?",she asked me worried about me."It's about Sana?",she speak out knowing what is it about

I nod looking down on my lap.I clenched my fist and teeth thinking what he do to them.Some teats appear on my cheeks burst into a cry without knowing.My mom pulling me into a hug rub my back saying words to comfort me.

"I will okay,sweety,I promise you",my mom whisper on my ear comforting me

I know she try all the time to comfort me,but I can't stand here with my hands on my waist not doing nothing.I can't let him to hit them with so much anger.I can't see to her body wounds that never gone.In the future I will so everything to protect them.

"Where is dad?",I asked her wipe my tears stopping to crying

"He is at work.He call me to says that he will be late",she inform me sitting up on the couch

"Oh,okay",I murmured biting my bottom lip

Mom walk to the kitchen to continue her cooking.Sometimes I am worried for my father because he hardworking himself staying all day to his work.I know that he is the CEO to his company,but sometimes I am worried for him.I want to my father to be happy and healthy and of course my mom.I want both of them to be healthy.

— —

I close the locker sighing deep.Last night I didn't sleep because I was worried for Sana if she is okay.Is she okay?

Where are you,Sana?

I am worried for you.I want to be safe.I call her all day,but she denied my all calls.All I want to hear her voice to see that she is okay and safe.

"Eunha.....",someone says my name making me to turn my head

Namjoon is in front my face looking at me worried rubbing his neck.It's the first when I saw him looking lost and scared.What happened with him?Jungkook is okay?I start to worried about him too.

"Yes?",I ask him with my arms on my breast

"Where is Sana?",he asked me worried rubbing his cheeks."I didn't see her all day",he sighs worried about her

"I didn't even see her,too,Namjoon",I spoke out thinking to bad things about her dad

"You had tell me something to say?",Namjoon ask me with a serious filling his voice

I look at him."Namjoon I can't tell you about her.I promise her.Ask her if you want to know",is all I said to him

Namjoon just sigh not knowing what to says.I know he cares about her and he wants to know about Sana,but I promise her to not tell nothing because she wants to tell and I will respect her decision.

"Can I ask you something?",I ask him making him to look at me nodding."You love Sana?",I ask him directly

He froze at place looking at me with big and mouth wide open.He smiles a little showing his adorable dimple that Sana is in love.I chuckle at his reaction.He is not looking at me.He looks down smiling slightly.

"Please,if you love her take care of her when I am not around her,okay?",I says to him letting him shocked when I says that words."I want to her to be happy.When you are around she smiles widely and I am happy to see her happy too.So,that's why I want to ask you to take care of her and love her with all your heart.I want to her to be happy and I know that you are that boy who knows how to make her happy,safe and to be loved.Please,Namjoon,I beg you.I need your help",I add with teary eyes wiped them off immediately

"I will do,so don't worry,Eunha,I promise that",Namjoon add with a big smile before he pulls me into a brother hug rub my back

I love Namjoon like a brother and I know her will take care her of Sana and makes her to be loved.

I hope you are happy,Sana.

Sana I promise you I will do everything to make you happy and I found a help to make you happy and loved.Namjoon is the guy that he can knows how to take care if you.Right now I am worried so much for her.I know that Namjoon is the perfect guy to you,Sana.

"Thank you,Namjoon,you are a great guy",I replied making him to laugh

"Oh thank you,Eunha,and don't worry about Sana,I will take care of her,okay?",he add putting his hand around my shoulder like a protective brother,laughing together