Akari Hanazaki is an orphan, a mute girl with learning difficulties. The black stain of Ueno High-school, or so everyone likes to think...
Being falsely charged on the grounds of murder of a former gang member, Takashi Asano a low-profile businessman with ties to the Yakuza wants to reconnect with his daughter.
But after hearing about her ‘strange habits and extracurricular activities’, as well as her involvement with his release of fifteen years of false imprisonment. He’s curious and wants to protect his daughter from the murky waters of the underworld.
But what if she’s already been latched on to by a shark?
Luca Russo is the successor of The Russolini Mafia and conglomerate, visiting Japan reluctantly as an investor of her school.
Sadistic and manipulative akin to an animal, even towards his own family.
Meeting an old acquaintance, owing him a debt of gratitude.
Enraptured by the thorny beauty,having his gun and grandmothers Omertà ring taken by her.
How will he make her his and fully grasp her within his palms?
Or will she run away with his heart too?
*Original Story!
*MATURE: Profanity and explicit scenes!
*Written as contest entry!
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