Chapter 3 : Andrew's day off

" Hello mister Goblin, do you mind let me have your spear?"

The goblin feel like he is in danger, I supposed? Well, human and goblin wasn't supposed to be living together to begin with.

Sigh, if I learnt goblin language before. It probably going to be easy. Look like got other choice.

I pointed his spear then pointed to my body. Well, that contains many meaning like that spear is mine or can I have your spear.

The goblin hugs his spear. Probably he won't allow me to have his spear.

" better give me your spear. I got no time for this."

I tried to take the spear away from him but he managed to dogde it.

" Fine!" I take out my spear. Just like the name of the spear, this spear contains holy aura. This made the goblin more scared.

Once again, I pointed his spear then pointed to my body.

The goblin refuses, even though I can see that he is shaking like crazy. Probably his leg frozen and unable to move. Just like human, when they are overwhelmed by fear their body unable to move or to be precise, they lost the control.

I swinged my spear a little and the entire hill behind him cut into half. I think I went a little bit overboard.

This time I change the style. I pointed the spear then pointed my body. I add a little bit intimidation by pointing the thumb finger and make it go around my neck.

Overwhelmed by fear, the goblin ran off. Good thing he dropped his spear.

" Thank you goblin."

I picked up the spear. Wow, very primitive indeed!

" This is perfect."


" Ritami what am I doing here?"

" Kuuya! Thank goodness" Ritami casually hugs Kuuya.

" What happened? Where am I?" ask Kuuya.

" You lost consciousness when you were fighting against the Fallen." said Ritami. She let Kuuya go from her arm

" I lost consciousness? Damn it."

" Don't blame yourself, Kuuya. It's okay to lose sometime." Ritami tries to comfort Kuuya.

" Damn it, how am I going to become strong if I lost to a mere Fallen? I want to become as strong as General himself. But how am I going to defeat him in terms of strength if I unable to defeat my enemy?"

Ritami is embracing Kuuya's hair.

" If you going to compare yourself with someone who is much better and stronger than you. Then, you won't see any improvement. It's better for you to compare yourself in the present with yourself in past."

Kuuya take a look at Ritami's face. She smiled. What a pretty smile, with that smile you cannot even tell if he or she is lying or not. It's so honest.

" Thank you, Ritami..." Kuuya lower his head.

" You are welcome, Kuuya."

" You are welcome," Ritami repeated her sentence.

" You want to become much stronger than I am? Hoho, kids really like to dream about achieving something crazy." said General. He is not inside the room. Wanna know where is he? He is outside the room. He supposedly to said that out loud.

General jumped out of the window. This is his hobby, he doesn't really like to use the door. It's convenient, he said. For him, windows are much better.

" Damn him! How dare he underestimated me?" Kuuya wants to stand up.

" Kuuya, Where do you think you're going?" ask Ritami while preventing him from standing up.

" Train, obviously!"

" But you need to rest first! You just regained your consciousness." Ritami insist. Same goes to Kuuya, he also insisted.

" I like your cut g!" Ritami made Kuuya lose his consciousness again.

" What a narrow-minded being."


The sun has finally reached it highest peak in the sky. Meaning that it's afternoon. I already waiting for my new friend. Andrew is his name if you guys didn't remember ( obviously you guys remembered his name. I'm just mocking myself )

" Don't tell me that he forgot about our promise."

I hid my new spear in my space ring. According to my observations, not many possess the space ring in this era. At the past, the usage of space ring overwhelming insane. Everyone who can afford the ring will most likely buy the ring. It so convenient.

I also have myself some space ring. Hey, I'm the Hero. Of course, I'm wealthy.

" Space ring, uh?" Soka suddenly recalled his past. He remembered someone gave him a space ring. He remembered them all. The owner, the reason why the ring is passed to him and the time that the situation happen.

" Hey I see!"

Oh look like my friend is here.

" Oi, Andrew."

" Sorry, have you been waiting me for a long time?"

" Of course, I waited you till I feel like my leg gonna collapse."

" Don't be like that. Why didn't you wait inside the palace?" ask Andrew.

" I want to avoid problems."

" Let's go." Andrew take the lead. I just follow him.

We are approaching the entrance.

" Hey, Andrew? You are taking your day off?"

" Yes, Ban. I also bring along a foreigner."

" Oh, make sure you keep your eyes on the foreigner. His all yours." said Ban

" Got it, Ban." Who's this Ban guy? He seems very easy-going.

This is my first time entering the capital of Mkuel Kingdom. Well, not that surprised. It looked like every normal medieval city that you see on anime.

" So, Soka. What's your business here?" ask Andrew.

" Oh, I want to have myself an identity card"

" Is that all?"

" I also want to register myself as adventure."

" You really want to register yourself as an adventures?"

" Of course, Andrew. I'm a nomads. I dont think being a knight would fit me."

" You are in luck. Both Identity card making and registration to become an adventure take place in the Adventure's Guild." mentioned Andrew.

I see. That's quite convenience. I don't need to travel from building to building.

" Any other plan?" ask Andrew.

" Probably not, why?"

" I want to treat you a lunch." said Andrew.

Oh I see. Is he planning to have a date with me? Nah that just my imagination. He probably has a thing or two to talk about.


" Please take care of me." oh shit, I did it. My low social skills are acting up. This is the price of being an introvert.

" Ergh...What is your business here, mister?" ask the receptionist.

" Sigh, I see. You are really useless." said Andrew to me.

" You see here, this guy don't have his own identity card so he came here to make one." said Andrew.

" No identity card? There's still people with no identity card on these days?"

" Well, he used to be a nomads." said Andrew.

" Yes! I'm a nomads and I also want to become an adventures."

" Oh this one is quite energetic,eh? Okay please follow me." said the receptionist.

She leaves the counter. Then, she starts to heading into a room. I glanced hoping Andrew is following me, but he already sits down at the fking table.

How am I going to interact with a girl? Especially in a r-room?

" Mister, what are you waiting for?"

Fine! I shall braven myself. I shall show you what The Great Hero is capable of!


" Kuuya are you awake?" asked General from the outside. To make thing easy, General is asking for Kuuya permission to enter. He has no interest in man. It would be bad if he saw a man being naked in front of himm

" Yes, General. I'm awake." said Kuuya.

" Oh Kuuya you seems fine. Why are you still lying down on the bed?" General is mocking Kuuya.

" Well, it is because of I flipping lose my consciousness when I was fighting a Fallen." said Kuuya.

" He is accompanied by Ritami." the general monologued

" Oh my, The Dynamic duo is indeed inseparable." said the general out loud

" General, where did that come out from?" said Ritami. She blushes.

" Oh sorry, I thought I was monologuing." said General.

" Listen up Ritami, Kuuya. The King himself invited us to his upcoming party." said General.

" Party? Does he wants to celebrate our success?" Kuuya asked curiously.

" No stupid, tomorrow is his majesty birthday. Only a few selected people get invited. Consider yourself lucky. Since the capital city was attacked by the Fallen. His majesty decided to delay his celebration party." said General.

" So when is the thingy gonna held?" ask Ritami.

" 3 more days. Better prepare yourself. Don't bring shame to the name of the Knight." General warned them.

General left the room. He doesn't wants disturb their intimation act.

" Ritami, do you hear that? We going to be invited to his majesty birthday party! Last year we were trusted to protect the Castle. Now we are going to enter the Castle itself."

" Yes. Kuuya I heard that. I'm not deaf yet."

" Come one hype up a little bit. You seemed worried."

Ritami smiled sourly.

Kuuya know something is going inside Ritami's head.


Soka just exited from the special room. Andrew remain silent. He doesn't wants to greet Soka yet.

" Mister, now we are going to register you to become an adventure." said the receptionist.

" Do we need to enter some special room?" ask Soka.

" Unfortunately, we don't need to enter any special room." said the receptionist.

" Thanks goodness."

The receptionist take out an orb.

" Excuse me, What is that orb for."

" It for testing your stage." said the receptionist.

" Stage?" This is my first time hearing this.

" Stages. The stronger you are the higher your stages. The first stage is Novice followed by Apprentice and it keep repeating." said the receptionist

" I see"

" On a stage there's 3 part. Lower, Medium and High. For example, most adventures start with Novice Medium and then they ascend to Novice High. After Novice High they will ascend to Apprentice Lower." said the receptionist.

" Oh I see." said Soka

" Do you even understand?" ask the receptionist.

" How dare this woman underestimate me. Such an easy concepts are not worthy to be thought really deeply." Soka monologued.

" So I just need to touch this orb and it will tell us which stage the toucher belong?" ask Soka.

" Yep, that's how the orb work. Bet you are Novice Lower. You don't even have any muscle." said the receptionist.

" Wait, since when did she become bitcher? How dare her underestimated my muscles. I hid my muscle so people won't be scared of me." Soka monologued.

" Wanna know how I hid my muscle? I used the spell called 'Appearance Changer' it changes anything on my body according to my desire." Soka monologued again.

Soka touches the orb.

" Wait, do I want to keep my low profile or should I just show off my strength?" Soka is spacing out not realizing that his hand made a contact with the orb.

The orb is start to reacted.

The light that came out from the orb is the sign that the orb reacted. This made Soka to came back into reality.

" Shit shit I spaced out, I spaced out. Now they are going to know who the f am I." Soka monologued while panicking.

Obviously when powerful being who touched the orb it would cause a great reaction.

" What's this? I never seen the orb reacting like this before?"

" The result is : Origin." the orb print("The Result is : Origin")

" Origin?" the receptionist is clueless. She never heard of a stage called 'Origin'

The Entire Adventure's Guild have their focus on Soka. Even Andrew couldn't believe what he saw with his mortalic eyes.

" What's wrong, Miss? Can I get my adventures license?"

" Sorry, mister. I don't recognize this stage. I don't think there's any record regarding Origin Stage." said the receptionist.

" I'm screwed as hell." Soka monologued. He is still freaked out. His low social skills make it harder for him.

In order to obtain calmness, Soka stop moving and start focusing on his breathing.

" I see. It seem like I won't be getting the adventures license for this time being." said Soka.

" That is indeed true. You can come tommorow for an update. I shall seek the guild master help."

" Get it. I shall be here at the same time." said Soka.

Soka walk away from the counter. Now his anxiety had lowered a lil. He stops exactly at the table where Andrew is sitting.

" Look like you didn't get your adventures license."

" Yeah, quite unfortunate. However, I got myself the identity card so that's one thing done."


" What do you like to order?" ask Andrew politely.

" Sorry, Mister Andrew. I'm a nomads. I do not know any of these. I shall give the responsibility to you instead."

" Oh-ho? Mister I see. Look like you really like to let people do the work for you uh?"

" Excuse me, Waitress. I would appreciate it if you don't make me wait." said Andrew loudly

" Ay, Mister. I'm coming..."

" Andrew...what are you here?"

" Come on,Waitress. Please take my order." said Andrew.

" I know...right?" said Andrew

" Oh, The Mkuel Juicy Meat?"

" Yes, you sure know your stuff."said Andrew

" Two or one?"

" Two." said Andrew.

" ight, 2 Mkuel Juicy Meat coming right up."

The Waitress left.

" Yo, Andrew. Who's that? You seems really close with her."

The curiosity inside of my body is boiling. What's her relationship with Andrew?

" Why do you want to know? Are you interested?" Andrew again. He doesn't let any opportunities go.

" Bruh. I told you, you both are really close. I just want to know your relationship with her. That's all."

" Hoho, since you are my new friend. I will tell you. She is my little sister."

" Your little sister? Impressive. I thought you guys are couple." now Andrew, you let your guard down.

" Stop joking around. You make me feel embarrassed." said Andrew.

The atmosphere suddenly become silent. Well, it's not my fault. Andrew is the one who suddenly become quiet.

" You know Soka. Life is not that easy."

" Why do you suddenly bring that topic out?" What's wrong with Andrew. He is making me uneasy.

" If I could, I don't want to let my sister to work here. I would rather have her learn magic since they have much brighter future."

Oh? A story about from the citizen. This might give me some information.

" Magic?"

" I want her to become a magician so she can enjoy living in luxury. However, due of our conditions I couldn't make her dream come true."said Andrew.

" My sister and I used to have a parents and we were just living humbly. Since the day, my parents passed away. My sister and I started to feel the hardship of living."

" The house that my parents used to possess were inherited to us. Little do I know, my parents is still in debt so the person who loan my parents the money forced us to pay our parents debt."

Sound that he gone through hard time. (Obviously)

" I decided to pay off the debt by giving all land and house that parents left for us. After that day, we started to become homeless. Nobody pitied us. Nobody wants to raise us, not even our relatives."

" I pitied you now. Does that change anything?"

" Oh Soka, Can you stop with your silly jokes."

Her sister came closer with the order on her hand. He closes his mouth. Probably don't want to make his sister stick around any longer.

She left cuz she got work to do.(duh)

" Continue on. We were homeless. Lives in the forest. Everyday I came to this capital just to make a living out of it. She and I both were still young, still growing." Andrew continues.

" What type of jobs do you take?" You know, sometime you just have to be a good listener.

" Any type of chores. Cleaning, gardening and the other."

I nod a few times.

" That's how I met Drole. He used to be a normal entrance guard. You know Ban?"

" The guy that greet you at the entrance?"

" Yeah, that guy. He is actually just a normal entrance guard where his job is just to stand there. Kinda boring,right?" said Andrew. He tries to make the conversation a little bit entertaining.

" One day Drole was promoted to Second on Command Entrance Guard. He invited me to join the entrance guard team. After I joined the entrance guard team, my life changes. I finally got friends, companions and a normal life. My life also become much easier. From living in the woods, to owning a house." said Andrew again

" I see. That's actually quite an achievement."

" Thank you Soka. Appreciate that."

" Then? Why does your sister still want to work? You guys able to lives normally right?"

" There's one problem..."