Chapter 4 : Party part 1

" Herself is the problem here." said Andrew.

" Oh? Why are you stating that?"

" Since the day I started working for our living expenses. My sister had been thinking how useless she is and how she is being a burden to me." said Andrew. I chopped the Mkuel Steak as my stomach is craving for it.

" She insisted that she wanted to help me working in the Capital. I also, insisted that she should stay in the woods. The woods were pretty safe that time, I'm also surprised that no beast had attacked us before."

" Her ego won't go out. Her wills to help me is growing day by day. She negotiated, threatend and create promises with one clear goal in mind. She wants to help me to handle our living expenses." said Andrew. He proceed to cut the steak and take a bite.

I also take a sip of the whatever water that come along with the steak.

" Untill one day, I made a promise with her that she is free to do anything she wants when she hits 16 and now she is 18. It have been 2 years since she started working. I'm kinda proud of her." said Andrew

I had a question in my mind and I'm ain't afraid to ask it.

" You guys still lives in the woods?"

" Dumbass, when I got accepted to the Entrance Guard team. I rented a house obviously. Now I permanently owned it." said Andrew.

" Oh I see." My steak is halfway done. I haven't tasted food like these in a long time. I shouldn't hid in that cave for a long time.

I proceed to finishing the steak. Andrew again opened his mouth.

" Soka, are you certain that you are simply a random nomads?" ask Andrew.

" I'm my friend, I don't see any reason why people wants to self-claim themselves as a nomads."

" The way you speak. The way to interact. All of them are no nomads. There are qualified as noblety standard. Even better, royalty standard."said Andrew.

" There's no way, a nomads could speak the language fluently." said Andrew

Shot, even though I thought that my cover was perfects. It look like it still have mistakes. We humans, will never run away from mistakes.

" There's no way that I'm some soft of noblety or royalty. I'm seriously a nomads. Stop spouting non- sense. All of my knowledge are either self-taught or my mother taught me." I stabbed the steak beautifully aggressive. No desperation. It just a combination of beautiful and aggressive.

Andrew took a sip and proceed to say " It's okay, everyone have a secret. If you don't feel like sharing it, then don't force yourself."

I finished the steak. Now I changed the topic, kinda.

" The food was delicious. Thanks for the treat, Andrew."

" No problem, don't mention it." Andrew still on his steak.

I left Andrew. As I need to go away, the longer I spend time with Andrew the chance of my identity getting leaked out is greater.


A muscle-filled being opened the door." Akiri, why did you call me? Does anything major happen?"

Akiri was surprised that the guild master would come back this early. " Oh my, guild master. There is indeed a major accident."

The guild master sits down at his favourite couch. " Then, let me hear it."

" Do you perhaps ever heard of Origin?" Akiri spouted the question that made her left in doubt for the whole year.

" Origin? Never heard of it? What is that?" the Guild Master is surprised. The Origin? This is some high-level information here. Only the selected ones shall know what the heck is Origin.

" There's someone who were on Origin Stage came to the guild."

The Guild Master grabbed his favourite beer " Oh? Continue on." said the Guild Master. He pours the beer into the glass.

" His purpose was getting the identity card and adventures license. Since I do not know what is exactly the Origin Stage. I did not permitted him to get his license,yet." said Akiri. If you guys are wondering. Akiri is the receptionist.

" Good choice. For now, let him get his license with his, whatever stage he is on. Let me investigate this matter deeper. When we had enough information, that is the time we will act." said the guild master. He proceed to drink the alcohol.

" Understood, I shall act as you wish." Akiri left the room. She wants to finish her work as soon as possible. She couldn't wait to enjoy the night.

" Origin Stage,eh? Look like I need to meet the self-proclaim mightiest being in the kingdom."


Soka lie down at the grassy ground. Looking straight to the moon " Moon eh? Long time no see."

" The an incredible being."

" What the fuck am I talking about."

" I remember the day... I came here."

" The first thing I recognize was the full-moon. Quite fortunate that the moon is full tonight."

" Out of what happened to my surroundings...the first thing that caught my eyes was the moon."

" Kusalu-asshole. If only you didn't call me into the misery, I would be living in peace."

" Is this just a random event? No, this is the anniversary. The anniversary that started everything."

" Kusalu, I don't know if you are still alive or not. I swear in the name of hero, I shall avenge them."

" Eh,why am I suddenly gets motivated?" I smiled. You know, just remembering back the times I had. It was great.


" Big brother, who was that person?" Andrew is currently at his rented house with his lil sis. Getting ready to rest their body at the fluffy bed.

" Just a new friend of mine. He wanted to make his own identity card. He is new so I decided to show him around." Andrew answered it casually.

" It's very rare to see you to be friendly with the others."

" I had to, that guy was supposed to be under the General care. The General just randomly pick me to takeover his job. Impudent." said Andrew.

" That General again?"

" Yeah. Just because he has status, he really thought that he could do anything." look like someone hates the general here.

" Let it be, big brother. We were fated to be like this, General also was fated to be like who is right now."

Andrew light up his cigarette. For him, cigarettes help him to lower his tension.

" Just because they were fated to be like that, they got high heels. Thinking they are somewhere else. Fated and chosen by god my ass." Andrew's voice started to risen up his voice.

" Big brother! Calm down."

That shout bring back Andrew to reality.

" You really want to know who was that guy?"

His lil sis nodded. That is her purpose.

" He is someone who can help us. The Origin." said Andrew.

" Origin? They still exist?"

" For some reason, they are still alive. The proof was that guy." said Andrew.

" You sure you can win over his heart?"

" Rest assured. I will try my best to know what was his status and what was his purpose."


The sun had appeared in the sky as it's a flipping nature phenomenon.

" Kuuya, wake the fuck up. The sun had risen." (sorry for using taboo language)

" What's up? Isn't today our day off?"

" Well yes, but actually no." said Ritami.

" What do you mean by that?" Kuuya had to open his eyes or else the consequences will be dangerous.

" We have to be prepared of course. Today we have to attend his majesty's birthday party. We cannot come inside wearing our knight uniform, we need something that is alluring and pleasing the eyes who see." said Ritami.

" Whatever." Kuuya pulled his blanket. You can tell that Kuuya isn't paying attention.

" Weren't you hyped, yesterday? What happened to the hype?"

" Wait, did you just mentioned. His majesty's birthday party?"

" Yeah, duh. Were you expecting to be your birthday party?"

Kuuya didn't answer. He left the room and quickly change. He needs to do some preparation before he went into his majesty palace.

" Do all man act like him?" said Ritami. She rested a lil. You know being a knight is tiresome especially when your name aren't going public!

" Talking about man...I remember I met some perverted man 2 days ago...He was spying on us."

A moment of silence for Ritami, please. She need to remember back what she forgotten.

" Oh crap, we were supposed to escort that man to the adventure guild so he could get himself an IC. Oh well."


" Excuse me, Guild Master. I don't want to be rude but can you tell us about your business inside the palace?"

" Oh, I need to meet the oldest man on the castle. I got a few thing to discuss with him."

" I see, you can go. Guild Master." The guard open up the way. Like I told you, the guild master is a body builder. His body is so wide and big so he need a little bit more space than most of the ordinary people.

" I should've gotten myself a privilege or something. I've been serving the kingdom for half of my life and yet I need to state my business." The Guild Master is still on his way to meet a friend of him.

" Oh, I didn't thought you would come here today. Body lover."

" Oh, room lover? You leaving your room? What a rare moment. A sight to behold."the guild master fought back.

" What's your business coming here today? You want to help us?"

" No, I got a much better and exhilarating stuff to talk about." The Guild Master passed out a piece of paper.

" Uh? What's this?"

" You see, here. Room Lover. This dude is on Origin Stage. This is a huge matter."

" No way, Body Lover. Someone who are on the Origin Stage had long extinct."

" Shut up and read the information." The Guild Master insisted.

" Sheesh, What's up with the rush?" The moment he said that. He wasn't moving. Surprised. Yes, he is surprised.

" No way, Body Lover. You gotta be kidding me. The Orb is probably had mistaken about his stage."

" Stupid or what? You think I didn't investigate? The Orb is fine. That dude is really on Origin Stage." said the guild master.

" Soka...The Great Hero?"

" Yes, he could be Soka The Great Hero, so what are our next move?"

" Who knew about this?"

" Bruh all the sudden, I see. Don't worry, Room Lover. So far, I'm certain that only you, me, my receptionist. Perhaps, those who are present in the Adventure Guild when Soka The Great Hero getting himself the IC."

" I see, nobody with high rank know about this right?"

" Yes, Room Lover. I never would have thought someone who is so important and high ranked would be loitering on guild."

" You need to be careful. Don't make him to become our enemy. True, that he is the hero but he was the Former Hero. The burden of hero is no longer exist on him."

" I see, Room Lover. You want me to win over his heart right?"

" If you could, it would be great."

" Right, I'm heading off. I have work to do and I'm pretty sure you got work to do also."


" Here is your adventures license." said Akiri.

I grabbed the adventure license and put it inside my pocket. Soon it shall enter my space ring.

" Thank you."

She doesn't has any questions nor offering something. Could it be that nobody really know anything about the Origin?

Either way, I need to get out of the capital. Like it or not. The Capital City is where people who have high rank in the society likes to hang out.

I pushed the door and left. I would like to avoid any contact, but well. There's already someone who is waiting for me.

" Are Soka?"

" Yes, Old man. I'm Soka. Soka the Nomads."

" I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to an elder like that. Could you forgive me?"

This guy kinda suspicious you know.

" Nah, I'm no elderly. You shouldn't ask for my forgiveness in the first place."

" Hoi, Room Lover. What the heck are you doing here?" asked a muscle-filled body man. More entity approach me, great.

" Oh, nothing much. I just happen to meet the person that we suspect."

" Oi, Room Lover. Aren't kinda straightforward today?"

" Hehe, I couldn't resist when we finally detected a person that is on Origin Stage. Not to mention, it's the Former Hero."

" Nah, I'm leaving." these guys already knew who I am. I never thought that my name still exist.

" Wait, Hero-sama. Please stay with us for a moment." said the Room Lover. He grabbed my shoulder.

" F you guys. I won't cooperate with any of you." I pushed that old man hand. He is really creepy you know.

" Hero-sama, do you really think you can still stay under the cover?" said the old man

" We know your identity. Won't it be crazy if we spread the news?" the Guild Master threatend Soka.

" I'm no longer a Hero. Don't treat me like a hero." Soka tried to leave you.

" Hero-sama. Right now isn't the early stage of the earth. Where Demon Lord still exist. You simply have no connection in today's era." said the Room Lover.

" That's true..." Uhmm, this old man really state true stuff. I have no connection.

" So, are you going to tie a connection with me?" If yes. I have to accept it.

" Oh, Hero Soka. You are really excellent at guessing. We are going to be friends." said the muscle guy.

" Friends? With you guys?"

" Whatcha say? Hero?" ask the Room Lover

" I'm Itari, The Guild Master." said the muscle guy.

" I'm Kjell. The Leader of the Mage Knight." said the Room Lover.

" Nice to meet you. Itari, Kjell. My name is Soka. I don't really think I need to introduce myself." I offer a handshake.

" Hoho, Our title are nothing compare to the Hero." said Itari.

" Don't mock me, lol. I don't recognize the hero title anymore."

Kjell accepted my handshake and then I move on to Itari. He looks like he wanted a handshake.

" Well then, why don't we go to my place? Standing here is rather unpleasant." said Kjell. He is inviting me to some... suspicious place? I have to play it cool.

" I shall accept your offer, since I got nothing to do."