Chapter 5 : Party part 2

" Uhm...some fancy castle you got here."

" Thank you Soka-sama. This is the Castle that the Mkuel Family owned for 300 years. Until today, the castle is still used." said Kjell.

" Forgot to tell you. My full name is Mkuel Kjell."

Oh I see. On this world they use family name as their first name. Interesting.

" I see, so you are from the Mkuel Family?"

" That is correct, Former Hero." said Kjell.

" What is your full name, Former Hero?" ask Itari.

" My full name? Isn't it obvious? My name is Soka. No more, no less."

" I see, that's kinda sad." Kjell pitied Soka.

" No need to pity me, Kjell. Kusalu-sama, is the one who bestowed me, the name that I currently possess."

" Kusalu-sama did?" Itari is surprised.

" What's wrong? You guys didn't know? Wait, do you guys know who is Kusalu?"

" We know, who is Kusalu. He is the goddess, who had been chosen by the god himself to bring peace to this realm." said Itari.

" However, Kusalu-sama strength aren't absolute and considering that the Demon race had a large amount of population." said Itari.

" He formed an alliances and select a few being as hero." said Kjell.

" So you guys do know about the ancient war. I'm surprised."

" Well, this information is limited. Not many have the access to these type of information." said Itari.

" So, as the celebration of our relationship. What are we going to do?"

" Oh, that's quite easy. There's a party that will be held in this castle soon. How about you join us?" Kjell invited.

" Party? What type of party?"

" His Majesty birthday is today. He thought that it would be a great idea to held a party to celebrate his birthday." said Kjell.

" I see. A celebration,eh? Fine, I shall join."


" Ritami, are you ready?" Kuuya knocks Ritami's door. The sun just set. The time is 8.00 p.m. The party will start at 9.00 p.m.

" Hold on, wait a minute. I'm still brushing my hair."said Ritami.

Kuuya sighed. Look like he has to wait for him.

He started to spaced out. The previous incident still stuck in his head. If only he was stronger, he wouldn't become a burden to either General or Ritami.

" Ergh, I need to figure out a way make myself stronger. But, how?"

" Normal training...that would be good enough for now. It would be incredible if I found a method that can boost my strength."

" Kuuya, I'm ready. Let's go." said Ritami.

Kuuya glanced.

" How do I look?" Ritami is wearing a nice dress. A white dress that resembles purity.

" You look gorgeous, Ritami." said Kuuya.

" Thank you, Kuuya." Right now Ritami is suffering in bashfulness.

" Let's go. What are you waiting for? General is probably waiting for us." said Kuuya. Snapping Ritami back to reality.


" General, sorry for making you wait." said Kuuya and Ritami.

Kuuya and Ritami just arrived at the Royal Castle. It's 8.40 p.m. They promised to General that they will arrive at 8.30

" That's fine. I just arrived also."

General suddenly silenced himself.

" What's wrong,General?" ask Ritami. Her curiousity is showing up.

" Oh, What a beautiful dress you got there, Ritami." said General

" General, be honest to us. Why are you suddenly went into silent mood earlier?" said Ritami.

" It's okay, Ritami. Fear nothing and rest assured. It just my gut feeling."

" Do you guys bring your sword?" ask General.

" Sorry, General. We did not bring our sword." said Kuuya.

" That's fine. Just be on guard. I feel like something bad are about to happen."

" Understood," said Kuuya.

" Let's go." said General. He lead the party.

" Please enter,General." said the guard while bowing down.


" Hoho, Thank you everybody for coming! I'm very pleased, then. Without wasting anymore times, let the party begin!" said His Majesty himself.

" Yo, Kjell. Is that the current king?"

" That's true, Hero-sama. He is the current king, are you perhaps interested to meet him?"

" Nah, I don't think I'm worthy to be inside of his sight."

"Don't be so modest, Former Hero. However, if that is your desire. I shall not interfere." said Kjell.

" Everyone, I'm pretty sure you heard about the current accident. There was a Fallen that attacked the Capital City recently. Thanks goodness that no one dead and the casualties was not that big."

" Yoo, Kjell. Who's the fuck is that guy?"

" Oh? That's His Majesty butler. He can be also acting as his majesty himself." said Kjell.

" Oh? You can have such power even though you are only a mere butler? I should've become on." I said.

" Well, the reason why the butler have such power due of his Majesty really fancy him." said Itari.

" I see." A waiter approaches us, on his hand. There's a stray, stray of drinks. I take one as it look like he is offering the drinks.

" Thank you." I need to be polite. Show them that I'm worthy to come here.

" Thanks to the General and his apprentices. The Fallen was defeated. Tonight, we would like to this opportunity to award General and his apprentices."

A round of applause was given to them.

" Truly a fine example of the knight."

" What an outstanding achievement."

" Even though they were not given the order to defeat the Fallen. They did it volunteering. " said the butler again

Everyone is impressed.

" If you please, General, Kuuya and Ritami." said the butler.

General,Kuuya and Ritami understood well what the butler said. They are invited to come to the stage.

" As you all know. Fallen is apart of the Demon Lord forces. They were created by the Demon to obey his order and grants the Demon Lord wishes. Even though, the demon was defeated. It look like Fallen is still wandering around." said the butler.

" That is not correct." Look like these mere human still did not know the truth.

" What do you mean by that Lord Soka?" ask Kjell. Only Kjell and Itari heard what I just said. Well, it's alright. I do not want any attention to begin with.

" Fallen is actually what is their name. They are some being who had fallen."

" Former Hero, Soka. I do not understand what you just said." said Itari.

" Let be tell you how exactly is fallen exist. If you observe carefully, there's a lot of Fallen type."

" There's Fallen who has the physical of a human, a druid, a demon, elves, naga , dragon. Have you guys ever asked why?"

Itari moves his head horizontally.

" Fallen is originally a normal being. Right after they dead, if they hold grudges or hatred is still burning inside of them. They shall resurrected with the same body that is involved."

" Wait, Soka. This is some interesting facts here. We thought that Fallen is created by the Demon Lord." said Kjell.

Meanwhile, General, Kuuya and Ritami are humbuy accepting the reward. All guest are clapping, the sign of they are impressed.

" It will be better if I tell you in form of story."

" Let's say, a husband who just lost his beloved ones in front of him knowing the being who killed his loved ones. Obviously, he hatred will start to grow inside of him. Later, he was killed."

I stopped. I need a breath. Look like Kjell are very interested.

" The man will start to be resurrected slowly. When the resurrection are completed. The man won't regain consciousness, what even worse. The man will start rampaging."

" So why do the Fallen obey Demon Lord? Are you making things up?" Itari doesn't believe a single stuff that Soka said.

" I'm sure you guys realize this. The Demon Lord has a passive. It called 'Negative Effect Overlord' anyone who are effected by negativity shall obey him."

" Oh, I see! What a discovery for me. Thank you very much, Hero Soka." said Kjell.

" No problem. We are friend right?" I proceed to drink the drink. ( :p )

" If you guys do not believe it. You can always confirm it."

" Hold on, Soka. What are the conditions? There's no way that the resurrection only cost them a hatred feeling." ask Kjell.

" Glad you ask, Kjell. There's indeed another price. Not only the being lost their consciousness, humanity and brain. The resurrection need to be provided with tremendous amount of Life Force."

" I see. Good things, I brought my note book with me." said Kjell

" Do whatever you please."

I got a feeling someone is looking at me. I'm a person with high dignity and cautiousness. I counter attack the being who is looking at me.

" Oh, turn up to be her. Ritami."

" Excuse me, Soka? What did you just said?" Kjell ask humbly. He knew in the eyes of Hero, Kjell are nothing but a being that only bring burden to them.

" Kuuya, you need to see this."

" What's up?" Ritami is pointing to a direction. Kuuya just tag along.

" Who's that?" yeah, Kuuya is a normal man.

" That's the nomads. Soka. The one that we met in the jungle." said Ritami.

" Wait, the nomads? How the hell did he manage to join this party?"

" Right? Don't you think that is quite suspicious?" Ritami is trying to convince Kuuya. It's like she is trying to get Kuuya to be on his side.

" I don't know, Ritami. If we want to do anything, I think it would be best if we report to General first."


" General, do you noticed?" ask Kuuya.

" Noticed what?" ask General.

" The nomads that we found 2 days ago are on this party." said Kuuya.

" The nomads that we found?"

" Kuuya, don't force General to go back into his memory. Just show the nomads, I'm pretty sure General is remember it faster." said Ritami.

" That's a good suggestion." said Kuuya.

Kuuya grabbed General's hand

" Follow us for a while,General." said Kuuya.


" Master Soka, what are you going to do in the future?" ask Kjell.

" I don't know, probably going to visit the other 3 kingdoms."

" Wow, I'm surprised that you are aware about the existence of 4 kingdoms." said Kjell.

" Well, I heard it from my old friends. I hope I don't meet them again."

" That's kinda harsh you know. You shouldn't said that to your friends." said Kjell.

" Yeah, you are right. I will be more careful from now on."

" So...Master Soka, do you perhaps have information about the other kingdom?"

Bruh, Kjell is very busy-body. I can manage shit on my own.

" I do not, to be honest."

" I see, why don't you stay with me for a period of time? I can told you everything about the four kingdoms." said Kjell. What an appealing offer. I cannot reject this.

" That sound like a great idea. Then, please take care of me."

" I will Master Soka." said Kjell.

Itari realized that a group of people are approaching him.

" Former Hero, I got an instinct telling me that General is approaching us." said Itari. It is crystal clear since General are heading directly to them.

" Drop the Former Hero. Call me Soka or Master Soka. Anything that is not related to Hero." I need to warn Itari regarding this. If people know that I'm Former Hero,Soka. I will be screwed.

" Sorry Master Soka. I shall not repeat my mistake." said Itari.

" It's okay. I think it will be better if you guys hide first."

" Why Master Soka? I gotta a feeling that General is going to greet us or something." said Kjell.

" Totally not. I don't want you guys to get involved."

" Understood, Master Soka. We shall take our leave first." said Kjell and Itari.

Now that I'm alone. I'm pretty sure this general group will surely cause havoc to me.

" Nomads, What are you doing in his Majesty party?" ask Ritami. She does not raise her voice whatsoever. Maybe she wants to settle this matter without any attention?

" Oh, I got invited. It's obviously that I come here."

" You got invited? Bullshit! Even someone like me rarely get invited, how the hell someone like you got invited?" Kuuya kinda went overboard but he able to maintain his emotions.

" A companion of mine invited me."

" Non sense." Kuuya objected.

" Like it or not. You have to accept it, I was also get dragged here."

" Let's stop beating the bush. Nomads, What are your intentions coming to our kingdom?" ask General.

" I'm here to register myself as Mkuel Kingdom citizen. I have no ill intention."

General pulled out his sword.

" Nomad, I feel uncomfortable when you are around. People with low social rank have no right to be near me. I'm giving you a warning, leave or I shall execute you."

" Is this, General true identity?" I asked myself. When I saw him, my thought he is just some good old man who is waiting for their death.

The moment General pulled out his sword, the crowd have it's attention to us. I put my hand up in the air, showing that I surrendered.

" If you insist, I do not want to make any enemy."

I walk away. Heading toward the exist as I'm not invited to be inside the party, according to General's perspective.

General put back his sword in the cover. He bowed. " I'm sorry for causing a commission. Please enjoy yourself." said General.


" Got kicked out, What a bad day." I look up in the sky while trying to go to the main entrance so I can leave this castle.

" Wait...I sensed. I sensed it."

Kjell and Itari came to my aid.

" Master Soka, What do you sensed?" ask Kjell.

" An army of Fallen are coming."

" Are you certain, Master Soka?" Itari's curiosity is finally making it's appearance.

" Believe it or not. It's up to you guys, I'm going evacuate myself first."

" Are you sure? You aren't joking around right?" ask Kjell.

" I'm sure my friend. I wont lie to you."

" I see, Master Soka. Thank you for the notice." said Kjell.

" Wait, Master Soka. You are hero, right? Please help us." said Itari. He is the guild master, protecting the citizen life is also a part of his job.

" I can help by allowing you to accompany me to safety."

" No,Master Soka. Help the Mkuel Kingdom!"

" I'm no longer Hero, I'm the Former Hero, Soka."

" Fine, Master Soka. If that what you wish for." Kjell left me.

" Room Lover where are you going?" ask Itari.

" I'm going to inform the public." said Kjell.

" Allow me to follow you." said Itari.

" Let's go."


" Little Sister!" Andrew open his house door very aggressively.

" Yes, Brother Andrew. What's wrong?"

" We need to run, quickly!" Andrew grabbed his little sister hand.

" What's wrong?" His little sister stood mighty on her ground. She wouldn't move until she found a reasonable answer, perhaps.

" I just confirmed that the Fallen that attacked the capital was a scouter."

" Scouter? Brother Andrew, Am I hearing this correctly? A Scouter?"

" Why would I lie to you? There's no benefit that I will gain by lying." said Andrew.

" What the hell are we doing here? We need to evacuate immediately!"


" Who would've guess that the Fallen who attacked the capital recently was a scouter? Things are getting interesting."

" This will help me to measure strengths on every aspect."

" Can General nullify the advancement of the Fallen? Or perhaps he will be the one who fall first?"

" All of those possibilities really making me curious."