33. World Wide Situation.

On the Border of Iwa and the Land of Waterfall

A fierce battle was taking place. From above, one could see cracking thunder and disintegration rays. The two opponents were the only ones fighting.

The first was the Tsuchikage, Onoki. He floated between the trees, avoiding thunder strikes thrown by his opponent, Kumo's ninja Tesla. Surrounding Tesla were numerous Tesla coils producing lightning. The lightning produced by the coils attacked Tesla instead of Onoki.

Tesla looked at his status screen: 'Skill: Galvanism Activated. Changing lightning attack to Chakra.' Feeling invigorated, he weaved hand signs and fired another attack.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang"

Numerous wolves made of lightning appeared around him. Tesla laughed maniacally and said, "It's over, old man. Now disappear."

The wolves started jumping around the trees, chasing Onoki. Seeing their overwhelming numbers, Onoki formed a cube of light. From the cube, he fired a beam of light, disintegrating all the lightning wolves.

"You are too arrogant, kid. I have fought too many people like you. Now that I understand your trick, I will make you pay for all this destruction." Onoki fired his jutsu, disintegrating the Tesla coils. He had noticed that after lightning hit Tesla, he would fire a jutsu using a large amount of chakra.

Seeing his Tesla coils get destroyed, Tesla grew nervous. He watched as Onoki charged another cube. He unfurled a scroll and summoned a giant cannon. He sat on the seat behind the cannon to aim it, and the cannon started charging up.

Onoki saw the new giant cannon and decided to destroy it first. He fired the jutsu just as the cannon fired. The collision of the attacks caused a large explosion, the bright light forcing Onoki to cover his eyes. After the light died down, he opened his eyes to see smoke coming out of the cannon. Just as he charged another attack, he noticed the cannon was not recharging. He floated down to the cannon to see a doll sitting in the aiming seat.

"That bastard." Onoki roared in anger. An Iwa squad teleported to his side, and Onoki ordered them to find Tesla. While the Iwa ninjas searched for Tesla, Onoki decided to take the cannon back to the village for research.



The mist-covered village was on the brink of civil war. The stronger faction was led by the 4th Mizukage, who had been mind-controlled by an Uchiha until a few weeks ago. These excuses were not believed by anyone in the village, since genjutsu on a jinchuriki was considered impossible. It also didn't help that the third and fourth Mizukage were known to hate Kekkei Genkai.

The second faction, which had more popular support, was Elder Genji's faction. Due to recent genjutsu news, their numbers were growing, but they were still at a disadvantage in terms of strength. The main reason for the imbalance was the leader of the hunter-nin, Akainu.

At an unknown island, the headquarters of the rebellion faction, things were not looking good. They were under attack by the hunter-nin.

"Rebels, surrender now, or I will burn you alive." Akainu warned them while smoking a cigar. His fists were already transformed into magma, ready to burn the rebels to the ground.

From the headquarters, Elder Genji walked out to negotiate and said, "Akainu, you should know Mizukage can no longer be trusted. People have suffered enough; they need a new leader."

"Now he is out of genjutsu and is the leader of the village. Your rebellion is causing only more trouble for people. So, surrender now for the unity of our nation," Akainu replied.

"We can't live under a tyrant." Elder Genji declined.

"It's your decision to go against the nation. The only punishment for that is your death." Akainu ordered the attack. He fired a few flaming meteors to start a fire.

"Water Release: Water Bullet Technique"

A group of ninjas came forward and released the Water Bullet Technique to protect Elder Genji.


The water came into contact with the lava and exploded, releasing a lot of steam and covering the battlefield, making it perfect for Kiri-nin.


The two camps started a close combat battle, trying to outperform their opponents in assassination techniques. A ninja tried to slash Akainu, who just turned and caught her arm.

"Die!" Akainu swung a lava punch to her chest. As the punch went through her chest, she smirked.


Her body turned into water and broke apart, splashing water onto him. The water cooled down the lava, but he just increased the heat, knowing the enemy would attack again. He closed his eyes to activate his Observation Haki and noticed an attack from the right. He jumped back to avoid a water dragon and shot a few lava hounds to attack her.

The female ninja shot a few water bullets to neutralize the hounds and spouted a large amount of water, which formed a floating orb. From the orb, a large number of water whips appeared, attacking in his general direction. Akainu easily dodged using his Haki.

Sensing another failure in the attack, she guessed him to be better in mist assassination techniques than her. She weaved hand signs and took a deep breath.

"Wind Release: Breakthrough"

She expelled a gust of wind, clearing the mist. Akainu opened his eyes to get a clear look at his opponent.

She was a tall, slender woman with fair skin. She had green eyes and ankle-length auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a topknot tied with a dark blue band, and four bangs at the front. Two bangs were short, with one covering her right eye, and two were long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. She was the future fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei.

Akainu knew her strength and wanted her to be his subordinate so that he could easily become Mizukage. Akainu offered her a way out, "Why don't you surrender, Terumi? I will make sure no harm will come to you. You could join us, and we could make a better village."

"Hoh, that is a good proposition, but that doesn't change the animosity between us and Mizukage. If you propose a better offer, you might be able to stop this," Mei replied.

"Don't be greedy. The fact that we wouldn't execute you after capture is good enough." Akainu readied himself to fight again. But their fight was interrupted by the arrival of Mizukage. The overwhelming chakra he released caused everyone to stop fighting.

Terumi Mei rubbed her head; she knew the situation had turned for the worst. Yagura Karatachi ordered, "I think we have shed enough blood. Why don't we sit and talk this one out?"

After a standstill and not knowing what to do, they regrouped. In the end, the rebels decided to negotiate. Elder Genji came with Ao and Mei to negotiate and sat opposite the Mizukage while his guards stood by his side.

"Mizukage-sama, you should know as long as you are the Kage, there will be discontent no matter what you do," Elder Genji said.

Yagura nodded in agreement and asked, "What are your suggestions?"

Elder Genji: "We will have to have a new Kage."

Yagura: "Do you have a candidate?"

Elder Genji: "Terumi Mei. She is already a jonin and was previously part of Anbu. She is also a holder of two Kekkei Genkai."

Terumi herself was surprised by her name being suggested for the Kage position.

Akainu objected: "Mizukage can't abdicate. His removal will cause problems among ninjas who are loyal to the village. They will feel confused, thinking their fight meant nothing."

Elder Genji continued: "That is why I and Mizukage-sama will take the position of Mizukage's consultants, helping Terumi manage the village."

After some more discussion, Yagura accepted the proposal. Since he knew the worsening relations between villages, so he needed to increase village strength. Yagura stood up and shook Terumi Mei's hand, congratulating her.

Terumi smiled and said: "Thank you, Mizukage-sama. I will give it my all."

After that Ao congratulates her and said,"I always believe you would do something big. I am sure you are the only one in the village fity for this job."

'Always + Only + One = Always + Alone = Leftover woman', Thinking about it Mei expression darkens, she walks to Ao and whispered in his ear."Ao, Shut up, One more word and I will kill you."


📢 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

34. Genji's Sob Story.

35. Five Kage Summit's Invitation.

36. Another One.

37. Team 7.

38. Akira Vs Sasuke.