34. Genji's Sob Story.

Ground Zero

Genji was ready to activate the transmutation circle, while Akatsuchi stood beside him, protecting him from any sabotage. On the other side of the pit, Kurenai stood with her team. (A/N: I forgot there was an elder named Genji in Kirigakure and already named a character Genji.)

Genji clapped his hands, producing electricity, and then placed them on the ground. The circle lit up, and Hinata, with her Byakugan, observed a large amount of chakra rising from the circle to the clouds.

Thundering Sound!

A pillar of water fell from the sky, ripping through the pit and reaching straight to the base. Upon contact with the lava, it evaporated, but more water flowed in to cool the lava. As the light on the circle died down, the water stopped flowing.

Seeing Genji get tired, Akatsuchi helped him stand up. He looked at Kurenai and asked, "Genji is a bit tired now. How about we let him rest for an hour, then we start our descent?"

"Okay, we will wait for an hour. If you don't get ready by then, we will go ahead," Kurenai replied, heading back to her tent and signaling her team and Team Guy to follow her. She sat on her chair. "Hinata and Neji, take turns to surveil their movements. Make sure they don't deceive us."

She ordered her Anbu to make a tunnel fast to reach Su Chen before the Iwa.


Inside the pit, a man was walking in the air. He looked at the solid ground.


The ground started cracking, and from the cracks, lava seeped. The lava removed the remaining moisture. He smiled and pointed his finger at the ground.

Hadō #4. Byakurai

He fired a beam of concentrated thunder, penetrating straight through the ground. After firing, he waited for a while and saw the ground melting, turning into lava. The lava started to bubble up. A beam of light appeared through the lava.

Bakudō #81. Dankū

An invisible barrier in the shape of a rectangle appeared in front of him. The overwhelming beam of light kept increasing in intensity and width, causing the barrier to start cracking. The man got nervous and used his sword to stop the beam, but it easily pushed him to the sky.

Outside, the beam went straight up, a pillar of light piercing through the sky and causing the clouds to push apart. All the people around the pit backed up.

After the beam died down, Kurenai looked at Hinata and asked, "Check where did it come from?"

Hinata activated her Byakugan to look down and see a gigantic monster climbing up. No, it was not even climbing but shifting the ground underneath to push itself up. She answered, "Something is coming up."

Kurenai looked at the Iwa's castle but found it to be falling apart.

A few seconds before, Akatsuchi was standing beside Genji. All the Iwa were getting ready to enter the tunnel to Su Chen's corpse. Before they could enter, a bright light shone from inside it. Akatsuchi covered his eyes. "What are you doing, Genji?"

Genji hurriedly answered, "It's not me."

The light shone brighter. Sensing danger, Akatsuchi slammed his hand on the ground. The ground moved to cover the tunnel.


The ground exploded, throwing them all away.



Kurenai ordered the team to evacuate. Guy questioned, "What about Iwa ninjas?"

Kurenai looked at Hinata and asked, "What's their situation?"

Hinata focused to see inside the castle and saw all the people lying there. Hearing the info, Kurenai decided to help the Iwa and ordered the team to rescue Iwa ninjas. Entering the castle, they saw the Iwa ninjas knocked unconscious. Looking around, they saw two holes on the ground. Even Kiba could guess what they were made for and complained, "They were going to betray us. I don't want to save them."

Others were also disturbed by the revelation, but Kurenai wasn't surprised. She still ordered them to pick them up for the rescue. The ground under them started shaking, causing the building to start collapsing. Running away, they looked back to see the house collapse, but their problems were just beginning.

From the dust, they saw a monstrosity rising. Groudon was a massive, bipedal, dinosaur-like Pokémon covered in red, segmented plates of thick, lava-resistant skin that acted as armor. It had a gray underside and large white spikes running along the sides of its head, body, and tail. Groudon had four claws on each hand, four dozer-like blades on the end of its large tail, and three claws on each foot with gray markings under its feet. It also had blue stripes inside the seams of its armor plating, which could only be seen when Groudon was glowing with power. Its head reached a height of about 200 meters.

Its presence started heating up the environment. The ground beneath its feet melted to form a lava pool. Groudon roared to announce its arrival and activated its 'Sunny Day' ability, causing all the clouds in the sky to dissipate. As the sunshine fell on its body, the gaps between its scales started shining. It turned to the north and slowly started walking. Every step it took caused the ground to shake, and everything in its path started melting or burning.

Kurenai picked up Genji by his collar and shook him to wake him up. Genji, still confused, asked, "What happened?"

Kurenai pointed to the towering figure of Groudon and asked, "What do you know about that?"

"Impossible," Genji was shocked, but Kurenai was not in the mood for his antics. "How do we stop that?"

Genji looked at her, removed her hand from his collar, and angrily told her, "Stop it! That is the God of Earth; only a god can stop a god."

He was angry because his competitor, who was supposed to be dead, was now alive. Genji was also a transmigrator but had the power of alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist, which might sound strong but wasn't that strong in the ninja world. To become stronger, he left his ninja career in Iwa. The day he left, he vowed to come back after gaining overwhelming strength and become Tsuchikage. After that, he would marry Kurotsuchi.

Just weeks after leaving the village, he heard of Tsuchikage's new disciple. Hearing this, he went straight back to the village but only got information about Kurotsuchi and Su Chen being personally trained by Tsuchikage. He could take it if it was the only bad news, as he knew he would be god-tier when he completed his journey, but another rumor made him lose his cool. The rumors were that someone saw Kurotsuchi and Su Chen going on a date.

In the following days, the rumors grew worse. There were even rumors that Su Chen might become the next Tsuchikage and marry Kurotsuchi. The fact that the rumors were not crushed made him understand that even Onoki might agree with the idea. This was unacceptable for him, and then he met him, his arch-enemy Su Chen.

The instant he saw Su Chen, he felt jealous. He was powerful and talented. Worst of all, they both knew they were transmigrators. When Kurotsuchi pulled Su Chen to train, Su Chen smiled and told her to go first; he would take just a minute to talk to Genji.

Su Chen smiled, patted Genji, and said, "She is a cute girl." He looked at him condescendingly and told him, "And you know what? She will be my wife, and I will be the next Tsuchikage. I will make sure to make Iwa the strongest."

Su Chen's palm rested on Genji's shoulder, and he applied crushing force, causing him a lot of pain. "So it would be best if you keep being Bob the Builder and forget about even breathing the same air as her. Do you understand?"

Genji gritted his teeth from the pain and remained silent. Seeing his silence as disagreement, Su Chen increased his strength and even applied a small amount of his tailed beast chakra on his palm. Feeling the severe burn and force on his shoulder, Genji cried out in pain and nodded heavily, "I understand, I understand, please... stop... please."

Su Chen released his hold, causing Genji to fall to his knees. Genji took out a scroll and summoned a first aid kit. Su Chen looked at the tearful Genji as pathetic. He kicked him in the face, knocking him out, and muttered, "Pathetic."

Genji, lying on the ground, watched Su Chen walk away. He prayed in his heart for Su Chen's death and lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he went to the hospital to get bandaged up. But only a few days later, he got his wish granted: Su Chen was dead. Hearing this, he decided to join the force made to collect his corpse for his experiment. He felt that his time to shine had come.


📢 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

35. Five Kage Summit's Invitation.

36. Another One.

37. Team 7.

38. Akira Vs Sasuke.

39. It's Princess Tsunade.