35. Five Kage Summit's Invitation.

The news that a 100-meter tall walking volcano was moving through the Land of River reached all the nations. Their first thoughts were to capture the bijuu and make a jinchuriki.

Kumo (Means: Lightning) sends a team carrying Kohaku No Johei (Meaning: Amber Purifying Pot) to seal the bijuu. They attacked the bijuu with many thunder jutsus to make it react while shouting 'God Of Earth.' Feeling the irritation on his leg, Groudon looked back.

Sensing Groudon react, the pot activates and sucks him in. Groudon tries to resist but ultimately fails. Groudon's body stretches to an unreal length while being sucked in. After capturing him, the ninjas cover the pot with its lid. They pick the pot up but drop it, finding it too hot. The pot starts shining bright red due to heat.

"Cool it," a Kumo ninja suggests, and they start firing water jutsus to cool it, but the temperature keeps increasing. Seeing the inevitable, the team leader decides to retreat, leaving a small team to watch over.

The jar lid starts burning, and a beam of light pierces through the top. A small red claw comes out of the pot; as it emerges, its size starts increasing, and soon enough, Groudon is back in his full form.

Groudon doesn't forget his defeat; he starts gathering light in his mouth. Seeing him attack, the Kumo ninjas run away. He fires a Solar Beam on the pot, liquefying the ground and penetrating it. After ending the attack, he returns to his journey. The Kumo team comes back to retrieve the pot but finds only a lake of lava.

Kumo's Ninja A: "Who is going to tell the Raikage that we lost the treasure?"


After the disastrous failure of Kumo, Iwa decides to send Onoki, since Groudon is walking slowly toward the Land Of Stone. While floating in the air, he reaches the height of Groudon's face. He moves in front of the eye and calls out to Su Chen, but his voice falls on deaf ears.

"Looks like I will have to wake you up another way." Onoki starts by making a cube for dust release.

Sensing the danger, Groudon fires a Solar Beam, and Onoki fires the dust release to disintegrate the Solar Beam. Before Onoki can fire another attack, Groudon stomps on the ground.

Precipice Blades

Blades the size of mountains grow from the ground and attack Onoki, who keeps firing dust release to destroy the blades. But the blades keep coming, so Onoki starts dodging them.


A blade pierces through his back. Onoki looks back to see stone branches growing out of the blade.


Onoki's body turns to stone and then starts breaking apart. Groudon looks closely to see what is happening.

Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique.

Close to his stomach, Onoki has already charged his attack. He fires the cube, which collides with Groudon's scales. Feeling the danger, Groudon uses Bulk Up to increase his defense. Groudon's body glows silvery white. The collision causes the cube to bend and pop.

Seeing his sure-kill attack ineffective, Onoki is astonished. Groudon looks down on the bug who attacked him. He stomps on the ground, causing a volcano to erupt, firing lava to rain around. Onoki flies around to dodge it but still gets hit. Groudon looks around to see no more enemies and moves on.

At a distance far away from the battle, Onoki rises from the ground. His back is burned due to the lava. Iwa ninjas teleport beside him to help him.

"Tsuchikage-sama," Genji helps him stand up.

"Aah...My back..." Onoki is suffering from both back pains and burns.

"Medic....help him," Genji asks for a medic while grinning inside his heart. He can see his bright future. The medic gives Onoki some medical attention and then brings a stretcher to take him back.


The Konoha team tries to use the Four-Corner Sealing Barrier, but it breaks apart. There were rumors of Konoha using a Mudun Kekkai Genkai, but the fact that Groudon was still up and going became the living proof to debunk the rumour.


The Kiri team learns of the massive failures of their opponents. There is a meeting to decide what to do.

Ao asks Terumi Mei, "Mizukage-sama, the beast seems to be using fire and earth chakra. It seems to be weak to water. We have the advantage in capturing it."

"We can use Akainu to stop its attacks; he is immune to lava. While all of us can make enough water to drown the beast. Capturing it will make our village the only one with three jinchurikis," Yagura suggests.

"Who will be the jinchuriki?" Terumi Mei asks.

"We know there is a female pureblood Uzumaki in Konoha," Zabuza tells the council.

"Then you want to kidnap her?" Terumi Mei asks. She looks at Zabuza as if he is stupid. In this room, only Terumi, Yagura, and Zabuza know Haku is a spy. If they try to kidnap Haku's friend, there is a very high chance Haku will be ousted as a spy.

"If we can, we should," Akainu tells the room.

Terumi Mei rubs her head. She can feel her brain getting dumber by being in the presence of people who only think of fighting. She sighs and says, "You want to kidnap a girl from Konoha, who is allied with Suna, to seal a bijuu belonging to Iwa in her."

"Two days ago, we decided for peace because our village was too weak. Now you want to make more than half the world your enemy." Hearing her words, they understand her thought process. Even though they still believe that strength is paramount in the ninja world, they decide to follow her path as it feels a little better. But one person clearly shows his disdain.

"If we get the power to burn their village to the ground, they would never think of going to war with us," Akainu retorts.

"Oh! In revenge, how many of our ninjas would be killed?" She smiles at his stupid logic. Akainu can only huff in contempt.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Yagura asks.

"I am waiting for people to ask for help." Terumi places her hand on her chin.


An Anbu enters the room and tells, "Mizukage-sama, an urgent letter from Konoha."

She smiles and asks, "What is it about?"

Anbu opens the scroll to read, "They are inviting us for a Five Kage Summit."

She looks around the room and laughs, "Looks like I was right."


Next Day.


At the village entrance, Terumi Mei, Ao, and Akainu are getting ready to depart.

Elder Genji hands her the Kage hat and warns her, "It's your first Kage Summit. Be wary of other Kage's schemes. Although we want better relations, don't be afraid to disagree. You are our Kage; you are the face of our village."

Terumi Mei just gives a smile, "Don't worry. You just wait for good news."

Ao chimes in, "Yes, Mizukage-sama won't be alone in this. We will make sure to support her."

'Alone+Requiring Support= Alone + No Significant Other = Unmarried for life.' Mei's expression darkens. She walks to Ao and whispers to him, "Shut up now, Ao, or I will kill you."



At the village gate, Pakura, Gaara, and Lu Xiyan are getting ready for the journey to Konoha. They don't have much of a crowd waving them goodbye.

Pakura was patting Maki on the head, "Don't worry, I will be back before you know it."

Maki, with tears in her eyes said,"Yes, sensei."

Pakura still tried to console her, "Why are you crying?"

Maki tries to clean her tears, "It's sensei's first mission as Kazekage. I always dreamed of it, and now it came true."

Pakura smiles, thinking this was the reason she became Kazekage. Now it is her responsibility to take care of people like her in the village. She makes a promise to herself to protect this kindness.



Onoki is walking with Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi to Konoha. Hearing him complain about his back, Kurotsuchi, who is being carried by Akatsuchi on his back, says, "You are getting old, grandpa. Why don't you go back to the village? I will attend the summit in your place as Tsuchikage."

Onoki, who always gets dunked on due to his age, had a high ground today, "I would, if you could walk on your legs to Konoha."

Kurotsuchi angrily complains, "Just you wait, old man. Wait for a few days; I will be back on my feet."

"Haha..." Onoki, feeling his win in the argument, laughs out loud, causing another back pain, "Ouch!"



Raikage is ready for the journey, his companions are Darui and Li Shuwen. Killer B runs to him, "Brother, the world is coming together. This is the best time for me to have a concert and for people to listen to some real music."

Raikage punches him on his head, planting B's face in the ground, "Idiot, I am not going to take a jinchuriki into an enemy village. You will remain here."



Akira is talking to Pain's Yahiko bot and asks, "Are you sure you want me to represent Ame at the summit?"

Pain can sense Akira's increased chakra and tells him, "You have enough strength for it. If you talk a little less, it would be better."

Akira smiles wryly and asks, "What do we need from this summit?"

Pain replies, "You have to make sure it dies on our border. It would be better if the body of the beast remains intact."

Akira corrects him, "It is a tailed beast. I don't think it leaves a body after death."

Pain looks at him and plainly says, "I have observed it carefully; it has flesh and blood. It is not a creature made of pure chakra."

Akira is surprised and tries to make sense of it. Pain looks at him and says, "You can go now. People are waiting for you outside."

Akira nods and walks outside, confused. Closing the gate, he sees Konan standing by his side. She hands him a scroll, "This is all the information about all the Kages. You should read it on your way. I can't go with you, so you should take Koemi with you for your safety."

Akira puts the scroll in his pocket and wraps his hand around her waist. He comforts her and says, "Don't worry. I am not going there to fight. And this time, I have a plan. So I will be back before you know it."

After comforting her, he asks her for some stuff. He orders his team and invites Koemi for the mission; all of them readily agree.

At the village entrance, they are all ready for the journey. Konan hands Akira a scroll and says, "These are all the maps I could find."

He places it in his back pocket and hugs her and goes for the kiss. She reciprocates. Seeing them keep going, Team Ajisai gets bored. Fuyo asks, "When are we leaving?"

The interruption causes Konan and Akira to separate. Konan feels embarrassed and tries to cover her face in his chest. Akira smiles, seeing her shy. After waving her goodbye, they start their journey.

Fuyo is in a good mood; she is going to the village of the funny yellow-haired kid. Akira doesn't forget she interrupted his time with Konan and pats her shoulder. Fuyo looks back to see Akira smiling like a devil and stutters, "Sensei...."

"Since you were so eager for the journey, I think we should run all the way to Konoha," Akira says.

"Sensei...." Fuyo pleads. But Akira doesn't budge, making all of them start running.

"Oh my disciple, this will make you understand not to interrupt adults talking," Akira mutters.



Tsunade is reading the replies from the different villages. She says, "All of them are coming."

Sarutobi Hiruzen breathes out smoke and says, "We all tried and failed. Now it is burning everything it touches. The daimyos are worried that it will divide the continent into two and cause too much economical damage."

While she was listening. Tsunade looks at list of Amegakure's delegate, a little surprised that Hanzo would send someone unknown to represent Ame. Given that Ame is in the bijuu's path, she thought he would send someone famous if not himself.

Seeing her lost in thought, Hiruzen asks, "What are you thinking?"

Tsunade shakes her head and says, "Nothing important."


Opening the door, Shizune enters and tells, "It's the latest report on the bijuu?"

Tsunade: "Where is it headed?"

Shizune replies, "It is still going north. There were a few small villages in its way, but they are already evacuated. It will enter the Land of Rain in 3 days, then 2 more days to Amegakure, and after that, 6 more days to Iwagakure."

Tsunade asks, "What is our timeline?"

Shizune replies, "It will take at least 2 days for all of them to reach here."

Tsunade looks outside, "I hope they reach in time."


📢 8 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

36. Another One.

37. Team 7.

38. Akira Vs Sasuke.

39. It's Princess Tsunade.

40. Teaching A Uchiha Fire Release.