Face Slapping.

Long Tian stood up and walked toward the stage in a very graceful manner. He got on the stage and took the Violin from Si Qian's hands.

'Hmph, act all you want. I'll see how you embarrass yourself on National Television' Si Qian said inside.

Long Tian tested the Violin strings and showed a dissatisfied expression. He started tuning to Violin strings by twisting the metal handles at the top. Most people did not pay it much mind, but the eyes of a senior musician in the venue bulged and were about to pop out.

'This.. Bare handed tuning, his skills are even superior to mine. Did he start practising in his mother's womb? Maybe he is one of those music geniuses.' The senior musician consoled himself.

To tune a music instrument, be it a Violin or Guitar or anything else with bare hands was only something a select few could do. Long Tian being no older than 18 could actually do it! This came as a shock to the senior musician.

"I won't be as humble as classmate Si Qian, he really has a lot of improving to do so it's best for him to be humble. Classmate Si Qian let me teach you how to play the song you played correctly." Long Tian said.

Author's Note :- Classmate here doesn't mean that Si Qian and Long Tian are classmates. Students address fellow students, regardless of where they are from as Classmate. In this case, they are both among the Five Dragons, so Long Tian addressed Si Qian as Classmate.

Si Qian almost spat out blood. 'Teach me? I was taught by the best. My teacher was from France and was very reputable.' He thought. Everybody else in the venue just thought that Long Tian was embarrassing himself by acting arrogant.

The curiosity in the eyes of Qi He and Wang Qingran grew deeper.

Long Tian then placed the Violin on his shoulder and held the bow with a fiddle bow grip. His head was slightly tilted. His posture and the way he held the Violin were already far superior than Si Qian and many in the audience noticed that.

His hands started to move and a melody rang out, the tune was not pleasant, it was rather heart breaking. While Long Tian elegantly moved around playing the Violin, everybody who were listening burst into tears including Qi He and Wang Qingran.

The song that Si Qian played was called 'Summer Tears' composed by a French Musician. Most people have a misconception about this song, they generally think that the French Musician was happy as the shiny summer came and cried out in happiness, but the truth was that, Summer was the season when some find their love and some's hearts are broken.

The season of both Love and Heartbreak, that was summer. The Musician hated the fact that summer came again. He would find another love this summer just for his heart to be broken in the next summer. The Musician both loved and hated Summer, that was when he created Summer Tears. Those were the tears of both Happiness and Loss, this song has a deeper meaning that it's name puts on.

Then the atmosphere changed, the tune was no longer heart breaking. It was soothing, as if they just fell in love! This was the specialty of Summer Tears, it transitions from happy to sad to and fro.

The people all over Country Z who were watching the Award Ceremony live on TV were also shocked. They felt deep admiration toward Long Tian and the song that he played.

After taking the audience on an emotional roller-coaster ride, the song was completed. Long Tian bowed in a gentlemanly fashion and went back to his seat. Just when he sat down, the others in the venue stood up all at once and started clapping, there was thunderous applause.

Si Qian's face on the other hand was red, even he could feel the disparity in their skills. There was an invisible yet clear red hand print on his right cheek. He had been thoroughly face slapped.

'Even though Face-slapping is an overused trope, but man does it feel satisfying!' Long Tian thought to himself. After accepting everybody'd praise, he explained the story of Summer Tears, through this whole process Si Qian was not visible, it was as if he hid in a corner. How can he not hide? he embarrassed himself on National TV, he is a joke throughout the country now.

A notification rang out.

[Ding! Task Complete.]

[Due to the Face-Slapping being more excessive, your reward will be Random but with better odds of obtaining good Skills]

[Reward :- God of Medicine, Charm +2]

"Great, the third skill is always Medicine. System, can you not be so cliche? anyway, with random rewards I'm already quite satisfied with what's given." Long Tian said to the System.

The award ceremony has now come to an end, but the main event just started. The Five Dragons will now have lunch with Minister Qi, there will be no media allowed inside. This lunch is where Qi He will assess the worth of these Five Dragons.

They weren't called Five Dragons just for getting a good rank, in fact because these five will be helpful for the future of the country. As for how helpful they will be, that depends on the score that Qi He will give them, he will later report this to the President.

"Now then, I feel hungry, shall we go have lunch?" Qi He asked, well it was more of an order.

The Five Dragons nodded in unison and soon they entered a 7-Star Hotel.