Si Qian's French.

Inside the hotel, in a private dining room, there were six people, The Five Dragons and Qi He. Soon, the food was placed in front of them and everyone picked their chopsticks up and started to eat.

"So, what universities are you applying for?" Qi He asked.

"I'm going to Imperial University to study architecture." Si Qian took the lead and said.

There were four Prestigious Universities namely, Imperial University which was located in Imperial City, Solstice University in Solstice City, Heavenly King University in Heaven City, Grand Leon University in Vermillion City.

"I'm going to Solstice University to study business." Said Wang Qingran.

"So am I." Long Tian added.

The other two Dragons, one was going to Heavenly King University, and the other to Grand Leon University.

The lunch ended, Qi He gave Wang Qingran a very high evaluation. She was ambitious and has the right grooming needed for one to rise in the Corporate World, a good seed. As for Long Tian, Qi He felt he was a mystery, Long Tian did not talk much and just gave one word answers, he was rather calm. But Qi He knew that calm waters run deep, so he engraved Long Tian in his mind. He'll have to run some background checks.

They all got up and walked together to the Hotel lobby when suddenly, a man in suit came running and stood before Qi He.

"Minister He, big trouble." The man in suit was breathing heavily and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

"Xiao Hao, what happened?" Qi He asked, he was alarmed.

Xiao Hao was the personal assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Seeing him in this state, even Qi He was worried.

"The French company 'Arnault Corp.' came to our Country Z to talk investment, the Foreign Affairs Minister had an appointment with them in this very hotel. The Minister was in Country I handling our country's investments, his flight was scheduled today morning so that he would reach here in time, but his flight got delayed and he's not here. The French businessmen are pissed and want an explanation. We can't let this deal go, that is why when I just saw you, I came rushing to ask for help." Xiao Hao said.

"How much is the deal worth?" Qi He asked.

"The current investment they want to make is €2.1 Billion, it will increase to even more in the decade to come." Xiao Hao said.

"2.1 Billion Euros!!" Qi He explained as his body trembled. Right now it may be 2.1 Billion, but many companies will soon follow lead and also make investments, in the long term, it's very beneficial and Qi He knew this fact.

"Oh! and they only speak French, and they don't understand our English well, the Minister can speak fluent French and did not want any translators, so I did not bring one." Xiao Hao added.

What he said were true, some investments were confidential after all, if the translator is loose tongued then all hell would break lose.

"I can speak French." Si Qian said with bright eyes. This was a golden opportunity, I will have saved billions worth of investments, won't this make me a legend. Minister He will also put on a good word for me in the President's ears. Si Qian's thoughts ran wild.

"Can you really speak French?" Qi He asked in a very serious tone.

"Yes, my Violin teacher was French so he also taught me French, I can easily speak it." Si Qian said with atmost confidence.

"Fine, let's go." Qi He gritted his teeth and made the decision. They all left towards the room of the French businessmen.

Long Tian scorned. 'Your teacher didn't even teach you Violin, but had the time to teach you French? Hmph, what a frog in a well.'

Long Tian knew that what Si Qian's teacher taught him was atmost the very basics of French, the kind of French that they teach in Kindergarten in France, as for the application that kind of French had in communication, it was zero. Yet, this Si Qian said he could speak French.

They entered the Business Dining Room, and looking at rosy cheeked French businessmen, Si Qian started speaking.

"The Apple is red, I am a dog, you are fellow dogs. Your company, waste, Country Z great....."

After nearly 2 minutes of speaking gibberish, some of the French men burst out laughing while some were angry and felt insulted. Xiao Hao, Qi He, Wang Qingran and the other two Dragons did not understand what was going on as they did not speak French. Even Si Qian who thought he had solved the problem did not understand what's going on.

Controlling his laughter, Long Tian came forward and started to speak in fluent French.

"Pardon this fellow's gibberish, we just admitted him into a Kindergarten."

Everybody's pupil's dilated, this French was too fluent, even fluent than most French speakers. The businessmen were all stunned, but remembering what he just said, they all burst out laughing. Xiao Hao, Qi He, Wang Qingran, Si Qian and the other two dragons were slack jawed at the scene.

Seeing, the personality and fluency of Long Tian, the CFO of Arnault Corp. asked.

"Are you the Minister of Foreign Affairs? You are quite young though."

"Haha, I'm not, the Minister's flight was delayed, so I will be here to go through the contract. This here is our Minister of Education, Mr. Qi He, he will be supersede the Minister of Foreign Affairs."

Long Tian acted as the mediator and translated to and fro, finally the negotiation was completed and the only thing left was to visit the land where the factory and office headquarters will be set up.

Qi He asked Long Tian to come along, and the French businessmen were happy to comply. They liked Long Tian very much, they even had a feeling that Long Tian was one of their own, a true Frenchman.