Chapter 1 A New World

Vlad could hardly believe his eyes as he just successfully made an artificial wormhole, more than that he is now staring at through the monitor a lush green forest.

It's a forest! An actual forest!

He had only seen it old pre-war videos but what he's seeing right now is a live feed from a drone he just sent through the portal.

'Remarkable, simply remarkable' Vlad thought as he gave an order to the drones on stand by to all go through the portal and begin scanning the area around.

Then he manually took controlled of a single drone to look around.

Vlad is like a child in a candy store.

Lush green forest with plenty of vegetation, trees, moss and flowers. This is simply unreal!

But as the drones further explored around and starts scanning the surroundings, Vlad started to frown as he reads through the reports.

While the world seems to have less gravity as compared to earth witch isn't strange as in the whole universe there's plenty of cosmic bodies that has less gravity than earth, but what what made Vlad frown is the fact that everything seems to have a drastically less mass than their Earth counters part.

How much you may ask?

Well... it's 97% less mass, which is simply absurd! What is this!? Aerogel (or styrofoam)!?

For comparison discounting the lower gravity of this world which he named Alpha 1 , a tree of Alpha 1 has 97% less mass than a tree from Earth that has the same dimensions.

Although using weights as comparison isn't very accurate as Earth and Alpha 1 has different gravity but let's assume both world has the same gravity. So a huge 1 kg rock from Alpha 1 would only weigh like a tiny 30g pebble from Earth.

And it is not just the trees but also everything which includes the rocks, the water and the air. Absolutely everything in Alpha 1 is 97% less dense than their Earth counter part.

(Minor spoiler: only 3% our universe is matter and 97% is dark matter and dark energy, as this is a cultivation world 97% of this world is Qi and cultivation crap.

So this is why it's possible for iron swords to chop cleanly through large rocks. When a highly dense object clashes with a drastically dense object, the denser object would usually win. Of course the way they forge those highly dense swords in Alpha 1 is also quite different as compared to Earth as they need a lot of hammering to compress the iron together, there's also special types of Qi flames to burn the Qi within the iron ingots... but I'll save the long explanation in some distant future chapter.

Fun fact: did you know that in the past to people would hammer hardened the edges of a bronze sword to strengthen it?)

Vlad then thought hard before an alert from a drone his attention.

Suffice to say a drone just found a small multicellular organism that has a striking resemblance to a rabbit.

The drone is currently asking for instructions on how to proceed.

Vlad then switches control to that drone and begin scanning the "rabbit"

And it didn't take long for scan report to pop up, Vlad read through the report and discounting a few oddities it's skeletal structure is quite similar to that of a rabbit.

Although the oddities that perked him besides the 97% lower mass is the fact that the rabbit has an extra circulatory system present. (You know about monster cores in all those cultivation novels right? It's similar to a dantian present in human cultivators)

Vlad is quite curious what on what the extra organ is used for so he sent in live capture drones armed with carbon nanofiber nets to start collecting live samples.

A bit later

Vlad is currently frowning again as he stared at the dissected remains of a bunch of animal specimens captured from Alpha 1.

Despite all his efforts to uncover what the extra organ is used for he still can't figure out what this extra circulatory system that is present in all the captured animals specimens so far is used for.

Vlad frowned as he thought hard and review the camera footage of the animals from capture to dissection again.

The capture was quite easy as the creatures from Alpha are pretty much helpless against the carbon nanofiber net that's specifically designed for the live capture of biological weapons that can rip a man in half, not to mention they're already much weaker compared to their Earth counterparts to start with, so they're capture is pretty much a forgone conclusion.

Once caught they were put in a glass (bullet proof duh) containment cage to be transported back through the portal.

At the point the animals while bruised but still quite jumpy in particular the wolf looking one seems quite feisty.

While they're quite a bit larger than their Earth counterpart but as for strength.... they're quite a bit weak despite their large size.

Several times the wolves tried to bash their heads against the glass container to no avail.

Vlad looked at for a bit before he fast forward the video to the next interstellar segment.

Once they got sent through the portal captured specimens immediately fell to the floor as the differences in gravity hit them by surprise.

The next few seconds Vlad at that time naturally got alerted of the condition of the recently captured specimens and he naturally adjusted the air pressure and gravity to matched their native planet, but even so while it did help lot the captured specimens still seemed quite weak with the feisty wolves just barely standing with shaky legs.

Vlad is quite baffled as he had already adjusted the environment to match their planet but there still seems to be a problem.

A few days later

Vlad captured another batch of specimens and this time kept them a few days to see if there's any changes, but sadly there's little changes in the target.

Curiously he decided to send one back to the portal and once on the other side the Wolf immigrant stood up and tried as hard as it could to bash its head against the container.

Seeing the Wolf being so jumpy he brought it back to Earth and the Wolf fell to the floor the the container again drained of energy.

At this time Vlad frowned before a corner of his mouth starts to rise as he now knows where to start.