A few weeks later Vlad is doing the a test to to confirm his suspicions, on the other side at Alpha 1 a few of the specimens are currently in a special container build with precise monitoring equipment to monitor any changes in their body.
They're also flooded with with billions nano-machines to get a clearer picture down to the cellular level so that of what actually is happening.
And thus for the next few weeks the specimens are tortured... I mean tested of what actually is happening once they pass the portal.
Vlad tested them in various ways from using various forms of drugs to see if it has any affects to psychological ones (perhaps they're just homesick) to using using various forms of electro magnetism. (Did you know that pigeons can see the earth's magnetic fields?)
Suffice to say after weeks of rigorous testing he finally came to the conclusion that there's something on the side.
What has no idea what that "something" is as he could be dealing with a universe with a completely different laws of physics.
Although he has been able to determine that it has something to do with that extra set of circulatory system found in the creatures native to the other side.
As scans and nano-machines feed back indicate that the extra circulatory system is quite active on the other side but once they pass through the portal to Earth side all activities suddenly stops.
Vlad frowns as this needs further study and he decided to send in the drones to set up a base of operations on the other side in the meantime as the laws of physics on the other side doesn't seem to affect machines.
He decided to conduct parallel research on both Earth side and on Alpha 1.
A few more days later
Vlad decided to send in Earth "animals" (more like biological weapons at this point as they're mutated/ augmented way beyond their original pre-war appearance, the changes are also permanent as their species original gene sample has be lost through the centuries from war) through the portal to see if there's any changes.
The first is a... rodent looking thing although it looks like a rat but it's pre-war ancestor is actually an Echidna.
It Echidnas is selected as the base gene because it's one of the few mammals that still lay eggs.
It's later genetically modified as a biological weapon to cause untold mayhem in enemy territory.
It has the ability to hibernate for long periods of time, ability to eat almost anything and breed rapidly, it has tough regenerating fangs if given enough time it could chew through even the toughest materials, it has specialised feet that can adhere to all most any surface, it's has a tough and flexible skeletal structure that can survive while curled like a ball, it's spins are also upgraded be made from biological carbon nanofiber (while carbon fiber is known to be strong but it also has a weakness of not being able to retain its sharp edges) and finally it has a special ability of exploding there by spraying its surroundings with sharp nanofiber spines.
These things were amongst first biological weapons to be released, it purpose is to cause havoc and hamper the enemies ability to deploy large troop formations effectively.
It was used back in the early days of the war, back before the usage of android armies.
Anyway suffice to say Vlad disables the it's ability to self destruct as he doesn't want it exploding in the middle of the tests now do we?
He brought along a few others (which I won't mention as they're not important to the story)
Vlad then sent these creatures to the other side while monitoring cellular activity to any changes.
Suffice to say that he wasn't able to detect any noticeable changes amongst the subjects.
Although the subjects seems to have noticed that they have crossed over to another world as the suddenly felt the drastic reduction of gravity which is quite strange to them.
A few months pass by
No major changes detected in the Earth animals in Alpha 1 which suggest that it's fairly safe for a human to go through although Vlad would like to conduct a few more experiments and wait a few more year before personally stepping through the portal to Alpha 1.
In the mean time he made a startling discovery about the extra circulatory organs found on Alpha 1 animals.
This discovery came about when he captured an strange specimen of Alpha 1 Wolf. This Wolf specimen in particular seems to have the ability to release an energy attack of some sort.
Although scans are unable to identify what it is, besides the fact it's a high pressure air wave and that it emits light (it glows).
Although visually stunning but it did little besides to scratch coating on the drones, needless to say it's humiliatingly captured.
It isn't surprising especially considering that the drone's outer shell is especially designed to survive the shockwaves of a nuclear explosion nearby.
A few days pass by
The subjects known as A117 (the Wolf the released a wind blade) is uncooperative in releasing the strange energy wave.
Perhaps a carrot and stick policy should be tested?
A few weeks pass by
Subject A117 is starting to show signs of cooperation and has been able to gather valuable data.
It seems that the extra circulatory system showed signs of high activity before the release of the pressure air wave attack.
Although Vlad tried almost every thing from radio waves to gamma rays, from magnetic fields to higgs fields but is still unable to determine how it's done and what the correlation is but he is now fairly certain that the other sided the portal has a slightly different physical law than on Earth... to be more precise his Universe.
As it's commonly understand that the universe is everything that came from the Big Bang. Everything is born on the Big Bang which includes Time and Space as we know it (laws of physics), as we have the same origin the laws of the universe applies equally everywhere.
So the question then arises what if there's another Big Bang out there that resulted in different physical laws than our own? And thats what we call alternate universe.