Chapter 3

After ten hours of sitting on a plane, I finally arrived in New York City. After going through security inspections and all I made my way out of the airport. Stopping an Uber I make my way inside with no real destination.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver asked.

"The best motel," I responded, and he nodded his head.

Therefore, after arriving at John's Motel I take my time to examine the place. It was cream and have maybe around fifty rooms, but it was beautiful. After paying my taxi bill I make my way to the front desk.

"Hi, welcome to John's Motel, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I would like to book a room for one month," I declared openly handing over my fake Identification card.

"Okay, Ms. Wright let me just input your information," she explained.

I nodded at her while she logged in my information. I took this opportunity to scanned my surroundings making sure there's nothing suspicious.

Turning to her, she said, "That would be ten thousand dollars, Ms. Will you be paying by cash? Or credit card?"

"Cash," I told her handing over the cash.

After doing so she began typing on her computer, then she handed me the key for room number ten.

"Thank you for choosing John's Motel I hope you will enjoy your stay."

Making my way over to the room with number ten which I will be calling home for some time. The room has a queen-sized bed, flat-screen television, bathroom, closet, and a mini-fridge. Placing my duffel bag on the bed I flopped down with an exhausted groan.

Going through my bag I decided on changing my pink blouse into a black shirt, and my sneakers for combat boots. Feeling satisfied with my appearance I grabbed some money and make my way out. In search of meeting someone who would help me get revenge.

Walking over to a bar I saw a notice out front with the phrases, "Female needed."

Even though I didn't sign up for being a bartender, but a plan won't just come to me I'll have to think my way through. So I make my way inside with hopes to get the job.

After seeing the owner and telling him I'm here for the job of a bartender he asked,

"If I've ever worked in a bar?"

But I just lied straight to his face, saying a quick yes. So after we have established the rules he began showing me around the bar. It wasn't one of those big bars, so I think I could manage.

Thereupon getting familiar with the bar he bought me over to meet my co-worker. His name was Killian, he was around 5'11, with curly brown hair, and he was very built.

Thereon introducing our self he began showing me the ropes.

"So Katrina, where are you from? If you don't mind me asking because it's not New York."

"I'm from New Zealand," I lied straight through my teeth.

I cannot trust anyone, I thought to myself.

"Okay," He said nodding, "So what brings you out here?"

"I always want to visit New York, I love the city."

"Okay," He smiled at me.

Lost in thoughts some guys approached the bar and Killian shooked my shoulder brought me out of my trace.

Nodding at him, I make my way over to take their orders. Upon approaching them in the corner of my eye I saw a male staring at me, he looked to be in his early twenties.

He wore timberland shoes, black jeans, a black muscle t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His black hair was disheveled all over his head like he had run his fingers through it a million times. He wore earrings, and has a cigar between his lips, he gave off a bad boy aurora.

Ignoring his penetrating stare I served the guy's their beer. Turning to Killian I asked,

"Who's that guy over there in the corner with the cigar between his lips? Don't point at him he's been staring at me for a while now."

"That's Blake he's one of our regular customers," He answered wiping down the counter.

"Okay, so why is he staring at me?"

"I don't know, maybe because you're attractive." He said chuckling walking off to the storeroom.

Looking up, I looked straight across the room searching for the mysterious guy. Then suddenly our eyes locked with each other.

He breaks eye contact and walked over to the exit disappearing into the night. With a sigh, I continue taking orders and serving. It was precisely eleven o'clock when I bid the manager goodnight.

Killian and I walked out of the bar together while exchanging small words now and then. Upon arriving at his truck he offered me a ride. Saying it's late, and he won't let me walked back to the motel alone.

Seeing that he's very persistent I agreed to him giving me a lift. As I walked over and slide into the passenger seat we were off. After ten minutes of driving, he was pulling up in the parking lot of the motel.

I bid him a good night and safe travel home then climbed out, watching as he drove off down the road. Unlocking the door to my room I flopped down on my bed and drifted off to sleep with the thought of Blake on my mind.

I woke up to the sunshine on my face rolling out of bed I headed to the bathroom to do my morning business. I attempting to brush when I realize I don't have a toothpaste nor toothbrush.

With a groan I entered the room, throwing my hair in a messy bun, and changed into gray sweats and a white shirt I headed out.

Arriving at a small supermarket I grabbed a basket and began my shopping. After getting all the items, with a few other things that I would be needing I headed for the cashier counter. After cashing my items the cashier places them in a shopping bag.

Arriving back at my motel room I placed the items in the kitchen on the counter. Grabbing my bathroom item's I headed over to my room to freshen up.

After my well-needed shower, I put my blonde hair under a baseball cap in a ponytail. Replace my joggers with ripped blue skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.

Feeling satisfied with my look I make my way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. I prepared eggs, bacon, and toast with a glass of orange juice. Placing the dirty dishes in the sink I reached over to the shopping bag taking out my brand-new phone.

Taking my Samsung Galaxy A40 from the box I input the SIM card and watched the phone light up. Then I headed out to the bar.

Arriving at the bar I saw Killian severing some ladies. Walking over I greeted him, and he greeted me back asking if I could assist the customer down the far corner. Nodding at him, I went over to take the guy order when I realized it was none other than Blake.

"Can I take your order?" I asked standing in front of the guy with my notepad.

"A cold beer and cigar."

After muttering an okay I went to get his order. I attempted to walk away after severing him when he began talking.

"So what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a bar?" He implores.

"None of your business," I spat. But he just chuckled.

On my way to the storeroom, I heard a bunch of guys talking about some underground fighting. And how the Lethal will be fighting.

"Killian, where is this underground fighting taking place?"

"How do you know about that?"

"I overheard a bunch of guys talking about how Lethal will be fighting tonight, so where is it?"

"It's not something a pretty girl like yourself should get baffled in, it's dangerous."

"I just want to know."

"It's a place for fighters, so if you want to fight to earn money or just fight for fun you can find it at this address." He said handing me a piece of paper.

"So I'm going to watch Lethal fight, in for some action?" He asks.

"Sure count me in," after the bar closes Killian and I made our way to the underground.

Trailing behind him over to a dark corner he excuses himself.

"Don't move, I'll be back in a quick second,"

Just as the announcer made his way up on the stage to announce the fighters Killian approached me.

I watched as the announcer, announces scorpion's name and I heard a mass of boos, and you're going to die. After the crowd had settled he called for Lethal. And they erupted in massive cheers screaming his name.

I stared as he sauntered to the ring radiating confidence and power.

I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask. And as he entered the ring the announcer shouted a fight.

Scorpion charged at him, but he saw the attack coming and moved. As the fight escalated Lethal threw blows after blows knocking his opponent out cold.

I gawked as he was announced as the winner and right there I knew I wanted in.