Chapter 4

After the fight has ended Killian told me he won't be able to drop me off.

"Are you able to make it back to the motel?"

"Yes, I'll be fine,"

"Okay, here's my number give me a call when you're home?"

Nodding at him, I stared as he makes his way to the crowd then disappears out of my line of vision. Sauntering down the corridor with hopes of seeing someone who I can talk to about joining in on the fights.

As if luck were on my side I collided with Lethal, "The exit is that way."

"I know," I tried pushing my way past him, but he blocked my path.

"Then what are you doing back here?"

"None of your business,"

"Listen, Barbie I suggest you run along now wouldn't want something bad to happen to you now."

"I'm capable of taking care of myself," I shoved my way past him determined to find someone to aid me into fights.

"Excuse me," I called to the old look guy who was announcing the fights.

"What are you doing back here, young lady?" He asked sternly.

"I'm looking for someone to get me in fights,"

"And why would you want to find such a kind of person?"

"Because I'm interested in fighting, Sir"

"A tiny lady like you?" He said chuckling.

"It's not funny!" I declared in all seriousness.

"Okay, how about this little girl if you can get past me, I'll add you to the list of my fighters, and personally train you." He said standing in a fighting stance.

After taking a deep breath all my training with my deceased father came flooding my sight of the vision. And I charge at him, but he blocks my path by kicking me in the knee cap.

Backing away from him, I calculated his next move. Then I sprint at him running on the wall when I realize he was aiming for me with a punch. But I use the wall to maneuver a backflip completely evading his punch, he was shocked. Quickly, I took my opportunity to slide between, delivering one final blow.

He stumbled, resting his hands on his knee cap before grunting in pain, "Not bad for a girl you're very skilled. Who trained you?"

But I just ignore his question reminding him about our deal.

"Yes, of course, I'm a man of my words" here's my number to contact me, so we can sort something out.

I nodded at him and headed for the exit, arriving outside I wondered how the hell was I going to get home when some asks

"What is a pretty little thing like you doing all the way here?" Looking up wondering who could've said that I came face to face with Blake.

"I could ask you the same question" I fired back a little sassy.

"Feisty now are we," He said taking a draw from his cigar. Already feeling tired of his nonsense I asked,

"What do you want Blake?"

"I want you,"

"Excuse me?"

"Let me give you a lift home it's getting late,"

"And why would you think I'll go anywhere with you?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Because I'm the only one here. Now shut that pretty little mouth of yours and hoped on." Looking at him like WTF I walked over and hopped on his black Honda motorcycle.

"Where's the helmet?" I asked wrapping my arms around his torsos.

"You won't be needing any," He states speeding off into the night.

After realizing that he doesn't know where I lived he asked, "Where to Princess?"

"Can I trust you with that information though?" I retorted.

"Look princess if I wanted to hurt you I would've, now can I have the address?"

"Take me to John's Motel," I mumbled.

Arriving at the motel I thank him for the ride and as I attempted to walk away he stopped me.

"This is where you're staying?" He raised a question. But I just stare at him not saying anything.

"Why don't you come to stay with me? I have an additional room In my house, and besides how long can you stay in a motel by just working in a bar?"

"No, thanks. I'll survive," with that said I walked away in the direction of the room I was occupying.

Unlocking my door I reached for my phone in my pocket and dialed Killian number. After the second ring, he answered.

"Hey, Killian. It's Katrina, I'm just calling to let you that I've reached home."

"Kat. Hey glad to know, so I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, goodnight," I mumbled before ending the call.

Going through my contact I stopped at the pizza place number I dialed the number. But it was out of service, they might be closed by now I thought to myself.

So I headed over to the kitchen to prepared something to eat because I was famished. Going through the cupboard I decided on making some Cheerios cereal. So After devouring my cereal I made a beeline to my room.

Stripping myself naked I headed over to the shower. After washing my hair and body I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my frame. Entering back into the room I take a seat on the bed, and memories of my parents when they were alive clouded my vision.

Taking my phone I dialed the old man's number who was supposed to get me into fights at the underground. Dialing the number he answered on the third ring.


"Hello, this is Katrina how soon can you get me into a fight?"

"Come by underground at one o'clock in the afternoon,"

Beep, he ended the call.

Climbing under the covers I decided that I won't be going to work tomorrow. I hoped Killian can manage without me and with that lost thought I drifted into the darkness.

Waking up from a horrendous nightmare of my parent's death I reach over on the nightstand. Checking the time only to see that it's just right o'clock in the morning. Flopping back down I decided to give Killian a call.

As I dial his number it went directly to voicemail. So I just decided to leave a voicemail instead,

"Hey, Killian. Katrina here, I won't be able to make it to work today. I woke up with the flu."

After ending the call I started playing Candy Crush. Upon reaching level 5 I abandoned the app and connect my phone to the charger.

Making my way to the bathroom I did my morning routine then stripped from yesterday's clothes. After my shower, I heard a knocked on my door, who could it be?

Hurriedly I put my rope on, taking my pistol off the nightstand. I walked over to the door and peeped through the peephole only to saw Blake standing there.

Hiding my pistol behind my back I unlocked the door,

"Blake, what are you doing here?"

"Killian told me you're not feeling well, so here I am with McDonald's."

As I was about to thank him and turned away I saw him staring at my robe with dark eyes. Cursing myself for putting on a see-through robe.

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked and he caught me off guard by slamming his lips against mine.