Chapter 5

It took me up to a couple of seconds to comprehend the matter of the fact that Blake was kissing me. And without thinking just acting on my hormones, I wrapped my arm's around his neck. Without remembering I was holding a gun.

Running my fingers through his messy hair god it felt so good, then suddenly the gun fall from my hold with a thud,

"What was that?" Blake asked while backing away, and before I could mutter a word he spotted the gun laying on the floor.

"Holy shit!" He said in shock.

"I can explain," I said reaching down on the floor picking up the gun.

"Just how do you explain that, Kat? It's a gun for crying out loud, it is used for murdering people."

"Don't you think I don't know that!" I shouted it's for my protection,

"Protection against what? Are you in some kind of trouble, Kat?"

"Some bad men are chasing me."

"Why? What did you do?"

"I think I've said enough. I think you should leave it was nice of you checking up on me, but you should go." I said unlocking the door.

"I'm not leaving! If you're in danger I'm going to help you." He said stubbornly.

"How can you say you're going to help me when you don't even know me? I might just be the bad guy."

"You being the bad guy I doubt that and about me not knowing you we can work that work." He grinned sheepishly.

"Blake, you seem like a nice guy and all, but you have no idea what you're asking here. Do you know how dangerous my life is? Blake, you can die by just being seen with me." I explained raging in anger.

"Then tell me about your life being dangerous, so I can know how and when to defend myself?"

With a deep sigh, I close the door and walked over to the couch while patting the space next to me for him to sit.

"I don't know if I should trust you," I said while placing my palm over my face in exhaustion.

"You can, I want to help you and I can't if you don't tell me what's going on."

Okay. "So my name is not Katrina, I was given the name Israel at birth. I'm not from New Zealand but California, I'm the daughter of the deceased gang leader for the white pearl. On my 18th birthday, my father was to step down and headed over his gang to me when we were ambushed by the snake fang. They killed everyone my parent's included, now I'm on the run, searching for refuge, so I can take my revenge."

"I'm so sorry Israel, now let me help you to get your revenge against those who rid you of your happiness." He said through clenched teeth.

"How can you possibly help me? No offense Blake but you just one man," I asked looking at him intensely.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, princess," He smirked.

"The suspense is killing me, so you're either going to tell me? Or perhaps, I'm I going to beat it out of you?" I said, chuckling at him.

"Let me show you."

"Okay, let me just get dressed first. Dashing to my room I threw on some ripped black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and my combat boots. Then I put my hair in a high ponytail." feeling satisfied with the appearance, I headed back to the sitting room where Blake was waiting for me.

After we headed outside, and I locked the door and placed my key inside my back pocket of my jeans. I headed over to where Blake motorcycle was parked. Hopping on behind him, he speeds off down the busy street of New York City.

"Whose place is this? And what are we doing here?" I asked Blake as we pulled up at a mansion.

But he didn't respond to either of my questions, he just takes a hold of my hand and leads me up to the front door.

Pushing the door opened I came face to face with about 20 pairs of eyes. They were drinking what I'm presuming to be alcohol and they each have a firearm in their hold. And just before I could ask Blake what the hell was going on, he walked over to where the men were.

"I'm the gang leader of the white heaven gang and these guys are his members."

To say I was shocked would be a huge understanding statement, but I was impressed.

"Say something," Blake said while walking over towards me.

"Wow!" Was all I got out but that count I thought, chuckling at myself.

"For a mafia princess, you sure as hell is surprised about me being controlling a gang and owning a gun."

"I'm not," I defend, with my arms crossed, "You just caught me off guard that's it I didn't expect you to be a part of the mafia."

"Well always expect the unexpected princess," He said lighting his cigar.

"So is Killian a part of the gang also?" I asked, nodding at him.


"Okay, so how did you become a leader of your gang?"

"My father was a part of the mafia, but he died and so that's how I ended up here." He explained.

"So any more secret you would like to share? If we are going to do this, might as well do this right."

"Yeah, that guy you saw fighting at the underground."

"What about him? Is he also apart from your gang?"

"No actually that would be me," He said with a smirk on his handsome face.

Did I just call him handsome? I'm not going to lie he was indeed handsome, ugh what I'm I saying? Mentally face-palming myself, I asked, "Are you being serious?"

But he just inhales and exhales his cigar, ignoring my question.

"Oh shit!" I yelled.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked.

"I'm supposed to be at the underground in like half an hour."

"Why?" He asked looking at me with a confused expression.

"I'm joining in on the fights, I'm thinking of starting my gang, and I'm going to need comrades. What better way to have people pledge their allegiance with me? If not to fight in a ring and showed my capabilities?"

"Great thinking, you have the mind of a leader now come on let me take you to the underground."

Nodding at him. We make our way outside towards his bike, after we both climb on the speed off in the direction of the underground.

After arriving I thanked him, and we exchange numbers. Before my departure, he told me to call him when I was ready to leave. Nodding at him, I make my way into the darkness.

Third-person Narrative.

Blake watched as Israel make her way through the door. Then he took his phone and dialed a number. On the second ring, the caller answered.

"This better be a good boy."

"She's in," then he ended the call and speed off into the night.