Chapter 7

I woke up to the sunshine on my face, letting out a groan I pulled the duvet cover to my face. When memories of yesterday's event came surging, my memories.

With a smile on my face, I removed the duvet from my face and turned to face Blake, but his side of the bed was empty. It was like he wasn't there, to begin with.

Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes and started thinking about what had occurred last night. Blake wasn't my first, but it felt like nothing I've ever experienced. Every touch sent shivers down my spine.

"If you continued to bite your lips like that, I might just have to take you again," Blake let out in a hoarse voice.

Opening my eyes, I came eye to eye with Blake, dressed in only his boxers. "Where were you?" I asked, pulling the duvet over my body.

"I was in the bathroom," He said, his eyes never leaving my body.

"Oh, I thought you have left," I mumbled, not meeting his eyes.

"You're beautiful," He whispered. Hovering above me while staring into my eyes, it felt as if he was looking directly into my soul.

"Much better," He mumbled, removing a stray hair from my face and placed it behind my ears.

"Last night was fun," I told him. Planting a kiss on his lips before pushing him to the side of the bed.

"You were like a time bomb, waiting to go," He mumbled, running his fingers through my hair.

"Hmm," I hummed, shuffling to my feet.

After my shower, I entered back into the room, where I find Blake's clothes neatly folded on the bed. Grabbing his white t-shirt which was a little too big and his black joggers that are falling off my waist. I redo my hair in its ponytail and headed down the stairs.

I arrived downstairs, but I didn't know which way to turned and there was no one in the room whom I could ask. Letting out a sigh, I flopped down on the bean chair, muttering curse words.

Suddenly Blake walked into the room, "Let's go," He instructed.

"I'm starving, where are we going?" I whined, but like most times he remained silent.

When he pushed, a black door opened, revealing the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon, I haven't had that in a while," I told him, walking over to one of the stools near the counter.

Subsequently, he handed me my breakfast and a glass filled with orange juice.

"Thank You," I mumbled, taking the plate from his hand. "Where is your breakfast?" I asked when I realized he was still standing.

"I've already eaten, and you should hurry, so I can drop you off at the motel, so you can change then I'll take you to work."

Nodding at him, I began devouring my yummy breakfast.

After I have finished eating, I put away the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and we make our way out.

"The breakfast was delicious," I complimented, but he just nodded at me.

Is he always this weird? I wondered,

Making our way over to the garage, he walked over to a red sports car.

"Wow! Is this yours?"

 "Yeah, come on let's go."

Climbing in the passenger seat, he speeds off in the direction of John's motel,

"So I will have my first match in two days," I spoke, breaking the silence.

"Okay, do you think you can handle it?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the road, "Also, if you like I can give you a few pointers."

"Thanks, Blake."

Pulling up at the motel, I asked Blake if he wanted to come inside, but he declines.

"Okay," I muttered.

After I've changed out of his oversized clothes. I wore black leggings, a white blouse, a dim jacket, and sneakers.

Quickly braiding my here in two, I headed out to Blake's car.

"Are you coming in?" I asked when we arrived at the bar.

"I have somewhere to be," came his short reply.

"See you later, then," I muttered.

Upon entering through the door, I spotted four men in black suits in the corner. They were talking and sipping their liquor. But soon as they saw me all talking was seized, and all eyes fell on me.

"Killian, who are those guy's in suits?"

"I'm not sure, they only ordered their liquor and headed to the corner. But they looked like businessmen."

Nodding at him, I began to get some work done, after two hours of serving it was time to take my short break. I was walking out front when someone grabbed a hold of my hand. Swiveling around, I came face to face with one of the guys in a black suit.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else," He uttered, loosening his hold from my hand.

"Okay," I muttered, feeling suspicious.

Upon reaching outside, I saw Blake pulling up on his motorcycle with a bag in his right hand.

"What are you doing here, I thought you have a business to take care of?" I asked as I approached him.

"Yeah I did, but I have already taken care of it, so I brought you lunch." He explained, handing the bag to me.

"Thanks, it's nice of you,, but you didn't have to."

"Stop being ungrateful and just take the damn bag."

With a smile plastered on my lips, I reached over for the bag. Looking inside, I saw KFC and a bottle of coke.

"Hey, can you wait for me inside, I just have to make a real quick phone call?" He asked.

"Okay," I said, making my way inside.

Third-person Narrative

Blake watched as Israel stepped foot through the door before he approached the men in black.

"What the fuck are you guy's doing here?"

Blake shouted at one guy in particular.

"The boss said we should pay you a visit to see what's going on."

"Tell him I'm taking care of it, and I don't ever want to see any of your ugly faces." He spat, taking out a cigar and make his way up the path to the bar.