Chapter 8

Third Person Narrative

Xander was sitting on his throne sipping on some red expensive wine. He was a mafia leader from the faerie world. Then suddenly the door flew open, and two men dressed in black suits walked in.

"Lord Xander," they greeted in unison with a bow.

"What is the meaning of this?" Xander asked, a hint of anger was evident in his voice.

"Lord Xander, there was a problem in the human world, and it led to the disappearance of a package." The one with dark brown hair explained, still bowing.

"What!" Xander shouted in anger, and it shook the walls. Even the cup he was holding crumbled under his hold, he was radiating a deadly force of anger.


"Silence! How did this happen!" Xander asked in a deadly low tone, while he flew over towards the trembling man.

The man wasn't shaking because he was cold, he was shaking because of fear. He knew that when Xander was angry, it meant death upon the person who has angered him. And he feared for his life.

"Arise!" Xander shouted at the trembling man.

"I put you in charge of my supplies because I thought you were capable. But you're even as hopeless as every other person I've ended."

Before the trembling man could grasp. Xander snapped his fingers and the man was burnt in flames to crisps.

"You over there!" Xander summoned the sandy blonde hair guy,

"What is your name?"

When the sandy blonde hair guy approached him. He bowed his head in respect. 

"Brad my lord,"

"Brad, you will assist me on my journey to the human world," Xander spoke.

"Now leave before I changed my mind about sparing your life," Xander uttered, while he flew to his throne.

Today is the day, and if you're wondering what it is? It's the day that I'll be fighting at the underground.

It's currently 5:00 am, and I wore a sports bra and leggings with my Bluetooth earbuds in my ears. I was listening to some music while doing some push-ups to strengthen my muscles. After doing ten push-ups.

Then I started doing some sit-ups to tighten and tone my abdominal muscles. Upon completing the task, I headed over to the iron bar I've installed into the walls. To work on my pull-ups to strengthen my upper body.

Halfway through my pull-ups, the music stopped.

What the fuck? I thought.

Jumping down from the bars, I removed my earbuds.

"How the hell did that happened?" I cursed.

"You should get more Cheerios cereal,"

"Ahhh!" I stepped back in fright, but when I looked up at my intruder, it was Blake.

"What the fuck Blake, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I shouted.

"I ran out of cereal at my house, so I came here looking, but you weren't answering your phone when I call, so I just let myself in." He said innocently, munching on my cereal.

"Why didn't you just go to the store?" I asked, with my arms crossed.

But he just ignored my question.

"Ohhh, you should upgrade your playlist, your music taste is just goddam awful." He mumbled, looking disgusted.

"First, you broke into my motel room, and now you're insulting my taste in music? That is just plain rude." I muttered, crossing my arms.

But he just shrugged while sitting on my bed, still munching on my precious Cheerios cereal.

"So, are you ready for your first match?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," I replied confidently.

"Listen, Israel, and listen carefully. I've fought in that ring and let me tell you, those guys are predators. They don't give a shit about you being a female, they'll rip you to shreds."

The way my name rolled off his tongue, sent pleasure down my spine. I could already feel my underwear getting wet.

Ugh! Get a grip on yourself Israel, now is not the time to get your panties in a twist for god's sake. But he's just so hot, I could practically see his 8 packs ripped in that skin-tight shirt of his.

"Israel! Are you even listening to me?" He asked with an annoyed looked on his face.

"Yeah umm.... sorry what were you saying?" I asked, giving him a wide grin.

"Nothing, never mind, I'm leaving," He grumbled.

"Wait!" I shouted.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked with a look of irritation.

"Can you drop me off at the bar?" I asked, hopefully.

I'm running low on cash, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Yeah, sure, I guess. Just make it fast, I have a business to attend to."

Nodding at him, I plugged my phone into the charger then proceed to the bathroom. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I began brushing my teeth.

Subsequently, I stepped over into the shower. Grabbing my new strawberry body wash, I applied some to my blonde hair. 

Massaging through my roots, I turned the shower on and begun rinsing my hair. Then I began to wash my body, scrubbing every inch. Soon after, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body, and headed back to my room.

There wasn't any sign of Blake, so I assumed he was probably in the kitchen.


"Yeah!" He answered from the living room.

"Can you make me some breakfast?" I asked, but he didn't answer.

But I know full well that he heard me, so I just shrugged it off and proceeding on getting dressed.

I decided on some black high waist shorts, a white crop top blouse with the word bitch in bold letters. Then I grabbed my combat boots. Going over to the mirror, I decided on braiding my hair. In doing so I realize my black roots were beginning to show. 

I need to get my hair dyed.

Walking in the living room, I was hit by a sweet scent that was coming from the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, I saw Blake putting some items in a plate

"Your breakfast is served, master," He said sarcastically.

Chuckling at his childish behavior, I began devouring my breakfast. While severing every taste of the delicious waffles. That was coated in blueberry syrup.

"This is good," I said, chewing on my waffles. After finishing, I took the plate to the sink, and we headed out.

Upon arriving at the bar, I got out of Blake's car.

"Will you be picking me up for the fight?"

"Yeah, I'll be here when you're ready." He answered and drove off without even saying goodbye.

Entering the bar, I noticed that it was a bit busy. And before I knew it, Blake was walking in with his motorcycle helmet in one hand. And a cigar was in between his lips.

Checking the time on my phone, I realized it was time for me to leave. Leaning over to Killian, I whispered in his ears, telling him to cover for me.

Stepping from behind the counter, I grabbed my duffle bag and walked over to Blake.

"Let's go."

Upon arriving at the underground, I spotted Mr. Reid at the entrance.

"You're late, let's go get you ready."

Nodding at him, I turned to nodded at Blake, he also nodded right back at me.

Changing my clothes to leggings and a sports bra, I put my hair in a messy bun. Then Mr. Reid led me out front to the ring.

"Ladies and men I present to you Rander Rosey!" He shouted through the microphone, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Some mocking, while others shouted, "You're going to die bitch!" 

After, the announcer, announces my opponent's name and a huge bulk guy walked into the ring.

After going over the rules, the announcer shouted


 Getting into my fighting stance my opponent charged at me. But I had already calculated his moves, and deflect it. After some minutes of fighting with each other, I began to grow tired.

This is going far too long for my liking, it's time to take him out.

I charged at him, blocking all his hits, and punched him in his throat. Knocking the air out of him. I watched as he dropped on the floor gasping for air. Some men walked out and picked the guy up.

Shortly after, the announcer walked out, announcing "We have a WINNER!!!"

 The crowd cheered in victory, while I scanned the crowd for a set of eyes. When I saw him leaning on a wall smoking his cigar

while staring at me with his signature smirk on his lips.