Chapter 9

After changing back into my clothes, I collected my share of the money that was betted on me. Picking up my duffle bag, I make my way to the door.

"You fought well," Mr. Reid spoke, smoking his tobacco. But I only nodded at him in acknowledgment.

"I'll contact you for your next match," He let out, before strolling away.

"You were great out there," Blake said as he neared me.

"Thanks, but you do know I was born for this, right? This was what I was trained for. The fights, dealings, gun shipments, trafficking. You name it, I'm a mafia princess, so don't be surprised."

"How could I forget? Your one special little thing," He smirked, "Now let's get out of here, so we can celebrate your success."

"I thought you'd never say,"

Climbing on his bike, he speeds off in the busy night. As we drove through the busy street of New York City, I couldn't help but take in the scenery before me. The lights lit up the streets, giving it a beautiful look, something you could only see in a Disney movie.

I stared as the pedestrian crossed the road to meet up with a friend. While others just wandered around with their partner. While others have earbuds listening to music.

I also saw people in their work outfits, meaning that they were coming from work. While others were stepping out of a cab.

It was a lovely scene, everyone telling a different story, their story. It was like you could almost paint a picture.

I was so lost in my trance, I haven't realized we were parked outside the motel. Until Blake spoke.

"I thought you needed to freshen up before we hit the clubs,"

"Yeah, I sure do," I said, trailing behind him.

Unlocking the door, we make our way inside, "Do you want something to drink?' I asked Blake, going through the refrigerator.

"Yeah, a bottle of water could be nice, thanks"

Grabbing a bottle of water for him and a bottle of coke for myself, I headed back to the sitting room.

After handing Blake the water, I made a beeline to my room to get ready. Stripping out of my clothes, I stared at my reflection In the mirror. When I found a pair of eyes, looking at me with pour lust.

I removed my hair from the ponytail, still holding eye contact. I walked over to the shower and leave the door open. I was washing my hair when I felt a hand rubbing the small of my back. But I wasn't surprised because I knew it was Blake.

Turning around, I began rubbing layers of soap all over his hair while staring into his dark eyes. He lifts my chin with his fingers, then he places a wet kiss on my lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I deepened the kiss while he pushed me up against the wall.

Wrapping my leg around his waist, he tightens his hold on the small of my back. After I've removed myself from the kiss, I smiled mischievously at him.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?"

But I didn't answer his question, instead, I splash him with Ice cold water.

"Haha, I laugh at his expression, you should have seen your face," I said with laughter.

After our little moment, we carry on with our shower, after rinsing both our bodies we entered back into my room. Going through the closet I picked out blue ripped jeans, a pink tank top, with my gray and white hoodie. Then paired it with my black and white converse shoes, and left my hair to air dry.

I then applied some strawberry lip gloss, mascara, and a little blush. Feeling content with my appearance, I grabbed my phone and slip it inside my pocket. Then went out to find Blake.

I found him sitting in the kitchen on one of those high chairs, fully dressed. He wore black skinny ripped jeans, a black muscle t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His black hair was messy.

Looking at him sitting there looking like a badass make my core wet. Shaking all the dirty thoughts away, I walked over to him.

"You sure do love black," I muttered under my breath.

"It describes me," was all he said before walking out.

"Hey, Blake! I called after him, but he was long gone,"

The fuck crawled up his ass and die? He sure does have mood swings.

"We need to talk," I said with my arms crossed after I've found him outside sitting on his motorcycle.

"What about?" He asked, without sparing me a glance.

"What is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem," He answered, in a bored voice.

"Are you sure about that?"

"It looks like you're the one with the problem, as far as I can see,"

"How is it that I'm the one with the problem?"

"You're the one who brings all this up," He started, "I'm not your boyfriend, we had sex but it was meaningless."

"Meaningless," I repeated, 'I don't go around and have meaningless sex you fucking shit!" I shouted, and before thinking my fist was flying in the air towards his right eye.

"What the fuck! Are you seriously mad right now?" He asked with his fingers over his black and blue eyes.

"Blake just leave!" I spat.

"Are you being serious?"

"Leave you piece of shit!" I yelled, "And I never want to see your face ever!"

I stared as he gets on his motorcycle and speeds off down the road.

"Fuck!" I cursed, walking back to my motel room.

First, my fucking parents, and now this jackass is telling me it's just meaningless sex.

Ugh! Fuck my life.

Stepping into my room, I flopped down on the bed, not even bothering about changing, and just let the tears fall. All my life I was trained to be strong, but this is just too much.

But I promised myself tomorrow will be different, I'll be different. N more Blake or any distractions, I'll quit at the bar and focus on the underground. I'll even ask for more fights, and I'll beat them all. They form my gang and destroyed the snakes.

And with that last thought, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my lips.

Third-person Narrative

"What! How the fuck did that happened!?" The person on the other line yelled at Blake.

"You better watched that little whore! Are I'll end you if you can't complete your assignment." Then he ended the call before Blake had a chance of saying anything.