Chapter 10

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. Letting out a groan, I reached over to the nightstand to unplug, but the call had ended. After I have unplugged it, I input the password and stared as it unlocked.

Touching on the phone icon, the first thing I saw was Blake name.

Why the fuck is he calling me?

Deciding on ignoring him, I tossed the phone aside. Removing the duvet off my body, I sit on my bed.

What I'm going to do today? Then suddenly I remembered last night's event.

I should probably give Killian a call, letting him know that I won't be coming in for work.

Then suddenly my phone began vibrating,

"Who the fuck would that be? I swear if it's Blake, I'm ending that call."

When I checked to see, It was indeed Blake, but I declined the call because I'm a woman of my word. And besides, he's becoming a distraction. Powering off my phone, I went to the bathroom to do my business, and brush my teeth.

Shortly after, I entered back into the room, where I heard a frantic knocking outside my door. Hastily, I made my way to the door and peep through the peephole before I opened up. But surprisingly, Blake stood outside my door. With an expression on his face, I couldn't decipher.

He wore white sweatpants that were low on his waist, a blue t-shirt, and white sneakers. He was looking striking, dashing as ever.

Should I open up or just pretend I'm not here?

"Israel, I know you are in there, open up," came his soft voice.

"What do you want, Blake?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry about last night, I was an ass."

"Yes, you were!"

"Can you please open up?" He pleads, sounding broken.

"I don't know Blake, I think you should go,"

"Please just let me in, so I can explain,"

"Fine, this better is good, or else I'm kicking you," I stated, firmly.

After I've unlocked the door, he walked inside,

"So?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

I was not about to let him off the hook that easily, after all, he did insult me and I don't take, insult like ever.

"I was in a bad mood," He said, running his fingers through his hair.

"And that gave you the right to take out your frustration on someone, preferably me?" I asked, "Such a lame excuse to get out!"

"Why are you making this harder?" He asked.

"I'm making this harder?" I asked, "No honey, it's all on you, so are you going to leave willing? Or do I have to use brutal force? And trust me, you don't want me to use brutal force."

"I'm not leaving," He spoke, "And I'm not fighting with you, either."

Not, yet.

"Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled, "I gave you a chance to redeem yourself, and you gave me nothing. So why don't you just leave me alone!"

"Fine, I'll leave, but I will be back later," He argued.

I stared as he drove off.

Finally, now I can get started with my day. Strolling to my room, I reached over for my phone and dialed Killian number.

"Hey Killian, let the boss know I won't be coming in for work starting from today." And without bothering for his reply, I ended the call.

Stripping out of my clothes, I began my shower.

I need a car or a motorcycle, this is getting harder for me to get around.

Soon after, I hurriedly rinse my hair and body, then I grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around my body.

Entering my room, I began rampaging through my things, trying to find a decent outfit. So I can get my plan into motion about a motorcycle or car. Picking up a pair of black leggings, a gray crop top, and my hoodie. I paired it with my black combat boots, then I throw my hair in a tight ponytail.

After inspecting my outfit, I take a hold of my phone and headed to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, I search through the refrigerator for something, anything. But I came out empty-handed, so I went over to my cupboard where I find a pack of Macaroni and cheese.

Soon after, I've eaten, I set the dirty utensils in the sink. Promising to do it later, unlocking the front door, I stepped outside. Sauntering over to the receptionist, I politely asked her to call up a cab for me.

Subsequently, I saw a cab pulled up.

"Thank you," I muttered, before making my way outside.

As I climbed into the passenger seat, the driver asked,

"Where to ma'am?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me," I mumbled, seeing that he was staring at me in a confused manner, I started. "I'm not from NYC, so I'm not familiar with the place. So I was hoping you could take me to where the dealer's deal?"

"Oh, I happen to know the right place, my son always be hanging around those good-for-nothing boys. I told him they're dangerous, but he just won't listen," He grumbled.

"How old is your son?" I asked.

"17 years old," He answered, his eyes never leaving the road.

"Okay, so what's his name?" I prompted.

"Martin," He spoke, "Welcome to the Den."

"Thank you," I said, handing him some money.

"You be careful now sweetheart, it's not a place for sweet little go like you."

"I happened to run in with your son, I'll make sure he gets home," I told him, with a smile.

Walking over to the entrance of the gate, I saw two boys in their mid-teen sitting down drinking beers.

"Where can I find your boss?"