Chapter 12

Pulling up at the Den, I saw three black SUVs with nine men dressed in black tailored suits. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Blake whole demeanor changes from calm to tense.

Just who could they be?

After descending my car, Trent walked over; "Boss, some mafia leader requested to talk with you."

"Okay take me to him,"

Entering my office, I saw a man dressed in a black tailored suit standing by the window admiring the scenery.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat to catch his attention, and he turned towards me.

He had brown hair, a light complexion, he's about 6'2 tall. And he wore a serious expression on his face.

"Thanks, Trent, you may go," after he makes his way through the door, I turned to Blake. "I'll deal with this, you can go."

"Are you sure?"

Nodding at him confirming I have it all under control, he walked out of the room. Making my way over to the couch, the mysterious man asked.

"So you are the new leader, I take it?"

"As you can see," I answered, "So what brings you here?" I asked, taking a sip from some expensive champagne that happened to be on the glass table.

"Straight to business I see, I do admire a woman who is well driven," He spoke in a flirtatious voice.

Leaning closer to him, I whispered in his ears.

"Sorry love, but I don't mix business with pleasure, besides your not my type."

After my little speech, I leaned back into my sitting position with a smirk plastered on my lips. "So, tell me who are you and what business do you have here?"

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," He spoke.

"And who said I don't play?" I retorted with a smirk. "Now enough with the games, let's get down to business."

"Demanding little vixen, but okay, let's get down to business. I am Xander, leader of The Dark Knight gang. A few days ago, I send one of my trusted members to retrieve a package. But unfortunately, my package couldn't be found."

"Okay, Xander, so how is this my problem?"

But he was only chuckling. "Sweets, you see the disappearance of my package took place here. So whether you were in charge or not, it solely falls on you and your men. And let me tell you I will rain hell if my package isn't found."

"Are you threatening me?" I asked, "Let me make something clear for you, Xander. I don't fear you so, therefore, if that's your best move you're going to have to do better than that."

"Such power radiating from a tiny girl like you."

"I think our meeting is over, I will inform my men about this minor issue."

"Okay umm?"

"It's Katrina,"

"Katrina, 0kay, I'll be in town, so I'll keep in touch."

With a handshake, he makes his way through the door. Leaving me wondering what could be so important about that package?

Suddenly, the door flew opened and Blake walked in.

"So who is he?"

"Xander, the leader of the black knight gang."

"Okay, so what did he want?"

"He said there was the missing of his package."

"So what was in the package?"

"Don't know, didn't ask,"

"Why didn't you?"

"Listen, Blake what was in the package or what the package was, isn't any of my business. My business is to just locate that stupid package and get Xander to pledge his alliance with me. So I can get my revenge."

And with that said, I flopped down on the couch. After gathering all my men, I send them to retrieve the package. After several "yes ma'am, right on it boss", they left, leaving me and Blake.

"So Blake, don't you have anything to do other than babysitting me? Which, by the way, I don't need."


"Okay well I have to go, duty calls,"

"Where are you going?"

"Why would you like to know?"

"For god's sake can you just not," He said in an annoyed but sexy voice

"Fine, I'm going to fish out a real challenge, get more people to join me."

"I don't like it,"

"Do it looked like I care?" Then I proceed to the door.

"Your one stubborn female, but wait up, I'm coming."

Arriving at my car, both Blake and I got in, "So where can I find my next challenge?" I asked while pulling out of the car lot.

"You can go to the east side skating rink, it was burned down by gang members. Now it's just a place where low life, goth members, and gang members hang out." He said a bit reluctantly.

Nodding at him, I inserted the east side skating rink into the GPS. Around fifteen minutes of driving, I was finally pulling up at the skating rink. I saw Goths, Emos, Junkies, lesbians, gays, and gang members chilling in their group circle.

Walking over like the badass I was, with Blake not far behind me, I stopped right in front of the gang member's group.

"Can I help you, doll?" One of the guys said in a flirtatious voice. And without answering him, I punched him straight in the nose.

"What the fuck!" He screamed, "Your dead bitch." He yelled, trying to stop the blood from flowing.

I stand still as they circled me, ready to attack. When someone said in a low but dangerous voice. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I'm looking for a challenge!" I shouted, gaining all to fall on me.

"Hahaha, run along, little girl," He said between laughter.

"What, you're scared of a little girl?" I mocked in a girly, high-pitched voice.

"You little bitch!" He shouted, "What is the deal?"

"If any of your men defeat me in hand-to-hand combat, I'm all yours until I take my last breath. But if I win, your loyalty lies with me."

"Very well, girl, we have a deal."

Third-person Narrative

Blake watched as Israel got Into a fighting stance, one by one a man was sent to fight her. Hoping to beat her till she gave in, but throughout the first fight, she fought with honor. She was like an assassin sent to assassinate her targets.

She was amazing, she takes a couple of hits, but that didn't stop her from fighting. After she fought all eight members, she was still standing with just a few stretches. After calling out the leader, he removed his shirt and walked over to her.

He landed the first punched which caught her in the face, she staggered backward from the impact. But she didn't fall, after shaking off the dizziness she charged at him. Kicking him in the stomach, but he saw it coming and deflected her move and grabbed her by the throat.

Blake watched as he kept a firm hold around her neck while choking her. He was so tempted to step in, but he knew he couldn't. He kept on chanting for her and in the end, she knees him in the shin.

He smiled as he saw her overpowering him regardless of her previous injuries. He felt very proud when he saw that she had won as all nine members were bowing in front of her.