Chapter 13

Third-Person Narrative

After Israel had won her battle against the gang members. She succumbed to her injuries and fainted.

"Israel!" Blake called and sprinted over to her. Picking her up in bridal style, he assessed the damage to her injuries.

Subsequently, he gave the members Israel contact information. Then walked over to her car, where he gently lay her in the backseat. Jogging over to the driver's seat, he wasted no time getting in and started the car.

"Hold on Izzy, we'll be there in a couple of minutes. I promise I won't let any harm come to you." He muttered as he speeds down the road.

Taking out his phone, he dialed his gang doctor. "Dr. More, I need you and your team in the infirmary, soon as possible. I'm fifteen minutes out."

He then tossed his phone in the passenger seat,

I should have stopped her, I shouldn't encourage her to do the recklessly.

He began running his fingers through his hair, which had become a habit of his. Something he tends to do when he's frustrated. Putting pressure on the accelerator, he speeds through the traffic lights. As he avoids bumping into a passing vehicle.

Pulling up at the mansion, he hurriedly makes his way out of the driver's seat and headed toward the backseat. Where unconscious Israel laid. Sprinting to the front door he laid Israel on the stretcher. Soon after, the doctors rushed her to the infirmary.

After hours of pacing the corridors, where Israel was being kept. A man dressed in a white lab coat approached him.

"Doc, how is she?" He asked with a worried expression on his face.

"She's stable for now, but my only concern is she's not eating properly, she's very thin." The doctor stated looking at his clipboard.

"That's good," Blake muttered under his breath with a sigh of relief, "So what about her injuries?"

"She has three fractured ribs, a sprained wrist, broken nose. And her right eye is swollen from multiples hit. But I have given her some painkillers for the pain."

"Okay, so can I see her?" He asked eagerly.

"Yes, but she's sleeping as we speak, and keep her on bed rest for like a month, so her fractured ribs can heal." The doctor explained, fixing his glasses before turning away.

Blake walked over to the room where Israel was, before entering the room. He stopped and took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart. Then he turned the doorknob and entered the room, where Israel was sleeping.

Letting out a breath, he walked towards the bed, where she was sleeping peacefully. He then took her hand in his and gave it a small squeeze.

"You're going to be okay," He muttered. Placing a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, "How long was I asleep?" I asked no one in particular.

The walls were painted purple, there was a walk-in closet over the right side of the room. With a vanity mirror, and a door which I presume is the bathroom. On the left side of the room was another door leading to the balcony with a window seat. There was also a flat-screen television hanging on the wall.

The room was beautiful to say. Just as I was getting off the bed, the door flew open. And Blake walked in with a look on his face that said you're in big trouble.

"Where do you think you're going?" He demanded.

"The bathroom," I said in a duh tone, rolling my eyes.

"Okay let me help you," He offered me his hand.

After doing my business, I checked my appearance in the mirror and was shocked to say. Letting out a sigh, I returned to the room.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Three days," He spoke, "I should've stopped you from challenging those lowlifes, I thought I lost you."

"Even if you had tried, there was nothing you could've done to prevent it. I was going to fight those guys whether you like it or not. Even kicked your ass in the process if you tried stopping me." I said with a light chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thanks for looking out for me, but I have to go," I said, picking up my phone to make my way out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Blake asked with a stern looked on his face.

"To my motel room, I need to freshen up," I said with an eye roll.

"You're not leaving, your things are already here. So you can go freshen up, and I'll bring you your breakfast. Or I'll let a maid bring it to you."


After standing gawking like a fish for a good 3 minutes, I shrugged it off and make my way over to the walk-in closet. And just as Blake said, all my belongings were already there.

Upon entering the bathroom, I stripped out of my smelly and wrinkled clothes.

Subsequently, after my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and entered back into the room.

Which was mine for how long? I got no idea.

Walking over to the closet, I picked out a gray oversized shirt and joggers. Shortly after. Getting dressed, I leave my dumped hair to air dry.

I strolled over to the window seat and flopped down, admiring the lovely view. When there was a knock on my door and Blake walked in with a breakfast tray in both his hands.

He wore white sweatpants with a black shirt, he was like a Greek god. How I would love to wake up to the sight of this every morning.

"I bought you pancake, toast bread, cheerios cereal, cut fruits, milk, and orange juice." He spoke, snapping me from my trance.

Third-Person Narrative

Blake watched her, like a predator watching his prey, as she took small bites from her pancakes.

As he looked at her, he realized the bruises were started to fade. But he was too caught up in the girl to notice that she was healing very quickly. Too quickly for any human being.

As he stared at her, he felt the urge to protect her at all cost. And the moment she lifted her head and smiled at him his heart flutters. And he knew he couldn't bring himself to betray her.