Chapter 16

I woke up in a small room with white walls, I realize It was a hospital room.

How long have I been here? I wondered as I sit up.

"It's good to see that you're awake,"

"Xander, is that you?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?"

"Thirsty," was the only thing I could choke out."

"Here's some water," He offered, handing the glass over towards me.

Taking the glass with trembling hands, I drank all in one go, "So how long have I been here?"

"Two weeks," He answered, "You have been in and out of consciousness for the past two weeks."

"What! I've been sleeping for two weeks?" I asked in disbelief, "But how the last thing I remembered was running into you at the pizza parlor."

"So, what did the doctors say about my condition?" I asked, but before he could've answered, a knock came from the door.

Looking over, I saw Blake looking back at me, he looked like a mess. There were dark circles underneath his eye's and his clothes were all wrinkled.

"Ever since you have been in here, he hasn't left your side," Xander informed me.

"Izzy, are you okay?" Blake asked, "Thank god you're awake, I've been so worried. I shouldn't have let you leave the car." Blake rushed out, hugging me.

"I'm okay and even if you didn't let me leave the car, who say it still wouldn't have happened?"

"The doctors were instructed not to say what your condition is. I don't know what is going on with you." Blake mumbled, looking like a lost puppy.

"I bet it's nothing," I tried to assure him.

"You have been sleeping for two weeks, how can I not worry?"

"Look, I promise you everything is okay," I tried assuring him again, but I was nothing but a nerve wreck.

Soon after a doctor walked in with a clipboard, "How are you doing Ms. Katrina?"

"I'm doing okay, thanks," I answered, optimistically.

"Glad to hear that," He spoke, "I'm doctor Wilson, the one who's in charge of taking care of you. But before we get into it, sir, could you please excuse us?" He turned to Blake.

"Okay, I'll be outside if you need me," Blake said, hugging me.

"Okay, so Ms. Katrina, where was I?" He asked, then answered his question, "Yes, I was about to check your vitals."

"You're in good health," He announced, after doing the checks.

"So what was the reason for my fainting, doctor?" I asked.

"Katrina, I have some good news," the doctor chirped.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Your 4 weeks pregnant, congratulations."

"What!" I asked shocked, "But how?"

"You had sex, ma'am," the doctor said sarcastically.

Lost for words, I remained silent, processing his words.

"But that wasn't the cause of your fainting," He declared.

"If that wasn't the cause, then what was?"

"Xander will explain this to you," and at the mention of Xander's name, he walked inside.

"Xander, what is going on?"

"Katrina calms down I'll show you everything," Xander said taking a hold of my hand.

"But how? You didn't like to record it, did you?"

"Shhh, just close your eyes,"

And that was exactly what I did.


Third-person Narrative

Xander was pacing the corridors, as he runs his finger through his hair in frustration.

"What the hell is taking them so long?" He mumbled, "Their warlocks and faeries, they should have been finished by now!" He cursed and the wall cracks.

Suddenly, doctor Wilson rushed out of the room,

"Lord Xander, we need you in the infirmary," He said like he has seen a ghost.

"What happened?" Xander asked as they dashed to the room.

Pushing the door opened, Xander saw an Israel floating in mid-air. While her body was in flames.

"How did this happened?" He asked the doctor.

"I was checking her vitals, then her body went up in flames, and then she was floating in mid-air." The doctor explained, looking at the floating girl.

Xander tried getting her down, but Ice spikes came flying from her hands.

"How is she doing this while sleeping?" Xander asked after Ice spike flew right past his head and went to the wall.

"I don't know, I think she is a witch," the doctor let out.

Walking over to a floating girl, Xander tried to take a hold of her hand, but the flames grew higher.

Quickly he backed away, as to not get burn in the anger of the flames.

He muttered a few spells as he tried reaching for her hands. This time with the intention of not letting go. Regardless of how powerful the flame was.

After he had succeeded in bringing her down, the flames disappeared. Laying her down on the bed, he began chanting and a gushed of cold air hit his burning body. In an attempt to cool him down

His shirt was burned to on and there were burn marks all over his body, from the fire.

"What are you?" He asked, staring down at the sleeping girl.

End of flashback

"Say something?" Xander prompted.

"I-I can't, I don't have any powers t-that can't b-be true, I'm as ordinary as any human."

"I know this is a lot, but you are not human," Xander reasoned, "And so is that child growing inside you."

"But you don't understand!" I shouted at him, "How can I be a witch, my parent's never said anything about me being a witch."

"I don't believe you from this world Katrina and the people who said they were your parents, I don't think they were."

"But I've known them all my life, how can they not be my parents?" I argued, this is ridiculous.

"I don't know, but we'll figure this out together, in the meantime just stay low until I figured something out"

"But I have to tell Blake something, he is the father of my unborn child."

"Okay, but that's it," Xander said, sternly, "Nothing more until I say, because if I think you are what I think. You and your unborn child could be in danger."

"I ..."

"Are you okay?" Xander asked.

"Yes, I'm just exhausted, and my head hurts," I answered.

"Okay rest up I'll inform Blake about your current situation,"

"Okay," I muttered in a sleepy state.

Third-person Narrative

"What's wrong with her?" Blake asked.

"Nothing she's perfectly fine, she's sleeping," Xander assured him.

"So, what's wrong with her?" Blake asked, feeling slightly irritated.

"That's for her to tell," Xander said, walking away with the doctor by his side.

As Blake makes his way outside, he checked to see if anyone was watching him. Taking out his phone, he dialed a number.

"She's still breathing, what's your order?"

"It's time I make my move once and for all! Take her to the park, I'll be waiting for makes with my men."

After receiving instruction, he ended the call and speed off on his motorcycle.