Chapter 17

"Israel?" I heard a voice call, but I couldn't seem to wake up and answered their call.

"Israel dear?" They gently shook me.

But still, I couldn't seem to find the strength to opened my eyes and answered their request.

Opening my eyes, I noticed I was in unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where am I?" I asked as I scanned the empty park.

"Hello, dear," came a smooth voice.

As I swirling around, hoping that they will explain where am I?

But when I turned around, there wasn't sign of anyone.

Feeling a wave of nausea washed over me, I went to a nearby bench and instantly my hand caressed my belly.

"Don't be disappointed, Dear, I'm still with you," the voice said gently.

"Who are you? Where am I? And why am I not able to see you?" I fired.

"I'm Sabine, my dear, and I'm here to guide you on your quest," She said smoothly like she has practice her lines for a movie.

"What quest?" I asked, completely lost and confused.

"I can't give you the answer just yet, asked me something else."

"Why can't I see you?"

"Because I choose not to show myself."

"Okay, but where am I?"

"You're at the Quantum Realm."

"What is this Realm?"

"I'm sorry, dear, but I have to send you back now."

"Wait?" I called desperately, but I heard nothing from her. Opening my eyes, I blink twice to adjust to the brightness.

"Israel? Thank goodness your awake, I was so worried."

"Xander!" I managed to crooked out, "I met someone in my unconscious state, she said she's here to guide me on my quest."

"What quest? And where were you?" He asked.

"I don't know, she didn't say," I sighed, "I was at a place called the quantum realm."

While I was deep in thoughts, he made his way to the chair that was next to the bed.

"Xander, What does that mean?"

"Do you know what a quantum realm is?"

"No that's what I'm trying to find out."

"A quantum realm is a different dimension."

"Okay, so I was in a different dimension, what's so special about that?" I asked, feeling slightly irritated.

"Israel there's a lot you don't know."

"Then explained it to me!"

"Years ago, the Queen of the Faerie world, gave birth to a baby girl. It is said she was destined to rule over all the lands and bring peace and harmony throughout every species. One dreadful night, there was a shape-shifter who could take the appearance of anyone. She entered the palace as the deceased Queen and took away the baby girl."

"Okay, so what does that have to do with me?"

"Israel, I believed you're the lost princess."



Turning to the door, Blake stood there with his hands in the pocket of his dark ripped jeans. He looked much better he was wearing a gray shirt, and his black hair was still messy. But it gave him a bad boy kinda vibe.

"Blake, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Yeah, I was wondering about your wellbeing and decided to stop by. I hope it's no problem?"

"No of course not," I answered with a smile, "Thanks for coming, I'm feeling a lot better."

"Good, glad to know, so have you eaten already?"

"No," and soon as the word escape my mouth, my stomach growled.

"I think it's time to get you something, do you want to grab a bite to eat with me? My treat."

"Yeah, I could love it too," I said smiling, "But I need to freshen up first, but I don't have anything to wear.

" Israel doesn't worry. I'll let one of the maids bring you something," Xander said rising from his sitting position.

Soon after he had left the room, Blake walked over and take his seat in the same chair Xander was occupying.

"So where's Kia?" I asked.

"I don't know, not my business," He spoke.

"You say that now, but you guys were pretty cozy, so what's the deal with you both?"

"She is my ex-girlfriend."

"Hmm, so what happened?"

"It didn't work out."

And just as I was about to question him further a girl maybe around 17 years old walked in. "My lady, lord Xander, request me to bring you some fresh clothes."

"Thank you," I said with a small smile, which she returned and then leave.

"You stay right here, I'm going to freshen up," I murmured.

Walking over to the bathroom, I stripped out of my hospital gown. While I star in at my reflection, I noticed that my black hair was on full display.

Not worrying about dying it anymore I shook the thought away. Then instinctively my eyes traveled down my stomach. Which was now displaying a small baby bump. With tears in my eyes, I caressed my tummy.

Stepping over into the shower, I applied shampoo into my greasy hair and wash it till I couldn't feel any form of dirt. Then I started to wash my body.

After doing so, I wrapped a towel around my body and begun brushing my teeth. After I began to get dressed. I wore a yellow summer dress, white flops and I let my hair down to air dry.

Walking into the room, I cleared my throat to gain Blake attention. "You looked beautiful, are you ready to go?"

Smiling at his compliment, I walked and placed a kiss on his lips, and headed to the door. Leaving him there grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Walking over to his car, I unlocked the passenger door and took my seat. I watched as he makes his way over to the car and unlocked the driver's door.

"So, where are we going?"

"On my way here I saw a cute little café by the park, we can grab breakfast there and then take a stroll in the park."

"Sounds like a breakfast date," I said, grinning at him.

"Yeah, sounds like a date to me also," He said with a tight smile.

Arriving at the café, he parked the car in the car lot, and we exited the car together. Stepping inside, we headed over to a seat near the door.

After we both took our seats and scanned the menu, we decided on ordering. We stopped a passing waiter and placed our orders.

I ordered a cup of coffee with waffles and Blake orders the same beverage but with pancakes.


And before he could've finished his sentence, the waiter interrupted. Placing our meals in front of us.

After Blake paid the bill, we headed over to the park, it was beautiful and calm with kids running and laughing.

"Blake I have something to tell you," I started, but his phone rang, interrupting us.

"I'll be back," He excuses himself to answer the call.

And before I could comprehend any of it, Blake is shouting at me telling me to run.

Shocked by what was going on, a passer pointed his gun at me. He was ready to shoot me, but Blake tackled him to the ground.

And that was all it took for me to run without looking back.