Chapter 18 (editing)

Curled up in the corner of a room that Xander said I could call mine with the lights off and headphones on I listened to "Ali Gate_ It's you" on repeat while thinking about Blake.

Did Blake and the snake leader ally?

Could it be possible to be he was sent to watch my every move and reported back?

Did he know my true identity all along?

Was all of this just a game to him?

All those sob stories he had told me about his father and sister, was any of it true?

Was I just another one of his targets?

Was sleeping with me just apart from the plan?

Did he ever care for me?

What I'm going to do about the baby?

So many questions with no answer, sigh. Feeling utterly broken I didn't even realize I was crying until a teardrop hit the screen of my phone.

Why I'm feeling this hopeless?

Could it be possible to be I'm in love with him?

When did all this happen?

Tired of thinking because of the pain it causes, but it's the only thing that's keeping me sane, how pathetic of me curled up in the dark thinking and crying over someone who was sent to have me killed.

I'm stupid for wanting to re-live the past few months, to spend my days with him.

Ugh!! What is wrong with me?

He tried to get me killed; "Where is Israel?!"

I heard someone roared in anger from a distance, wait could it be possible to be Blake?

Wiping away all the tears from my eye's I went over to the bathroom flickered the light's on to check my face, seeing that there are tears stain on my face I hurriedly washed away all evidence then make my way out of the corridor where the noise was coming from.

"I want to see her!" Blake yelled, with blood dripping down his nose, it seems like he was in a fight while running his finger through his hair.

"No! Not after you almost got her killed" Xander said with a scowl on his face.

"I don't need your permission," Blake said in a low but dangerous voice.

"You're not seeing her," Xander said with determination laced in his voice.

"Watch me" was all Blake said while pushing pass Xander

As Blake makes his way past Xander, he turned and grabbed hold of his shirt when Blake turned around to face Xander he sent a punch hitting Blake in the jaw, Blake stumbled backward, but after he gained control of his footing he sent a quick blow towards his ribs.

Ugh!! Xander groaned in pained staggering back way while holding his side, Blake charged at him throwing hit after hit not giving Xander a chance to his feet.

Suddenly a blast of light came from Xander's eye sending Blake flying in the air, I watched in horror as Blake hit the wall with a loud thud angrily Xander strolled towards him with both his fastball.

Blake raises to his feet and unexpectedly he kicks Xander in the stomach with a deadly force that sends him to his knees; "Is that all you have?" Xander asked chuckling getting back on his feet.

After rising to his feet he hit Blake a few times with his fireballs, I watched as Blake already turned his shirt burned to ash off his body and he fell to his knee and spat blood.

"Enough!" I roared and the force of my voice send Xander flying backward crashing into the wall, rushing over to Blake in full speed I caught him in my embrace before he could hit the ground.

"Blake?" I called removing his messy hair from his face while resting his head in my lap.

But I got no answer checking for his pulsed it was beating but faintly, "Xander!" He needs a doctor as he dashed towards us, he pulled Blake to a standing position with my help, throwing one arm around his neck he uses his right hand to support his body and flew out of my sight of vision.

With tears filled eye's I make my way up the stairs to the infirmary, walking inside the first thing my eye's court was Blake laying on the hospital bed wrapped with bandages on his face, his left arm was in a cast also an IV drip was contacted to his right arm, he looked badly wounded.

Walking over towards his bed with my hands over my mouth to silence my sob, I take my seat in an empty chair that was placed beside his bed; you have to wake up I need you, with tears streaming down my face I continued talking to an unconscious Blake we're expecting a baby, and I'm going to be needing you, I'm going to suck at this parenting thing... haha...

I find out a month ago that makes me 2 months along... see I sucked at this chucking at myself I began drying my tears, besides you have some explaining to do mister? What was that back there? I could've died! Look you better woke up! I exclaimed crying my eye's out.

Third-person Narrative

Xander watched from the door frame as Israel break down in tears sobbing for Blake, feeling a wave of guilt he let out a deep sigh and approached her.

"Israel I'm so sorry," he said reaching for her shoulder and unexpectedly she wrapped her arm's around his torsos sobbing;

"I can't lose him" she sobbed.

"I know I'm sorry, I lost controlled" but I heard a myth about the Prophetess has powers of healing, If I can help you channel your power's you can wake him up Xander exclaimed in a hopeful manner.

"How?" She asked eagerly.

"You can travel to the faerie world with me," Xander said while looking at Blake unconscious body.

"I don't.... sigh okay when do we leave?" She asked feeling defeated.

"At nightfall," Xander said walking towards the door.

"So I think I'm some kind of witch faerie," Israel said to Blake with a light chuckle while wiping away a stray tear;

"I'm going to make you all better I promised" with that said she placed a kiss on his forehead.

With great determination, Israel leaves the room to get ready for their travel.