Chapter 26 (editing)


I will do no such thing! I said rising from my seat knocking it over.

"You dear to defy your king!"

You. Are. Not. My. King! I emphasize each word in anger when dry lightning began trucking in mid-air and a mass of wind begun blowing everything away.

"You will marry the elf prince! And that's an order!" The king arises from his seat which causes thunder to start roared in the room.

And what makes you think you can command me? I asked in a deep dark voice which I couldn't recognize as my own, chuckling at my question.

"I give you life I can taketh!" He shouted furiously which result in heavy rain pouring.

AHH! I roared when huge lightning struck the dinner table sending everyone and everything flying in all directions.

Suddenly I couldn't move an inch it was like my body was paralyzed and my bones were breaking, pain shooting throughout my entire body; what are you doing to me? I scream in pain.

"You will not defy your king child." The king said calmly but his eyes were raging in the fire.

Dropping to the floor on my knees I cried in pain which result in the heavy wind and lightning to disappear into thin air; I will not defy my king, the words leave my lip in a whisper due to the pain shooting throughout my body, and the last thing I remembered was zander picking my up in bridal style before everything went black.


"What the hell were you thinking that?!" Zander shouted when I opened my eyes.

I don't know, I lost control. I mumbled trying to sit up but I was just so weak my muscles gave out.

"The king demanded you get married soon as possible," Zander said with sympathy written all over his face.

I will not do any such thing!

"You don't have a choice it's your destiny."

I will not marry the elf prince! I state stubbornly.

"Then you leave me with no choice."

What the hell are you talking about?

"I'm going to have to inform the king about this human you cherished dearly."

Leave. Blake. Out. Of. This!

"It's your choice to marry the prince or watch blake suffer a slow and agonizing death."

You can't do this! I cried out in frustration while tugging on my hair.

"I won't do anything but you will."

"I'm giving you until nightfall to make a decision." Then he exited the room leaving me in pour silence.


Third Person Narrative

As the king and his councilors gathered in the throne room to discussed the event which happened earlier; one of them shouted "She's a liability to the kingdom!"

"She's dangerous! My king." The female from earlier said.

"She dear to defy your orders, she needs to be punished." The commander of war said.

"She needs to be taught a valuable lesson." One's suggested.

"Yes." They cheered in unison.

"Enough!" The king shouted.

Everyone in the room watched in silence, thinking about what will the king do. When suddenly the door opened with a loud creak as all eyes turned to the door they watched as zander entered.

"Your majesty and councilors," Zander said bowing at the foot of the table.

"What is the meaning of your presence?" The king asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I come with news about princess Israel." Zander state still bowing.

"What news?" The king asked.

"The princess won't marry the elf prince because she's in love with a human."

"A human?" The king asked with interest.

"Yes, your majesty but the human has been unconscious for months if you can bargain with princess Israel about the human life she will wedd with the elf prince."

"And what makes you so sure she will bargain with me?"

"I've already threatened human life, my lord, I have her until nightfall to make a decision."

"What was your alternative?"

"She either marries the prince or the human die, but the princess won't decide until she makes a request which needs to be fulfilled."

"And what request is that?"

"For you to healed the human."

"I will not bargain with her, and your dismissed do not interrupt my meeting again." The king said with a tone that leaves no room for argument.

As zander bow once again he exited the room leaving all the councilors in shock.

"Your majesty as your trusted advisors my advice is to bargain with the princess," Justin said while staring at the door.

"Yes my lord." The following councilors agreed with Justin.

"Meeting is over." The king said rising from his seat which leaves all the councilors in suspense.


"I don't like her!" Bella cursed.

"She's dangerous, she needs to be wiped off her power's." Said the mysterious man.

"How? She's the prophetess and she was born with these powers." Bella questioned with interest.

"Some time ago I was going through some books when I stumbled on a ritual to take power from one and giveth to another, but only the most powerful witch can perform the ritual."

"We need to find a witch who's powerful enough to take her power, but where can we find such a witch?" Bella asked while pacing around in the dark ally.

"I Know of a witch, she's life deep in the forest, she was cast out from her coven for performing dark magic."

"What happened to her?" Bella questioned.

"She killed all of the witches, she's now the loss of her kind."

"We should seek out to her, so I can get her to take the process power's and transferred it to me, then I'll be the new queen and I'll make you my top ranking counselor," Bella suggested with a smirk on her face.

"We shall but in the meantime keep an eye on our princess dearest." And with that said the mystery man walked deeper into the ally until he disappeared.

"She won't know what hit her." Bella thought while letting out a dark laugh.