Chapter 27 (editing)

Third Person Narrative

The king paced the corridor east wing outside of Israel chambers, contemplating if he should knock or if he shouldn't, but after a good whole fifteen minutes, he gave in and knocked on the door.

After placing the first knocked on the door he waited but he heard nothing, so he proceeded on knocking again after the second knocked he heard shuffling on the other side of the door but the door didn't open, thinking she didn't hear he knocked he placed another knocked but this time the knocked was twice as louder than the others before.

Feeling slightly irked he turned on his heels to leave, as he took two steps back from the door she heard shuffling, and then the door was opened.

"Your majesty, what a surprised," Israel said casually inspecting her nails without giving a care in the world nor looking the least surprised.

As the king inspect Israel's attire he was shocked to see her in booty shorts, crop top, and socks, he wanted to scream at her for in his eyes that is no way for a princess to dressed but he held it in and make his way inside her room.

"Sure why don't you just come inside," Israel said to no one, not to mention she said it sarcastically.

"I've come to know that your very fund of a certain human." The king started, staring at the girl who has all his features, he felt proud knowing that after 18 years of her disappearance she's finally home, he loved Bella with all his heart but sometimes he wished Bella was truly his daughter.

"Okay." was all Israel said not trusting herself.

"I've come to make amends." Said the king while he stared at the young faerie before him, he couldn't help but think how much he missed his deceased wife, she would have been so proud even though she may have all her father's features, she has her mother beautiful white hair.

"Ahh did you?" Israel asked in a bored voice.

"Yes." The king said dismissing all thoughts about his late wife.

"I Know why you here so no need to lie," Israel said staring at the king.

"Then tell me dear child, why I'm here?" The king questioned with a look of amusement written all over his face.

"You came here to make a deal about blake, I'm guessing you're going to give me something like marrying the elf prince and blake life, or marry the elf prince and I'll heal blake, So which is it my king?" She asked innocently but she was nothing but, she was furious with the man.

"Clever little girl aren't you?" He asked rhetorically with a light smile visible on his lips.

"What can I say my biological father is a king after all and not to forget the man who raised me was also a king." She replied calmly but you could sense the hint of sassiness in her voice, laced with venom.

"No doubt there, ah yes he was the leader of the ahh what's the gang that was killed by the snakes?" Was all the older man before she said.

"So what is it going to be your highness?" She asked while going back to inspecting her nails, ignoring the ole man questioned.

"I'll visit the human first thing the next morning and bring him back to life if you gave me your word's to get wedded to the elf prince." He said sternly.

"And if I don't?"

"I'll ensure he never wakes to see another sunrise."

Furious at his response she began pacing the room muttering curse words while throwing her hands up in a frustrating way.

"So what is it going to be daughter dearest?" He taunted with a hint of mischief visible in his eyes.

"You do know I can heal him myself right?"

She asked with a pout on her face which causes a line to creased on her forehead with her arms crossed.

"I'm aware of your gifts." He states bluntly, looking bored.

"Than what makes you think I'll agree to your terms?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because daughter dearest you do not have a choice, it's either you take up my offer or the human you love and adore this much to have you questioning the king decisions will die a slow and painful death, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it." He calmly said but inside he was nothing but, he was overjoyed with excitement knowing he's fully charged.

"Fine but on one condition."

"I'm listening, do tell what's your condition daughter dearest?"

"You healed him tonight and after the deed is done you will leave him alone."

"You have my word to leave your human toy alone." He said smiling.

"Okay now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get dressed and I'll take you to him."

Nodding at her the king makes his way outside of her room, as he approached the door he stopped and turn to face his daughter; "meet me in the throne room, I have a portal there." Then he turned into an existed room but before he did the girl send him a nod.

Soon after Israel's shower, there was a knock on her door, walking over to the door still wet from her shower with a yellow towel wrapped around her she opened the door.

"Bella?" Israel called but it sounded more like a question.

"Hi, can I come inside?" Bella asked.

"Yeah sure, why not?" She said unsurely.

"Our father demanded you get married to the prince, and I know you don't want to so I'm going to talk him out of it."

"Thanks, it's sweet of you," Israel said gratefully.

"Anything for your sister."

"But you don't have to." Israel later said going to her closet to get dressed.

"What do you mean? Have you already talked with your father?" Bella questioned with interest.

"Yeah, I've decided to marry the elf prince."

"What!" Bella shouted.

Yes, Israel said fully dressed walking out of the closet, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to see the king.

"You bitch." Bella thought to herself while making her way out of the room with Israel behind her.