Chapter 28 (editing)

Arriving in the king's throne room I saw him sitting on his throne with a glass filled with red wine, beside him was a servant standing with a tray also filled with fruits.

"Okay so I'm here now, where is this portal of yours?"

"Patience my dear child, now come to have a glass of La Grande Rue one of the finest red wine in france, and some fresh fruits with me."

"No thanks." I politely declined his offer.

"Come now, no need to be shy."

"I said no thank you, I just want this over with." The quicker you healed by beloved the quicker I can tell him about our baby, I thought to myself.

"Eager much are we, but okay the quicker I bring your human toy back to his conscious state the quicker you'll be able to marry the elf prince." He said giving the servant his empty glass, after she was dismissed he led me to a closed door.

After he unlocked the door we went inside, where there was a huge mirror positioned in the middle of the room. Walking over to the glass he began muttering some ancient languages when suddenly there was no longer our reflections in the mirror, but a reflection of the hospital room that blake was occupying.

He looked so beautiful yet peaceful, one would think he was sleeping. I didn't even realize a tear had rolled down my cheek until a finger was placed on my cheek, wiping away the lone tear.

"Let's go," I said sniffing my nose, taking a hold of his hand we entered through the portal.

Soon after we stepped foot inside the portal we were standing in the infirmary room where blake was lying unconscious; "hey" I said walking over to him, taking a seat that was placed beside his bed.

"I have so much to tell you, like for starters I've met my father his name is Thomas and guess what he's a king, it's a long and exhausting story but the man who raised me wasn't exactly my father, and I happened to be a princess (chuckling while sniffing) can you believe that it's been one hell of a rollercoaster."

"Can you excuse us?" Thomas asked while he gave my shoulder a small squeeze.

Nodding at him I placed a small kiss on his forehead and exited the room, stepping out of the room and into the corridor, I spotted zander going down the stairs with a phone to his ears like he was talking to someone.

"What's the hell he's doing here?" I thought out loud to myself angrily, it's because of him I'll never be with the man I love and with the great speed I didn't know I possessed in the blink of an eye I was standing right beside of him.

"Princess Israel, I didn't know you were here," Zander said with a small bow.

"WAOH! What just happened?"

"What do you mean?" Zander asked staring at me.

"I was just over there like a minute ago," I said pointing at the corridor up the stairs, trying to explain.

"Okay and now you're here so what's the problem?" Zander questioned confusedly.

"I think I might have super speed, I was standing up there, and now and I'm here." I pointed out.

"That's fantastic! But if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here?"

"I would like to ask you the same question, what are you doing here zander?" I asked with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Mafia business, now what are you doing here?"

"The king, he gave me an alternative," I whispered.

"Oh, I see." He mumbled looking up the stairs.

"After blake is well I'm supposed to get marry to the elf prince."

"It's for the best princess, the kingdom is depending on you."

"I never wanted this! I didn't even know magic exists until I've crossed paths with you so do not patronize me!" I shouted angrily which causes the mansion to begin shaking.

"Israel calm down" zander tried to smooth me but I was too furious to listen, I watched as all eyes were on me looking scared and panicked I could feel all their emotions coursing through me and I would also read their thoughts.

"Princess please, if you don't control your temper you will bring this house down and everyone in it including blake."

"Do not mention his name!" I yelled which send him flying backward into a wall, with angry tears streaming down my face the chandelier which was dangling from the ceiling came crashing down.


Third Person Narrative

Everyone who was in the house was now gathered in the sitting room expect king Thomas and blake, they watched in horror as the chandelier shattered all over the floor.

After zander has recovered from the hit he had taken earlier, he tried to reach out to Israel but it only results in her letting out a blast of fire from her hands, but zander deflected her move.

"It's all because of you!" She cried, which causes lightning to struck in the room;

"Take cover everyone!" Zander shouted, "Israel please I'm sorry." He pleads and likes the speed of lightning she was no longer floating in mid-air but before him with her hand around his throat.

"It's a little too late for that don't you think?" And before zander could get a word out she threw him across the room.

And before anyone could comprehend Israel was on the floor screaming in agonizing pain while clutching her head; What's happening to her? someone asked.

I don't know but I believe it has something to do with the man on the stairs, another one has sent pointing towards king Thomas descending the stairs.

"Make it stopped! Please make it stopped" She cried in pain.

With a blank expression on the king Thomas face he walked over towards her, he looked at her pour disappointment written all over his face, and with one last glance at her, he looked across the room where zander was laying unconscious.

"The task is done I expected you to bid your goodbyes....".

Not waiting for him to finish his sentence she ran out of the room in a flash, with tears streaming down her face she gently turned the doorknob and entered the room.

"Blake?" She called in a whispered while taking his hands in hers's and it was like time had stopped when blake opened his eyes and was met with teary eyes staring down at him.