The Titans of Ice

The sight was terrifying. Noah knew David could handle himself, but faced against a monster of this proportion, Noah didn't know what to think. It was twice his size and the sword may not be good enough to cut through its hair. Overall, this would be a potentially extremely dangerous fight.

David and the creature ran at each other. David slid under the creature's initial swipe and tried to slash at its legs, but it was nimble enough to dodge the attack. David quickly got back to his feet and got back to being in a position to protect Noah, though the creature seemed to be more interested in taking on David. This made it a much easier fight as David soon figured out that he didn't need to consider Noah as a factor. The battle had just been nothing but close dodges as both fighters tried to figure out the movements of the other. The creature was likely only so intelligent, so David had the advantage in that area. Where David was at a severe disadvantage would be the lack of energy saved up. Having just gotten through the blizzard zone, David was understandably tired at this point.

David knew he had to come up with some way to corner the creature. It only had one particular attack pattern, and that was to swipe with its claws. The legs were a non-factor, and it likely wouldn't try to bite an opponent that had a good reach distance. After some thinking, David came up with a way to score some hits on the creature.

The next time it tried to swipe at him, David stepped to the side and acted like he would try to cut the arm. As the creature lifted its arm and jumped backwards, David immediately ran at it to make the creature continue its retreat backwards. Without noticing, the creature jumped back right into one of the rocks acting as a gate and was temporarily stunned. David took advantage and took a stab at it. It was able to avoid a full blow hit, but was still cut on the side. David smirked as he thought he had the upper hand, but suddenly, the wound on the creature froze over. It would take something decisive to fell the beast.

After the first strike had been landed, the two started to walk in circles waiting for the other to make a move. David would probably only be able to take a single hit at best, especially if he took a full on scratch. David knew he had to end this quickly before he became overwhelmed. His next choice was to taunt the monster into running at him without thinking. David let out a roar as a challenge to the creature and it accepted. David moved out of the way last second and took a stab at the back. He quickly stuck the sword in and yanked it out so that he wasn't flung away. The creature roared in pain and upped the difficulty of the fight. It flung a large pile of snow at David to block his vision. As he regained vision, the creature was right there. This was an issue of do or die. David opted to take a full force slash in order to stab the heart of the creature.

The creature lunged forward and David plunged his sword into the heart and he also took a slash right to the chest, blood quickly pouring out. The monster was slain, but now David was in a critical situation. Noah rushed to him, as the large doors with the snowflake insignia started to open. Noah tried as hard as he could to pull David, but to no avail. Tears started to cover his eyes and blur his vision. It didn't take long for it to turn into a full on cry.

Noah: "HELP! PLEASE! ANYONE! Please... please..."

Noah gave up his calls, but he was in luck.

???: "Move aside, young one."

Noah looked behind him, there was a large figure that looked somewhat like an ice sculpture with the build of a muscular person. This had to be a Titan of Ice. Noah quickly moved as the Titan directed.

Noah: "Is he going to be okay?"

Ice Titan: "Our healers should be able to deal with a wound like this. If it was much deeper, it might have been a bigger issue, but regardless he will fine."

The Ice Titan froze the wound on David's chest and picked him up. Noah and the Titan walked to the doors.

Ice Titan: "I'm going to take him to the healing chamber, I will leave you with our leader as you discuss what you are here for and what you want to do next."

Through the doors was a large ice chamber with stairs leading to a throne with a large figure that looked similar to the Ice Titan that carried David, but this one had a crown upon its head.

Ice Titan: "I'm taking this one to the healers sire, shall I leave the kid with you?"

Crowned Ice Titan: "Yes. Take him quickly so complications don't occur."

The first Ice Titan left the room as Noah was left alone with what seemed like the leader.

Crowned Ice Titan: "Welcome, young one. You must have gone through quite a bit to get to this point. I recognize the other man as his ancestors have come here before, though you're not of his blood. What is your relationship to him?"

Noah: "I'm just his friend."

Crowned Ice Titan: "Friend? Interesting. You must be quite the trusted friend to have been brought here with him. We should introduce ourselves. My name is Yukioni, and I am the leader of the Titans of Ice."

Noah: "My name is Noah."

Yukioni: "Noah, state the intentions you have of being here."

Noah: "David is here to fight the trials to try and get ice magic to save the country from the king. The king gave an order to kill magic users, and even took my family."

Yukioni: "A noble goal it seems. To attempt to fight against an overwhelming power will take a strong resolve. What purpose do you have in being here?"

Noah: "If he fails, he wants me to see what the trial is like so that I can choose to take it one day."

Yukioni: "Well, I suppose there's no rule set against it, so that's fine. He will likely have to recover for a few days before he's ready and able to take the trial. We have rooms for guests set up, so you can stay there while he recovers."

Noah: "Are those made of ice too?"

Yukioni: "Yes, though notice it isn't cold in here. As beings of ice, we have quite the way of manipulating it to our advantage. The cold wouldn't bother us regardless though. I know you might want to see your friend while he recovers, but the healing chambers are off limits for anyone other than us, so we suggest you wait until he is released."

Noah: "Okay."

Yukioni: "Much more obedient than I expected... I guess your quick growth from a pure child is what he sees in you as a potential substitute as a hero. Being a hero isn't that simple though, the determination to want to be the hero plays a large role, and that's something I feel you have yet to gain. You lost your family, so your experience in pain is better than others, but not quite at the level where you can decide that your fate is to fight for others. Taking on pain for the sake of people other than you is difficult indeed."

Noah: "I think you're the first one to tell me I'm not a hero."

Yukioni: "People must be desperate if they're turning to a young one such as yourself. Though like I said, I feel you're on the cusp of becoming something like a hero, though I don't feel as if protecting all people will ever be your drive in life. Anyhow, allow me to guide you to the living chambers. You're free to exit them and attempt to converse with other Ice Titans, we don't have much to do here, so I'm sure they would indulge."

Yukioni showed Noah to his room. Despite the room being ice, the bed and other accommodations were made of normal materials.

Yukioni: "I will send someone to get you when your friend has made his recovery. For now, I will see you at a later point in time."

Noah was worried for David, but all he could do was lay down and sleep. He hoped his recovery would be successful as well as quick.