Trial of Ice

It had been two days since David took the hit from the creature outside of the Ice Titan's dwelling. Noah hasn't had much of anything to do besides talk with the Titans and learn a little bit more about them. As David had mentioned, getting information about the old world of magic was out of the question at the moment. Noah did learn that the creature David had fought was a defense mechanism for those who made it past the blizzard zone. It was like a prerequisite to the actual trial in a way. Apparently it is meant to stop attacking before causing fatal damage to someone.

Noah also learned that there were many more Titans out in the world. He wasn't given any specific figures, but it was good to note that the Ice Titans weren't the only ones. They couldn't rely on trying to find the others though. The Ice Titans refused to tell about the defenses other Titans had set up. They did mention every dwelling has a creature to defend, but in terms of the curse the Ice Titans had on Heaven's Peak, it was unknown if others did something similar.

The most important piece of information gathered by Noah was that even without having magic at birth, he was still able to gain magic from completing the trial. It was a situation where Noah didn't know how to feel. It would have been easier if he was unable to get magic as he wouldn't have to consider being a hero. The pressure is going to pile on if David fails the trial when he's able. A multi-week trip back home if David fails is not something Noah wants to experience. David already made his point that he wouldn't pressure Noah, so the walk would likely just be a quite one.

After the day was over, Noah went to bed, but didn't fall asleep easily. He was deep in thought about what to do if David failed. The still daily nightmares were also a concern. Noah considered staying up until he passed out, as usually the nightmares didn't happen when he didn't fall asleep of his own volition. Constant worry for David also ravaged his mind.

When Noah woke up, he could hear talking, though it sounded somewhat far away, so it was likely coming from the main room. When he went to the room, he saw David talking with Yukioni.

Noah: "David! You're okay!"

David: "A little scratch wouldn't have killed me. Plus I needed to win this trial and get you back home safe and sound."

Yukioni: "Speaking of the trial, it will begin in half an hour, warm up and do whatever you need to. We've only housed you thus far to care for your injures, but now that they are healed, that hospitality will only be shown if you can win."

This didn't really come at a shock. Food and shelter were provided to Noah, but obviously that would only a temporary accommodation. David took the time he had to stretch and warm up since he had been bed ridden for three days. The Titans had cleaned the blood off of his sword as well. Eventually, the thirty minutes passed.

David stood next to the entrance door. Yukioni raised a hand and an ice wall erected, blocking the stairs. David was now walled in between the ice wall and the giant door.

Yukioni: "All you need to do is unarm or kill the summoned ice creature, it will also be wielding a sword. Its main goal is to unarm you. There is no time limit. When the creature is put into the arena, the trial will start."

David stood still by the door, sword tightly gripped with both hands. Yukioni threw a sword into the ring and then clenched his fist. From the ground a humanoid ice figure rose and grabbed the sword.

Yukioni: "Begin."

This wasn't like the fight against the creature guarding the gate. The ice figure took no time to check out David as an opponent and instantly rushed forward. It took a swing that was blocked by David. David then pushed back and made the figure stumble backwards slightly, but it regained footing quickly. The two swung at each other, though neither of them were close to landing any sort of hit. Any time David tried to back off, the figure would rush forward. David would have to adapt to how this figure was fighting. It likely didn't have any sort of stamina as it wasn't an actual living creature, so it was no wonder it continued to rush to try and wear David down. The figure's strategy was working well. David couldn't make any of the movements he wanted and was starting to become slightly fatigued. It doesn't help that he had just recovered after being injured, but now he can't stop moving in the most important fight he's ever had.

Noah couldn't do anything but watch. He didn't want to cheer so that David could focus, but things weren't looking up. Noah got the same feeling in his chest when he saw his home on fire all those months ago. He knew this wouldn't end well.

David was breathing harder and harder as he continued in his stalemate between the figure. David has tried going on the offensive at this point, but the figures movements are rapid and since it never tires, it can continue to make quick movements without consequence. From the beginning it wasn't a fair fight due to David's injury, but the Titan's side had every advantage imaginable against a fighter like David.

Noah had an idea in his head. Maybe the creature at the gate helped to identify fighting styles from potential challengers? It wasn't something he could confirm, and he wasn't about to ask. It was something that could potentially be something to take advantage of if Noah were to take the trial one day.

The fight was basically over, though David refused to give up. Drenched in sweat, he continued to swing and block. His movements were extremely sluggish, and obviously the figure showed no sign of slowing down. David dropped to a knee. The figure rushed forward towards the downed David. As the figure got close, David attempted a cheap slash at it, but he failed as it jumped backwards. David's sword fell out of his hand as he collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

Yukioni: "It was commendable to make it this far, but you have failed the trial. We talked about it earlier, and I'm sure your ancestors have told you, but this was the only chance at taking the trial for you. Train the young one here well if you and he so desire, though I ask that information on this place be kept only to your families as people would likely die attempting to find this place. Gather your senses, catch your breath, and then you shall leave this place until fate determines the next challenger."

The ice wall was lowered and Noah ran to David, who still lied on the ground.

David: "I'm sorry..."

Tears were forming in his eyes. The taste of defeat was one thing, but David had let down all the people who believed in him, and most importantly, the pressure of becoming the next challenger now weighed greatly on Noah. Over and over again, David quietly repeated his words.

David: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Noah: "It's okay, you tried. That fight wasn't fair anyway. Let's head back. Everyone will be proud that you got this far."

David: "Damn it all. That thing was the perfect counter to how I fight. Being fresh off an injury was annoying as is, but that just pisses me off even more..."

Noah: "Let's go back..."

David: "Yeah, okay..."

Yukioni: "I'll make a quicker and safer way down for you two as compensation for the climb."

The doors to the dwelling opened. To the left on the outside was a staircase made of ice.

Yukioni: "You won't slip, though if you fall off these stairs, that's not a problem of ours."

The doors closed as Noah and David approached the staircase.

David: "This is going to be a long trip back home, isn't it?"

And so the pair of travelers started their descent as well as, indeed, the long trip back to their home.